Turn on your PS2 and put your Kingdom Hearts disc inside. This is the next "Eyes on plays!"
In past editions of "Eyes on plays" players were asked to take screenshots in order to prove their accomplishments. Not this time, though! Don't you worry about it! Starting a new game isn't a requirement either; continue an old save, if you want. Maybe there's a sidequest you never completed.
However, as a courtesy to anyone who might be playing Kingdom Hearts for the first time or can't quite remember story events, let's mark spoilers.
- Peek at Selphie's and Jane's panties
- Complete all five levels of Jungle Slider
- Find all 99 Dalmatians
- Seal 100 Acre Wood
- Win all of the cups and matches at the Coliseum
- Hit a Rare Truffle 100 times in the air
- Find all Trinity Marks
- Defeat optional bosses (SPOILER)Kurt Zisa and Phantom
- Level Sora, Donald, and Goofy to 100 (this is pretty easy, actually)
- Synthesize all items
- Collect all Gummi blueprints
- Acquire every weapon
- Learn every magic spell
- Acquire all summons
- Construct a really cool Gummi ship
- Peeking at Selphie's and Jane's panties
- Favorite world
- Whether you replace Donald or Goofy when a new character joins
- The most annoying enemies
- Disney references
- Fastest ways to level up characters
- Mushrooms: love or hate?
- Favorite piece of music
- Best-looking Keyblade
- The voice acting
- Level Sora to 50 or 100 on Destiny Islands