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Thread: The Lifetime Achievement Awards

  1. #16
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    I've met Cid, and I have to say, he is more of a man than all of us put together. Seriously I was in awe (in actuality eh is a cool guy.mp3)

  2. #17
    Away Founder Cid's Avatar
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    :) Thanks everyone.

    It does really mean a lot to me. EoFF was (and is) a huge part of my life that has really shaped me. I understand the gravity of EoFF, the relationships it has created, and the impact that I have had (almost accidentally) on it's member's lives.

    But really it is you guys who made this place what it was. From the very first day when I lobbied at FFWA for members to join my new ezboard, to the later stages when I was begging for help with the FFXI section of the website. You guys really made this place what it is today. I was nothing more than a coordinator.

    Thank you.

  3. #18
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Hey, Sean! Glad you stopped by; you are definitely not forgotten around here. It is kind of crazy when you think about how much impact you've had on some people's lives by creating one website.

    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro
    I saw a photo of Cid once. He was hot.
    That's nothing; have you seen his wife?

  4. #19

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    I graciously accept this most prestigious award with the humility and class for which I am most famous. To be honored alongside such luminaries as Daniel Towns and Marcus Huculak means more to me than I can facetiously express. Although my time at EoFF was relatively short, it was monumentally influential. Without my generous support, this board would be little more than a rickety old ezboard (now YUKU by KickApps!) with a vestigial noscript tag in the footer. My wit and wisdom, along with Sean Robinson's idea to host ROMs and MP3s on the front site, rocketed EoFF to the forefront of websites for people who like the Final Fantasy video game series.

    Also, without my tireless work ethic, the front site would be little more than a plain text file hosted on Geocities. I remember one day, Sean dialed me up on ICQ '99, and he said to me, "BOU, I'm thinking about expanding the text file hosted on Geocities into a glorious repository of knowledge and tight-knit community. A really great community. The type of community where, ten years from now, if social networking is ever invented, you'd still want to be friends with a lot of these people. You know what I mean?"

    "Of course I do," I said. "Do YOU know what you mean?"

    "No," he admitted. After I explained it to him, he was on board.

    These were very volatile times. Everyone thought that the Voice Clip feature of ezboard was the future of online communication. I recall telling Asorie just that. I said to her, "Ask**ie, I thi*SCREECH* --is going to be the f--***re of...ication."

    And, although my most visible contribution to the community is a game full of jokes no one gets about characters based on people we're all estranged from represented by default graphics, I like to think that it offers many important life lessons, which I will now share with you.

    1. Atheists can't be trusted. Without the help of an infallible source of morality, Unne turned to murder to satiate his ghastly urges. It is only through Christ/Shiva/FSM that we can avoid becoming flesh-obsessed slaves to our criminal natures.

    2. MIDIs are really funny, but they were much funnier eight years ago.

    3. Never have a conversation with Raistlin about anything that you don't want to hear about every time you talk to him for the next ten years.

    To conclude, I have a few people that I'd like to thank, for no tremendous success is conceived in a vacuum (besides rug cleaning): kalenisis for her brief stint as my muse; IGN64Skanker, who lent me his copy of The Assyrian (although I'm still on the lookout for a good deal on the sequel. 33 bucks on Amazon is still out of the price range); Citizen Bleys, who wrote a Sick Irony FAQ that was more entertaining than the game; Temple Knight, whose disregard for netiquette and decency introduced me to the love of my life; BoB and Leeza, for constantly saying stuff like "You should write a book," which is so totally happening in the next couple years; Microsoft for breaking Sony's exclusive on FFXIII even though that game ended up being pretty awful; erikramza for posting in this thread while simultaneously fighting the war in Afghanistan; and everyone who read any of the joke threads and posted serious replies before the waves of "Hi BOU" crashed onto the shore.

    Finally: Kishi, Krissy, Hsu, Spiff, and Kane, who won't stop posting at least once in a while. What's up with that?

    Anyway, I have some Oreos in my cupboard that aren't going to eat themselves and cry, so what's say we wrap this up. Cid is Jesus, FFVI owns forever, Soda is better than Pop, and all of our genitals are exactly the right size if not slightly larger. I'm out.

    Edit: Barf.
    Last edited by Big Ogre Umaro; 06-28-2010 at 11:45 PM.

  5. #20
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Haha, Umy broke broke the thread with his noscript tag. Nice.

    Quote Originally Posted by the life lessons of Sick Irony
    1. Atheists can't be trusted. Without the help of an infallible source of morality, Unne turned to murder to satiate his ghastly urges. It is only through Christ/Shiva/FSM that we can avoid becoming flesh-obsessed slaves to our criminal natures.
    2. MIDIs are really funny, but they were much funnier eight years ago.
    3. Never have a conversation with Raistlin about anything that you don't want to hear about every time you talk to him for the next ten years.
    And those life lessons are just as relevant today. Truly, a timeless classic.

  6. #21

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    The irony is that the sentence containing the NOSCRIPT tag was about how EZBOARD in 2001 killed the use of the NOSCRIPT tag.

  7. #22
    Away Founder Cid's Avatar
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    BOU's acceptance speech > Cid's acceptance speech

  8. #23
    Ghost of Christmas' past Recognized Member theundeadhero's Avatar
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    I guess since you guys are here and AG didn't post my speech I'll go ahead and do it anyway.

    One day this kid Sean was sitting around in his room thinking, "Man, I really need a girlfriend". Again.

    "That MandeePandee Bear shows her bewbies to everybody but me." .

    He decided he was going to do something but had no idea what that something was going to be. It wasn't very long after that, I imagine three days but I don't have any idea what I'm talking about, that he figured it out. He was going to make a website to pick up ALL the chicks! This was back in the cowboys days of 1999 when the internet was still an undomesticated wild frontier. He instantly knew it would have to be a Final Fantasy VII website. Murking his way through the dark laboratories of his computer he frankensteined the place together.

    "Now", he thought, "how do I get the chicks? There will have to be a way to talk to them." Going on a safari in search of answers Sean discovered the ancient mystic secrets of message boards and chose to learn the magics of EZBoard Arts. Once he gave life to the beast it was named The Highwind and Sean appointed himself "Cid", high leader of all the Highwindians.

    Things went well.

    Over the next several years Cid would appoint several Knights to enforce the law of his land and even a select few Administators to rule in his name.

    It was during this time that Cid would meet She Who I Will Not Name In Case Cid Does Not Want Me To. His plan was a success! The beautiful woman fell in love with him and they eventually got married to run away with each other and have grand adventures. It was because of these grand adventures and She Who I Will Not Name In Case Cid Does Not Want Me To's exquisite taste that he eventually ran out of moneys, sell the site and blamed the government for it all

    (Cid was pretty cool. I never got to moderate with Cid as the owner but I was a member of Site Staff for several years while he was around. He was always willing to do whatever would be for the good of the place and would make improvements any way we found possible. He deserves this.)

    Of Ogres.

    It was during the early years of my story that one day Sean turned to his friend Mike and said, "Hey, I'll get the vodka if you'll get the Red Bull". This happened many times over the course of the story. As it turns out Mike, who was known as Big Ogre Umaro around the forums, was pretty savvy in the web design trends of the time. It was during one of these vodka with Red Bull nights that BOU did something so wonderful, and yet so incriminating, that Cid got photo evidence of the event and used it as leverage against his smelly friend. He used it as leverage saying that as long as Ogrehead would make and continue to make pages for his website he would never show the pics. I have no idea what these pics were because BOU got to work immediately and didn't stop for a long long time. Bou has done more things for the frontsite and then for the forums as an admin than most can imagine. Then one day he decided it was enough. He changed his name to GokuNUMBERS to remain anonymous and then ran away forever, hiding in several small caves along the way.

  9. #24

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    Quote Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    BOU's acceptance speech > Cid's acceptance speech
    Sincerity always beats sarcasm, my friend.

    No, you were right the first time.

    EDIT: @theundeadhero Yeah, that's about how I remember it, too.
    Last edited by Big Ogre Umaro; 06-28-2010 at 11:59 PM.

  10. #25
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tuh
    BOU did something so wonderful, and yet so incriminating, that Cid got photo evidence of the event and used it as leverage against his smelly friend. He used it as leverage saying that as long as Ogrehead would make and continue to make pages for his website he wouldn't never show the pics. I have no idea what these pics were because BOU got to work immediately and didn't stop for a long long time.

  11. #26
    Away Founder Cid's Avatar
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    Love the cherry.

  12. #27
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Maybe we should fix that noscript issue.

    ETA: Maybe it's blocked now. MAYBE. (also congrats guys if I didn't say that before)

    ETA even more: Guess the spoiler tag uses it. Can we just block HTML?

  13. #28
    One Hundred Chimneys Recognized Member Tavrobel's Avatar
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    Hey, look, someone most people don't know but someone that we're supposed to look up to.

    How shocking.

  14. #29
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Hey, look, Tav being kind of dick-ish.

    How shocking.

  15. #30

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tavrobel View Post
    Hey, look, someone most people don't know but someone that we're supposed to look up to.

    How shocking.
    Seriously. I'm starting to think that message board administrators shouldn't run my life anymore! From now on, Tavrobel, we're going to start choosing our own heroes. Gone are the days when someone wins a Ciddie and we fall to our knees in worship. A hero must be chosen based on his or her own merit. A new era has begun!

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