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Thread: Seifer and Squall are brothers

  1. #1

    Default Seifer and Squall are brothers

    1) Seifer copied Dad's (Laguna) attacking style in his sword form.

    2) Seifer and Squall both use swords. They both have facial scars. This proves that thier genes were designed in the same way by their parents.

    3) Seifer and Squall dislike each other for selfish reasons. About the same dislikement Squall has for Ultimecia. Ironic, eh? Quite common in brotherships. Think about it, Zell is annoying just like Seifer, but yet Squall hates Seifer more.

    4) Seifer and Rinoa were in a relationship. This proves that Squall and Seifer have the same taste for women.

    5) Seifer had a childhood dream, who says Squall didn't? Squall was shy and insecure, so of course he won't express himself fully...

    6) Squall and Seifer both have similar facials; thier mouths, eyes, jaws, and eyebrows. Except thier hairs... but I believe that Seifer dyed his hair blonde (yes, even in his youthhood!)

    7) There may be some preposterous claims made by Kiros/Ward that Squall looks like Laguna. But if he mentioned Seifer, it wouldn't make sense, right? Why would a friend mention an enemy's name when it's relevant? We beaten Seifer.. and go like "You and Seifer just look like Laguna..." Anyways, if there's no hardcore evidence within the game that Squall is actually Laguna's son, then the same goes for Seifer. The concept of Squall being Laguna's son was born from a hint. Keyword: hint!

    8) The last names of Seifer and Squall may not match, but who says one can't change his name? As far as I know, it's legal to change your name under the age of 18... in a game such as VIII..

    Hmm, interesting. I sometimes wondered why Ultimecia chose to use Seifer as her main puppet. I mean, why didn't Ultimecia possess someone bigger like Ward? Imagine beating a possessed Ward..
    But consider the acknowledgement of a brothership conflict. I believe that that would help Ultimecia succeed effectively... far more effective than possessing a guy like Ward.

    Uh huh, Ultimecia didn't possess Seifer because he was confused in his unpossessed form.

  2. #2
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Serapy you're so wrong you don't even know how wrong you are. I'll address each point in this personally.

    1) Seifer copied Dad's (Laguna) attacking style in his sword form.
    Seifer had a dream to be a sorceresses knight. His favourite book and films concerned this. Laguna starred in a movie which was to do with the sorceresses knight subject. In the film he played a Sorceresses Knight and used a gunblade. During the course of filming he is supposed to be attacked by Kiros and Ward as a ruby dragon. A real one attacks instead and Laguna is forced to duel it with the gunblade in his hand. We know this because the player themselves controls the duel with the ruby dragon. As for Seifer and the dream, look in the messages from garden and pay attention in Dollet. Seifer was not copying his father, he was copying Laguna's acting the role of a sorceresses knight.

    2) Seifer and Squall both use swords. They both have facial scars. This proves that thier genes were designed in the same way by their parents.
    Swords are common enough, the entire Gabaldian army uses them with exception of officers and from the looks of it, Laguna, Kiros and Ward. Does that make every Gabaldian Soldier in the game the brother of every other soldier in the game? I doubt it and if it did, I'd feel sorry for the entire armies mother. Not to mention I'd feel sorry for the man/men who had to then go and have sex with that woman because well her vagina would be like the grand canyon. They both utilize the same weapon, this is probably to do with how much ability they showed with the weapon and also to do with their hate for each other making them desire to be simply better than the other with the same weapon an "Anything you can do, I can do better" situation. As for facial scarring, did you not watch the intro FMV? They have facial scars because Seifer is a dick who decided to make his point rather vividly that he had Squall because he cheated by casting fire at him, cutting his face is like saying "hey dumbass, you're time expect everything including people fighting dirty" Squall obviously pissed as hell about this decides well screw you because if you hadn't cheated I'd have gotten you so as Seifer gloats he attacks him and repays the favour cue two facial scars. If you don't believe that there is likely to be a scar when you're cut with a gunblade by all means go get a kitchen knife and carve a line across your own face and it'll prove to you that yes, knives scar and so would swords/gunblades which for all essential intents and purposes are bigger knives. No ones parents genetically plan their children out. Humans are a 25% random chance factor of their parents genetics which in turn are 25% random chance of their grand parents. For an example of this, I am around 6ft tall most of my family including my aunts, uncles, cousins, mother, grandfather, brother, sister are all short. My grandmother was 6'2" tall I had a 1 in 8 chance of getting that genetic code to become tall. Everyone else in my family didn't I did was that genetically planned? No it was not it was random chance.

    3) Seifer and Squall dislike each other for selfish reasons. About the same dislikement Squall has for Ultimecia. Ironic, eh? Quite common in brotherships. Think about it, Zell is annoying just like Seifer, but yet Squall hates Seifer more.
    Squall and Seifer do dislike each other for selfish reasons this is true. Their reasons are personal their outlooks on life clash. Seifer is very aggressive in his actions, very impatient and so on. A perfect explanation is noticed by the eagle eyed player. During the intro to the game Seifer blasts Squall with a fire spell. Squall as he is hit is attempting to cast Blizzard going by the colour of the build up of magic. However a better and more concrete example that Seifer = Fire Squall = Ice is simply when asked to demonstrate something cool by the younger students near the classroom in an event that gets your SeeD rank dropped by one you can cast them a magic spell. The spell Squall chooses to cast is Blizzard. Fire and Ice in FF8 are opposing elements, much like Squall and Seifer are opposing sides of the same coin. Zell is irritating at times to Squall, however he's not hated by Squall because well, he's not Seifer. In real life if you've ever hated someone you'll know that it doesn't have to be rational and that you will hate anyone like that person you can be best friends, lovers even with a person just like them so long as it isn't that person.

    4) Seifer and Rinoa were in a relationship. This proves that Squall and Seifer have the same taste for women.
    They both like pretty girls and therefore have to be brothers? C'mon seriously? You're clutching at straws here. I'm pretty sure I am not the only person who in real life has ended up doing stuff with or dating a girl and then found out a person I know has dated her in the past, this is more the fact that Rinoa after her relationship with Seifer ended was single, she meets a hunky SeeD mercenary dances with him and then he gets assigned as the squad leader on the mission she just managed to get help from SeeD on. She already fancied him because she wanted to dance with him their proximity in the game storyline just opened up the possibility for her to actually get closer to him and for him to fall in love with her. Reality check here for anyone inexperienced or who doesn't understand women: If a woman asks you to dance or if "you're ok for a drink?" she is generally asking you out/interested in you and you ought to be aware of that.

    5) Seifer had a childhood dream, who says Squall didn't? Squall was shy and insecure, so of course he won't express himself fully...
    Squall may well have had a childhood dream, his probably involved finding "sis" (Ellone) and stuff like that. Maybe he did dream of becomming a soldier or something. Most of the kids at the orphanage were the orphans of the war. Squall isn't shy and insecure, he's aloof and introverted two very different things to shy and insecure. Basically Squall doesn't care for the rest of the world he isn't bothered, one day he could be toppling dictators and the next he could be raising a new one it doesn't matter the world will go on. Being Introverted means he just doesn't like to share his emotions with people, they're a personal thing and so he will act cold towards others to stop them getting closer to him, It's best not to have friends because friends let you down sort of thing.

    6) Squall and Seifer both have similar facials; thier mouths, eyes, jaws, and eyebrows. Except thier hairs... but I believe that Seifer dyed his hair blonde (yes, even in his youthhood!)
    See this is where if you understood genetics in your earlier post you wouldn't have been so stupid here by saying he dyed his hair even in childhood. If just one grandparent had been blonde then the genetic makeup of the parents means that the grandchild could well be born blonde. It's much alike to how black couples can sometimes have white babies because one of the grandparents had been white. It's rare true but it happens because of genetics. As for similar jaw line, eyes, eyebrows. Take a look at the images from their cards, the player card images were concept art for the characters, the original storyboard creations. Now look carefully, the poses are slightly different but not so different that you can't tell clearly that Seifer has a squarer jaw than Squall, he also has much different eyebrows, his eyebrows arch where as Squall's seem to just go up and don't appear to curve back down. Their eyes are completely different sharing only the colour of the iris Squall's are both larger and rounder and less hooded than Seifer's. Looking at the mouth and the ears these too are different there is about as much similarity in these two men as saying there is similarity between all well toned white men.

    7) There may be some preposterous claims made by Kiros/Ward that Squall looks like Laguna. But if he mentioned Seifer, it wouldn't make sense, right? Why would a friend mention an enemy's name when it's relevant? We beaten Seifer.. and go like "You and Seifer just look like Laguna..." Anyways, if there's no hardcore evidence within the game that Squall is actually Laguna's son, then the same goes for Seifer. The concept of Squall being Laguna's son was born from a hint. Keyword: hint!
    The reference here you are wrong about, Kiros and Ward say "it is a good thing you look like your mother" Squall's mother is Raine, if you take two pictures from the game, one of Laguna and one of Raine and compare them to a picture of Squall you can pick the parts from both parents what Squall shares. For instance he has Laguna's eye colour, but his eyes are shaped more like Raine's. Now, Couple the comment about Squall being fortunate to look like his mother which implies Kiros and Ward know both of Squall's parents well (somewhat of a important thing considering Squall is an orphan according to his upbringing) with what Ellone tells us about Laguna's past. Laguna went searching for Ellone, he kept at it so hard that he missed the birth of his son and the death of his wife. Raine dies in childbirth, Squall is raised in an orphanage. Kiros and Ward know his parents...You're right it's only hinted at in game. However the hints are like 100 megaton nuclear warheads going off, it doesn't take a genius to work out what is happening here.

    8) The last names of Seifer and Squall may not match, but who says one can't change his name? As far as I know, it's legal to change your name under the age of 18... in a game such as VIII..
    True enough sometimes brothers do not have matching sur-names, those born of different fathers for instance or a brother born to a mistress will often not carry the family name of his father but the one of his mother or a combination of the two family names. However we're talking that 1) if they changed names legally then they know each is the others brother and it would be reflected in game somehow, especially when they hear Seifer is dead and again when they discover he is alive and a third time when the torture scene takes place. Thats just the start of it. 2) That Raine had a child during the Laguna/Ellone in Winhill sequence by a different person because Seifer is 2 years older than Squall. We never once see a baby in Raine's Home. Pre-emtively here: As for the idea of Julia Heartilly having given birth to Seifer but fathered by Laguna that would make Seifer's whole relationship to Rinoa sick and would probably be mentioned by General Caraway or Rinoa that she had a brother.

    Hmm, interesting. I sometimes wondered why Ultimecia chose to use Seifer as her main puppet. I mean, why didn't Ultimecia possess someone bigger like Ward? Imagine beating a possessed Ward..
    But consider the acknowledgement of a brothership conflict. I believe that that would help Ultimecia succeed effectively... far more effective than possessing a guy like Ward.

    Uh huh, Ultimecia didn't possess Seifer because he was confused in his unpossessed form.
    Seifer was a tool something to use. She needed one of the best warriors out there in the time frame of the game to keep her chosen posessed sorceress alive. It was a combination of knowing Seifer through Edea's memories (also Seifer also remembered the orphanage unlike the rest of the SeeD trained candidates he refers to Edea as matron before he could have discovered this otherwise since Irvine had only just shared his memories with the squad), his training as a SeeD makes him useful in not only is he one of the finest warriors of the time but she figures he knows the meaning of SeeD and it's purpose. His romantic dream helps to make him easier to manipulate. She never posessed anyone who wasn't a sorceress, I would assume her power had some kind of limitation that she could only posess those who had power to begin with. Manipulation then is key when it comes to a "sorceress knight" Ward had been with Laguna when he beat Adel, he knew what Sorceresses could do and it remained Estharian government policy to freeze any and all sorceresses upon discovery, consider Laguna was and is President of Esthar and Kiros and Ward his two chief advisers. It would not have been easy to manipulate any of those 3 in to becomming her protector. Another thing to point out: Size means nothing. Ward is huge yes that is true. Much of his bulk is muscle but he has what can only be described as a SIZABLE beer gut too. Otherwise explain his bulging stomach. Power is not relative to size alone. Technique can put much more emphasis on the power aspect of a warrior, knowing how to turn a huge hulking person's strength and size against them in a fight has saved me a serious ass kicking on more than one occassion and I am sure many members who know me can and will testify I'm not puny irl but neither am I ripped with muscle.
    Last edited by Iceglow; 07-09-2010 at 12:08 PM.

  3. #3


    I think... if Square intended something THIS BIG to be in the game, they would have made it clear. <spoiler> they did it in IX, no? Zidane and Kuja are brothers, and we know it because the game told us. </spoiler> If that was the case for VIII too, I don't see a reason why it would remain in the shadows.
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  4. #4
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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  5. #5


    I've got one more:

    Seifer looking up to Balamb Garden at the end of the game.
    He knows that Squall is up there. He's glad that Squall is back from
    the dead. All of this were aided by the event that Squall, his own brother , saved Seifer from Ultimecia. Brothers that expressed dislikement for each other actually have true brother love for each other.. deep inside.

  6. #6
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    Sure, if by brother you mean adoptive sibling.

  7. #7
    bless this mess Clo's Avatar
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    Yeah, this is just not true. Many of your claims are stretched so much they don't even make sense. See Iceglow's post, there's every reason why it's a stretch!

  8. #8
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    I've got one more:

    Seifer looking up to Balamb Garden at the end of the game.
    He knows that Squall is up there. He's glad that Squall is back from
    the dead. All of this were aided by the event that Squall, his own brother , saved Seifer from Ultimecia. Brothers that expressed dislikement for each other actually have true brother love for each other.. deep inside.

    what the ef...

  9. #9
    Banned nik0tine's Avatar
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    Does that make every Gabaldian Soldier in the game the brother of every other soldier in the game?

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    1) Seifer copied Dad's (Laguna) attacking style in his sword form.
    Or he was trained in the same style. Or the animators were lazy.

    2) Seifer and Squall both use swords. They both have facial scars. This proves that thier genes were designed in the same way by their parents.
    Scars they give each other at the start of the game. Does this mean I share genes with anyone that has an eyebrow scar?

    3) Seifer and Squall dislike each other for selfish reasons. About the same dislikement Squall has for Ultimecia. Ironic, eh? Quite common in brotherships. Think about it, Zell is annoying just like Seifer, but yet Squall hates Seifer more.
    That is because they are teenagers.

    4) Seifer and Rinoa were in a relationship. This proves that Squall and Seifer have the same taste for women.
    Squall takes a looooong time to warm up to Rinoa, even in the French version where he's a little quicker to catch on.

    5) Seifer had a childhood dream, who says Squall didn't? Squall was shy and insecure, so of course he won't express himself fully...
    He was always looking for sis. Squall wanted a family.

    6) Squall and Seifer both have similar facials; thier mouths, eyes, jaws, and eyebrows. Except thier hairs... but I believe that Seifer dyed his hair blonde (yes, even in his youthhood!)
    That's because they were designed by a member of Square's development team. All Nomura designs look alike, as do all of Amano's.

    7) There may be some preposterous claims made by Kiros/Ward that Squall looks like Laguna. But if he mentioned Seifer, it wouldn't make sense, right? Why would a friend mention an enemy's name when it's relevant? We beaten Seifer.. and go like "You and Seifer just look like Laguna..." Anyways, if there's no hardcore evidence within the game that Squall is actually Laguna's son, then the same goes for Seifer. The concept of Squall being Laguna's son was born from a hint. Keyword: hint!
    Wrong. They say he "looks like his mother", implied to be Raine but never 100% confirmed (it's pretty obvious though).

    8) The last names of Seifer and Squall may not match, but who says one can't change his name? As far as I know, it's legal to change your name under the age of 18... in a game such as VIII..
    In the middle of one's education, changing one's name confuses things a great deal. So no they would not.

    Also, Squall has brown hair, Seifer is blonde-going-on-ginger. Squall's believed parents have brown hair.

    In the prison, the Moombas, having the ability to recognise DNA, do not seem to think there to be any connection between Squall and Seifer when they're in the same room.


  11. #11


    That´s not true Serapy.

    Seifer is Squall´s father-in-law.

    There is more evidence to this than to that.
    Flo:Honey,the clock is late.Go out fix it.
    Mayor Dobe:What hours is it?
    Flo: 15:30
    Mayor Dobe:Hey do you wanna to send the Estharians to Centra or what?
    Flo:Ok,let it be on 3:45

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  12. #12
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Future Esthar View Post
    That´s not true Serapy.

    Seifer is Squall´s father-in-law.

    There is more evidence to this than to that.
    Can you enlighten us with the evidence?

  13. #13


    There's one more, the blood that dropped from Squall's scar is very smiliar to that of Seifer's symbol on the back of his coat.

    All of this proves that Squall and Seifer are, in fact, true brothers.

  14. #14
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I was thinking maybe you should try reading Iceglow's post first!

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Serapy View Post
    There's one more, the blood that dropped from Squall's scar is very smiliar to that of Seifer's symbol on the back of his coat.

    All of this proves that Squall and Seifer are, in fact, true brothers.
    Just making stuff up now. The double smiley face especially gives you away.

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