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Thread: What musician do you hate the most?

  1. #76


    Hating someone for producing music you don't like is ridiculous.
    Hating them for their personal actions or ideas however, is a bit more sensible.

    To that end. I hate Kanye West.

  2. #77
    Academic's Avatar
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    I can't say I -hate- anyone, but rather, their voice probably annoys me. I say a lot of times that I would like bands more if there was no singer. An example of this would be Dave Matthews. God, I hate his voice. It makes me cringe, but the instrumentals are cool.

  3. #78
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    how are the beatles overrated they saved more people than jesus ever did

    namely [bad leg joke removed by higher authority than I]

  4. #79
    YOU BOYS LIKE MEXICO?! Jowy's Avatar
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    i hope dave matthews gets mauled by a bear

  5. #80
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Oh, if we're talking about hating someone because of their personality then I'd go with John Mayer for, "And by the way, it's sort of a contradiction in terms, because if you really had a hood pass, you could call it a n----r pass. Why are you pulling a punch and calling it a hood pass if you really have a hood pass? But I said, I can't have a hood pass. I've never walked into a restaurant, asked for a table and been told, we're full."

    What the heck is he talking about?

    Actually I'd still go with Lil Wanye too because he said, "I'm gonna be in the white house someday" and was actually serious.

  6. #81


    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Rad Bromance View Post
    You know, I recall seeing this years ago and I thought "Thanks Captain Obvious!" You could do this with thousands of songs and playing them together they'll have a main beat pattern or tempo that's the same.
    I agree completely. I remember seeing that years ago as well, and had the exact same thought. There are tons of more legitimate reasons to hate Nickelback. The music does tend to sound the same, but that's because they're just a bland and crappy band rather than them actually copying themselves.
    Thing is, damn near everything you hear on the radio does this and it's far worse than you think. Almost any popular song you know has some variation of I, IV, vi, and V. I regularly sit at the piano and work on my ear-playing with popular music and it's laughable how often this is the case.

    My wife and I like to also play a game in the car. It's called the "one note game." Because most songs are four-chord songs you can usually pick a single note and sing it straight through any song. The chord variety is so lacking that this one note will harmonize with almost every chord. Occasionally you might have to vary by a step every 4th chord.

    I don't understand why people get so pissy.... well actually I do. It'[s triablism. It's the same reason people get so bent and defend themselves in 360 vs PS3 fights or pick a sports team and claim it to the superior in every way. That said, it's stupid. These artists haven't done anything to you. Hating them is a joke.

    Lady Gaga is someone people love to hate. People just love jumping on the hate bandwagon. She's actually talented, but she's smart enough to play the game. She knows that talent won't get you crap in the music industry. Being weird and garnering attention while writing mediocre music will. She's sticking out on purpose and she's smarter for it. That doesn't make her music awesome, but there's no reason to hate her. Hate her all you like.

    What I do dislike is what music has become. No one has real talent and those with it will have to hide it to make progress (Lady Gaga). You have to have an image. You can be tone deaf and become a musical start. The industry is full of image makers. They want beautiful people or interesting people or controversial people. They don't want musicians.

    Some talentless hacks get lucky in the system while others work the system. The people who try to not sell out and try to be "real" artists aren't going to fare so well.

    It's easy to judge someone for selling when your bills are paid.

    EDIT: As for the John Mayer thing, I'm unaware of it as I haven't followed Mayer in several years. However, it sounds to me like he's making a valid point. If you have a hood pass you are free to say nigger. Therefore it's silly to call it a hood pass. Just call it a nigger pass. I disagree that it's really pulling any punches to call it a hood pass. It's just an easy way to refer to it for everyone whether or not they feel they can safely use the word nigger.

    I could be wrong though considering I have no idea of the context in which he said it.

  7. #82
    Do You Like Waffles? DarkBahamut's Avatar
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    Someone I hate?



    No time for "Dilly-Dallying" or "Shilly-Shallying."
    Props go to the one and only, Proxy, for the signature.

  8. #83
    Got obliterated Recognized Member Shoeberto's Avatar
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    Nickelback and Katie Perry are the two worst offenders in my mind right now.

  9. #84
    Carnage-'s Avatar
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    Nickelback (sounds the same in every song and easy to copy/make fun of), Brokencyde (is this even music?), Lil Wayne (self explanatory), Fall Out Boy, All Time Low, Cannibal Corpse (I may like metal but these guys are WAY smurfed up), Justin Bieber.

    I actually dislike 95% of rap music, the only kind I do prefer is select songs from Kid Cudi, Jay-Z, Ludacris, ect.

  10. #85
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    The music does tend to sound the same, but that's because they're just a bland and crappy band rather than them actually copying themselves.
    Nickleback has songs ranging from country to hard rock. I think the problem is that the stations you are listening to only like to play similar sounding ones. They aren't my favorite bands, but I feel their non multi-demographic hits are by far their best work.

    I just about exclusively listen to the rock station in Vancouver, so I can't say I experience a wide slice of what is out there. Consequently I don't have any rap/hip hop/country artists to hate, as I never hear any of their songs.

    #1 by FAR: Tragically Hip. IMO they such, and they are played SOOOO much here. I know so many people who hate them, which of course just creates a self perpetuating feedback loop of hate

    Hating someone for producing music you don't like is ridiculous.
    You can hate the artist independently of the person. If that makes any sense.

  11. #86
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate hate...sorry got a little crazy there and well you can see why:


    Theres a perfectly valid reason beyond being subjected to 9 hours constant of the Viva La Vida album on it's release day which is reason enough...

    Chris smurfing Martin! Seriously the man is married to Gywnneth Paltrow one of the most beautiful women out there in the world. More to the point it's not just that he's married to her happily so, he has beautiful children with her and is so rich he can pretty much buy anything he wants including islands if he chose to. Do you think Chris Martin is happy? He certainly doesn't with his needy, whiny, stupid, angsty songs he constantly sings. I just want to beat him screaming in to his face to try singing something happy.

  12. #87


    Quote Originally Posted by DarkBahamut View Post
    Someone I hate?


    IMO, she is too annoying and ugly to be jailbait. Just seeing her name makes mad... >:{

  13. #88


    Quote Originally Posted by Carnage- View Post
    All Time Low
    I may or may not have to beat you up.

    I've found that skeletons grow stronger when kept in the rearview.

  14. #89
    This is gonna be legen- Proxy's Avatar
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    Jacob Hoggard. I want to see him killed to death...dead

  15. #90
    BibliophileExtraordinaire Manny's Avatar
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    If Stephanie Meyer were a musician, I would hate her the most.

    I DO hate her the most, I don't care what she is.

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