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Thread: Dissidia tier list (high)

  1. #1

    Default Dissidia tier list (high)

    Most of us have seen tier lists, and probably don't like them, I think every character is usable, and no one person can make a tier list because they will subject their bias. It will be tough but I would like to create a non-bias one. The mid-tier is too big so I am going to break it into sets of 4 and bottom set of 2. I am going to make an attempt at the top 4 only right now, *[this is part 2]* everyone post the 4 characters you believe to be in the top 4 and give a reason. This is also assuming mastery of each character who would win. Some characters come with a high learning curve like kefka so that should not drop them to bottom.

    5. Kuja(speed range and power are all great not to mention the hitbox of flarestar. Just a character that is difficult to deal with, few solid weaknesses)
    6. Gabranth(very bad non-EX, but when in EX his combos are down-right absurd + HP with crazy range/near undodgable [innocence] If set to EXP>EX + increase EX mode duration, he is in my opinion #1 tier, but that having to run to charge to get going drops him here)
    7. Kefka(I know what ur thinking, whats ths guy smoking? but seriously, I said assuming mastery and a good kefka player knows what order to fire off spells in, in Ex mode it because impossible to avoid and gets simlar to Gabranth, and an ex build makes this very possible and deadly.)
    8. Jecht(homing absurd combos, wtf, that pretty much says it all, a crazy combo that is easy to pull off and near unavoidible)
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  2. #2
    programmed by NASIR Recognized Member black orb's Avatar
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    >>> I have played and nearly mastered all the characters in this game but I still use Firion as my main, I dont know maybe my playing style suits to that character..

    About cheap characters, i think Cloud gets the first place..
    >> The black orb glitters ominously... but nothing happens..

  3. #3


    I put firion lower because of his air weakness, but he is in my top five for personal use, cloud is also lower just because of his speed and just because u can't block his EX, doesn't mean u can't dodge so he got mid.
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  4. #4
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    I don't use a variety of characters, so it's tough for me to make an informed comment, but I think Tidus is deserving of a top tier. His moveset is evasive, quick and quite ranged at times.

    My main, Squall, is probably mid tier, maybe even low tier, because of his poor HP attacks. His Bravery attacks are awesome though, so much so that you could call it broken. So I don't know where he'd belong.

    I think you're bang on right about Jecht. Good balanced character with extreme range and tracking on several of his attacks.

    But Gabranth for me seems low tier to me. I know he can still be deadly in the right hands (as with many other games and their low tier characters) but if the same guy was using Gabranth and Jecht, he'd definitely have a much easier time winning with Jecht.

  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I feel Jecht, Golbez, and Ex-Death are definetly top tier, I also feel Terra and Cloud are close to top tier as well in the right hands.

    Jecht - Jecht Block, this attack can block almost everything except Golbez's dual attacks, this includes many of the HP attacks, thought they require perfect timing; and its fast and universal unlock many of Ex-Death's. His combos are brutal and his funky "targeting sphere" gives him a cheap advantage over most of the cast. His only downside is his lack of long range game but since most of his attacks draw him towards opponents easily this is quickly remedied, not to mention constantly turtling with Jecht Block will force most opponents to get closer.

    Golbez - Has cheap ass double attacks that cannot be fully blocked and his two "laser" moves are very difficult to dodge not to mention one of them can easily be turned into and infinite combo loop and the fact that most of his Brave attacks combo into HP attacks. He's technically a close to mid range fighter but thanks to his BS secondary attacks he can play long range if he needs to not to mention Black Fang will force most opponents to seek him out and can be quickly canceled out so he can turn around and rape you with his juggling attacks. Thank god he Ex-mode isn't terribly overpowered and his Ex-Burst is cool to watch but not very powerful unless you time his brave break.

    Ex-Death - In the right hands, is incredibly brutal his only downside is the fact a player needs to have an almost Zen like mindset to time his different style of counters (still not there ). Not to mention he has poor long range but that's what teleport is for...

    Cloud - Is pretty broken and while its possible to dodge his attacks its easier said than done since most of his aerial moves have minor homing which only means a saavy Cloud user just needs to time his attacks and keep distance in check. His Ex-Mode is easily one of the most broken in the game.

    Terra - Is a bitch with the right player, not to mention once she gets some of the higher tier gear (Snowpetal set anyone?) she not only overcomes most of her weaknesses but becomes a Brave Breaking monster. Tornado is a horribly overpowered move which is perfect for defense and corner trapping and is very difficult to knock her out of. Her magic does insane break damage and get better as you give her the special critical hit support abilites and her Meteor/Holy/Flare/Ultima combos is just plain cheap. Her Ex-Mode is also broken as all hell since it not only gives her glide (improving her ability to dodge) and double cast but increases the speed of her attacks to such a level that is becomes very difficult to reflect or block all of her attacks. Not to mention Meltdown is an excellent trap HP attack with three different levels that help her deal with close range, speedy characters, and small stages. Thank god her Ex-Burst is also terrible but this can be overcome by spamming Holy/Flare/Ultima brave to HP combo and just canceling the EX-Burst to do it all over again. Yes, magic is easy to deflect but that's what Meteor and Graviga are for...

    Gee... I wonder who I play as?

    I'm also thinking Kuja should be here, his Brave attacks are weak but he's terribly combo friendly, in reality its his auto-glide ability that I feel makes him belong here since it allows him to dodge and attack at the same time... Not to mention Ultima and Flare Star are both pretty cheap in the hands of a good player.

    Gabranth... as much as I adore him, he's too reliant on his equipment set-up which is why most give up on him. Without equips and abilities to help him gather Ex-Energy and stay in Ex-Mode for longer times, he doesn't stand as much of a chance against some of the nastier characters like the ones mentioned above. I mean he is pretty much screwed fighting against any of the long range magic users and even with a great equip set up, he still has problems with them if he's trapped in a large arena. The CPU might be stupid enough to approach him in EX-mode but most of my friends I play with decide to play the run away game (which is why I insist on playing with Chaos rules).

    I love Kefka and while I do feel he's higher tier than people give him credit for, he does have two major issues that give him a major Achilles heel... He's incredibly slow on the ground and in the air, and he's at his best playing a long range game. Not a winning combination. Granted he works better than Ultimecia who has the same problems but aggressive close range fighters stand an incredibly good chance against him and unlike Terra, Kefka doesn't have any quick HP attacks to use as a shield to give him distance. So he suffers from getting his own spells reflected back at him more unless the player times his attacks between his opponents dash moves. If he's built for EX mode, then he's a god like being but once again, he has Gabranth's problem where he needs careful attention and high level gear to pull out his full power.

    This does remind me of something I do want removed for Dissidia 2, please Squenix, if you are listening. Please don't let magic be reflected by dashing opponents anymore. It seriously screws over all the magic users and several of the "physical moves" have ridiculous speed and range like the magic spells but they can knock you out with no problem.

  6. #6
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    A tier list for Dissidia is nearly impossible to create, because the huge variety in equipment and ability setups make nailing down a particular character to a particular tier something that can't accurately be done. There are a couple outstanding characters, and a couple that fall by the wayside, but overall, it's anyone's game, and I really wish people would just let it stay that way.

    Take Garland. Only an average fighter, but with the right gear and ability setup, he becomes one of the most overpowered fighters in the game, as his EX Mode lets him ignore enemy attacks completely, and he can stay in it constantly.

    A huge number of the characters rise or fall depending not just on player skill, but on the particular setup the player is using. And since, as you admit "no one likes tier lists", why the heck do you insist on foisting one off on us, in four different threads, and not even include all the characters?

    You claim to "assume character mastery", but the list certainly doesn't seem to match up that way, because there are plenty of character setups that can absolutely slaughter Gabranth in any situation, and Kefka can get in a lot of trouble as well with his low maneuverability.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  7. #7


    I know that its more or less immpossible to create a perfect tier list, but get more attention than a tier list? I want good players to rip what I put apart and correct me with their favorites, if it helps think of the seperate threads as a battle ground for arguing what you think is the best character, Wolf Kanno, that response was my goal of this, I want to see a blood bath, Sky blade, I enjoyed your reply as well and agree with most of it and I don't actually believe we will get a perfect one, because its so difficult to gauge, and style of battle greatly affects everything, I have taken out Lv 150 Terra on Maximum with kefka a few times making him just amazing for me. The equipment arguement kinda falls on deaf ears to me because I have about 98% of the items and all the top ones plus every character at lv 100, yet I can't find any live opponent, It's frustrating, I will literally walk into a convention and ask everyone i see if they have Dissidia to find one good player, The next best thrill I can get is seeing characters come to life with all your arguements, somehow this high tier page became a top tier page, I am going to attempt to finish this anyway despite criticism because the best part is trying to make the list. It is exciting to get real feedback rather than sephiroth is the best because his long shiney hair blows in the wind...ugh my friends are terrible at this game
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  8. #8
    Skyblade's Avatar
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    Hmm. I understand the point then, and, while I dislike the splitup between the tier threads, I understand why you did it. A single thread would likely be filled with too many arguments for just a couple characters, either fanboy favorites, or the few fighters who actually do excel above the others.

    I will continue to argue about the equipment setups, though, because the set bonuses and the accessories can drastically change the way a character is played, even at the top tier.

    For me, Bartz would definitely be at least a high, if not a top. Fast and maneuverable, he excels at mid to close range combat. But the real power comes when you get him in EX Mode, because Goblin Punch is probably the single most powerful ability in the game. It breaks guards (I've even had it break Exdeath's All-Guard), does large Brave damage and goes directly into HP damage, and it has a large degree of homing capabilities.

    Gabranth would definitely fall off the bottom of this list. I have had little to no difficulty with killing him every time I faced him. He's powerful in EX-Mode, but even then, he is hopeless at ranged attacks, and can't do anything if you keep him out of EX, or just wait for it to expire.
    My friend Delzethin is currently running a GoFundMe account to pay for some extended medical troubles he's had. He's had chronic issues and lifetime troubles that have really crippled his career opportunities, and he's trying to get enough funding to get back to a stable medical situation. If you like his content, please support his GoFundMe, or even just contribute to his Patreon.

    He can really use a hand with this, and any support you can offer is appreciated.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The amusing thing is that I thought this was the thread for the top tier characters not the tier beneath it. Guess it pays to pay attention.

  10. #10


    thats ok wolf happens to the best of us
    After you get the sand off my boots make me a sandwich

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