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Thread: Who have you played with?

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    permanently mitten
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    Default Who have you played with?

    I know that EoFFers were spread out all over the place as far as servers go, but most of us still managed to play with one another at some point. So which EoFFers have your played with?

  2. #2
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    Misfit is the first person I met on FFXI, before I met any goblins even. She harassed me for picking Bastok then she made me come with her to San d'Oria. There she left me as a level 1 Warrior and I had to get back all alone. >;o I did a few exp parties with her but mostly we just goofed around and bothered people we came across.

    Same category as Misfit, we didn't have many constructive parties, we mainly just bothered people again.

    Levelled some in Valkurm, and she eventually introduced me to Qufim when that time came. We also levelled some random job from level 1 to 5 in subligar outfit. much fun!

    He helped me get the Magicked Skull! I don't think I ever met him again after that.

    Del Murder
    I partied with him once in Qufim. I don't think I met him again, I guess I quit playing not long after.

    That's everyone I met on Asura/Pandemonium in 2004/2005, I think.

    On Midgardsormr in 2009 I met...

    Loony BoB & Smittenkitten
    We did pretty much everything together. Missions, quests, goofing around, exp parties. You name it! We started playing together and when I came to Scotland in August we pretty much played FFXI all the time xD

    Partied with him a few times!

    The White Wizard of Fynn
    Played with him and his girlfriend a while when they were on their trial run. Helped them get some equipment and PL'd them a bit.


    I think I only met him briefly in a town, but we talked on /tells sometimes.

    Flying Mullet
    Same as White Wizard of Fynn, he got the trial run and I followed him around a bit in Windurst.

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Miriel, Misfit, Levian, Phanoix, Siegfried, Bleys, Ouch!, Omecle. Hope I didn't forget anyone.

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    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Omecle, Lionx, Chocobo the Knight, Alpha, Grandlethal, Krystic, Misfit, Miriel, Del Murder, Levian, Loony Bob, smittenkitten, Kentarou, Mirage, Citizen Bleys, Ultimage...

    I'm sure I'm forgetting some older names as well.

  5. #5
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    I like your style Levia! Props to you!

    Mikztsu - First person I ever played with on Asura! He would send me random things like twine or something in the mail every once in awhile. He was pretty advanced when I started so we didn't get to level together or anything like that.

    Misfit - Played together on Asura and had some random adventures with Mik & Levia including harassing newbie players and going on boats and taking off all our clothes. She abandoned me after a little while and went over to Pandemonium. Eventually convinced me to switch servers. Played together on Pandy for awhile and then she QUIT like a big fat QUITTER. And then she came back. And then quit again! But while we played together she was also super helpful. Got a lot done with her help.

    Levia - Played together a little while on Asura and then again on Pandy. Weirdly attracted to Bastok for some reason, always making me go all the way over there to play together. Subligar fun times.

    Bleys - I occassionally hopped over to Alexander to see what was up with Bleys. And he would hop over sometimes to our server to hang out. I think he was the one who told me about buying the Dispel scroll from Rabao and then selling it for profit at the AH. That's how I made gil for months!

    Theabominatrix - On pandy I think. Helped her and her friend get started in the game. Leveled together and PL'd them. Then theabominatrix quit and told me her friend was super weird. The friend kept playing and eventually made a female character and told everyone he was a girl and asked me to not tell anyone he was really a guy. O_o

    Undeadhero - I think he was on Pandy too. He kept quitting and coming back and quitting and coming back. Only saw him occasionally. But he always seemed to be crafting!

    Omecle/Ouch! - This was when I was kinda fading out of FFXI so I didn't get to play with them much while they were on Pandy.

    Loony BoB - This one doesn't really count. I went to Midgar with a newbie character named Salsaroja and bothered him with tells like, "Salsa roja! THE DEVIL'S SAUCE!!" He thought I was Levian.

    Del Murder - He seriously did NOT want to play this game! Finally convinced him to and now he's playing it and I'm not. xD In the beginning I was all, "ok let me show you how to do everything!" but eventually he got to be a much better player than me and I was all, "ok, how do we do this quest? what do I do? Where do I go??" Could not have managed to get to lvl 75 without him.
    Last edited by Miriel; 06-09-2010 at 12:10 AM.

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I will do mine the long way too.

    Miriel (Eleni)
    My lovely was the first person I met in the game. She showed me the ropes, and was my partner the whole way. PL'd my very slow WAR in the first days and in the dunes too, and also helped me do my first misssions, get subjob items, PLD flag quest, all the little low level things that you take for granted. She was only level 48 WHM at the time and probably would have never gotten to 75 if I didn't get addicted to the game and push her. We got our first 75s together . We also went through several missions together, like Zilart and ToAU. One of my greatest memories in FFXI was when we beat Alexander. I was so pumped. Another great feat we accomplished was beating the San d'Oria rank 10 mission as a duo. We made a great team!

    Misfit (Tyno)
    Misfit was our guide through vanadiel and the third member of our trio. She was the highest level person I knew at first, all the way at level 66 WAR! I was in such awe at her strength when she would beat hard stuff up for us. Sometimes her other friend who was a 75 WAR came along and I looked up to him too. He saved our asses so many times. One of my favorite stories was when Miriel and Misfit would send tells to random newbies in the dunes of {Are you alone?} over and over. So funny. I would randomly /tell Tyno {Are you alone?} because of that.

    Levian (Smelly)
    Didn't really interact much with Smelly except for one party. He just randomly showed up one day and so we partied, and then he randomly quit after. You left us you punk!

    ThePhoenix (Phanoix)
    Phanoix was my back up WHM when Eleni was unavailable. We duoed sometimes, mostly for skill ups. I still see him on Asura and wave. Possibly the last Eoffer left besides myself.

    Siegfried (Liera)
    Brought his THF to help us get the level 50 limit break items. That's pretty awesome of him, considering what a daunting task those stupid items used to be. Drop rate on Ancient Papayrus was like 1%.

    Citizen Bleys (various)
    Bleys would come and go on Pandy. Sometimes we would party when he was around. I think we did Dunes once together. The most memorable experience with him was when he helped us get the item for Opo Opo Crown in the sand pits. We were there for about 4 hours killing worms and he stayed until we got them. That was really nice of him.

    Omecle (Omecle)
    It was really cool when Omecle and Ouch came to Pandy for a while. I wish they stayed because they were good folks. Ome is a fellow Taru PLD which automatically makes him awesome. He and I and Ouch (and sometimes Eleni) hung out a lot when they were around. He even joined our Dynamis linkshell even though the run times were at like 4 AM for him. Even though I wasn't there, one memorable moment was when he got a Valor Surcoat on his very first Dynamis run with my LS. A couple members wasn't too happy about that, but hey, that's the luck of the draw! If you wake up at 4AM to tank Dynamis-Xarcabard then you deserve a freaking surcoat.

    Ouch! (Ouch)
    Ouch somehow remains one of the people I talk to the most on FFXI, even though he's on a different server. When he spent his brief period on Pandy (only to break my heart), we had some awesome times together. One fond memory was when I wasted those G2 NMs for him. I was surprised I handled them so well. I wish I had the opportunity of partying with him when he was level 75 because I think we would have had some great adventures. There were times when I contemplated dropping $30 to go play with these guys but I'm a very loyal person so I couldn't abandon Pandy. We still have nice chats via Playonline messages, even if he is an elitist gear whore.

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  7. #7
    permanently mitten
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    Citizen Bleys (various)
    Bleys would come and go on Pandy. Sometimes we would party when he was around. I think we did Dunes once together. The most memorable experience with him was when he helped us get the item for Opo Opo Crown in the sand pits. We were there for about 4 hours killing worms and he stayed until we got them. That was really nice of him.
    Oh my gosh, I remember that! I was obsessed with getting those crowns. Thank you Bleys!
    Quote Originally Posted by Levian View Post
    She harassed me for picking Bastok then she made me come with her to San d'Oria. There she left me as a level 1 Warrior and I had to get back all alone. >;o .
    Ahahaha. xD That's classic Misfit behavior! One time she made me go all the way to Sandy so she could show me how to sit inside a christmas decoration box.
    Last edited by Miriel; 06-09-2010 at 12:18 AM.

  8. #8


    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    A couple members wasn't too happy about that, but hey, that's the luck of the draw! If you wake up at 4AM to tank Dynamis-Xarcabard then you deserve a freaking surcoat.
    The ironic thing is my current dynamis linkshell get 1-2 surcoat drops per Dynamis-Xarcabard and the thing isn't even that great anymore! XD I remember that one chick getting really pissed off because she wanted it and had a level 60 PLD.

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    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    She still hasn't gotten one. =P

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    She still hasn't gotten one. =P
    Good, she was a bitch anyway. After all the help I gave her, she just turned around and gave me .

    "... and so I close, realizing that perhaps the ending has not yet been written."

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    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Del Murder View Post
    We still have nice chats via Playonline messages, even if he is an elitist gear whore.
    And damn proud of it.

  12. #12
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    Just ♪TJ Gaga♪. He was nice enough to pay for me to play the game for a couple of summer vacations, and unfortunately that's the only time I've ever played FFXI! I hope to pay for it myself and start again someday n.n

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    Whoops, I forgot, I've played with Bert too!

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    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I think that's it.

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    In the few months I was actively playing...

    smittenkitten - Obviously. We did pretty much everything together.
    Ouch! - Partied a few times, fished together a lot. xD
    Kentarou - Probably the one that put the most effort into Danielle and I really getting into FFXI, and without him we'd probably have stopped much earlier on. I can't thank him enough when it comes to really helping me out, he was awesome.
    Levian - Lots of party antics. Lev+smitten+me = most of my early gametime and a lot of my later gametime. We even played when on holiday together. xD
    Shawtiie - The reason I kept playing the game, probably, especially in the later stages. I think Danielle, Shawtiie and I did everything together, and if we weren't doing it together, we generally didn't bother playing. I really hope she is on the same FFXIV server as we are.
    Omecle - I can't remember if we actually partied or not, though? I think we did once or twice in the dunes.
    Miriel - What she said. xD
    Mirage - Partied a couple of times, I think, and travelled together through the more dangerous (for us low level characters) areas.

    I think Mulley joined right after I stopped playing, but I'm not entirely sure.
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