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Thread: Your best teacher

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    Away Founder Cid's Avatar
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    Default Your best teacher

    In honor of my annual return to the classroom on Wednesday (and Shlup's never ending search for a job), tell me who your best <b>high school</b> teacher was, what subject they taught, and why you liked them so much.

  2. #2


    I have two and I cannot remember either of their names because I am absolutely horrid with names. They were my world history teacher and my US history teacher, both of which I had in different semesters of my junior year.

    The first was, technically, a student teacher but he had complete control over the classroom because the actual teacher was close to retiring. He was extremely personable, knew a lot about the subject, and genuinely cared about his students. He adopted a sort of "no student left behind" idea and would help students who were having difficulty with the subject matter in a one-on-one session if they needed it. He was also pretty lax with the assignments and didn't give out too much homework.

    The other teacher was a giant of a man but very friendly. His teaching style was a bit more rigorous and he gave out a significant amount of homework, classwork, and group work but it was all fairly easy to manage because of how much material he could go through in one class. The best part about it though was he was a civil war memorabilia collector and brought a lot of his stuff in throughout the semester for us to look at. He fired a rifled musket in class (without a bullet) and it freaked my English teacher out.

    Both of them are responsible for my significant interest in history and one of the reasons I am studying to become a history teacher myself.

  3. #3
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    Why did you have to specify high school teacher?? High school sucked. My favorite teacher was my third grade teacher. ...And your wife's third grade teacher, now that I think of it. That was the year Kim and I played the lead in the class play together. Except she was the only one with lines because I was her as a bird. But I practiced my "CAW" like you don't even know.

    For high school, I'm going to either go with Dr. Lachman or Ms. Mapes for opposite reasons. Dr. Lachman because I never forgot scientific notation and the only music he would play was Jingle Cats in the winter and banjo music the rest of the year (read: he was strict and had high expectations but wasn't an ass), or Ms. Mapes because I talked about Sailormoon instead of the actual topic for my presentation and got an A, and then our final was to watch Hercules. The Disney cartoon one (read: we didn't do ). Maybe Mr. LeDuc. Were you in that class? I remember sitting with Peter and Leah and I think you... Or that long-term sub we had for 11th grade language arts, but mostly because he was totally hot. Or Ms. Spivey because she actually was a good teacher and fun and had a lot of animals, but I was her TA so that doesn't really count.

    I forget what school you're at now, but if it's Roosevelt one of my friends is starting there for biology.

    I'm torn between just taking whatever teaching job, specifically going for kindergarten, going back to add a math authorization to my credential, working at Disneyland (I'm wait-listed for an opening in guest relations right now), or just saying screw everything and embracing housewifery.

  4. #4


    Calculus teacher, senior year, by a smurfing landslide. I disliked math until I took Pre-Calc with him in 11th grade and Calculus with him in 12th grade, but after that it was easily my favorite subject, and Calculus I was probably my favorite class I've taken in high school or college to date. He just made everything so clear and made sure you understood it, so that by the time the AP test rolled around it was an absolute joke. I'm majoring in mathematics at this point and I'd say mostly due to him. He was also my varsity volleyball coach and easily the best coach I've had in any sport. I consider him an all-around mentor

  5. #5
    Ich bin ein Kaltduscher Vikeve's Avatar
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    I would have to say Mrs. Lubitz my history teacher or Frau Kalacheva my german teacher.

    Lubitz is generally the best and got very involved in working with me and is still helping me with the whole college process. She is like a mentor and hopefully I'll have her again next year!

    Frau because she is a crazy Russian woman who makes us dance and sing really weird songs.... love that class!

  6. #6
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    My favorite would be my 9th grade English teacher, Mr. Carasco. He had a great energy when teaching, you could tell he really liked what he did. We had great class discussions and he made even the most boring of assignments interesting. The thing that really sticks out in my mind is when he'd try to motivate us with a lyric or a quote. It never had anything to do with what we were doing or talking about.

    "In the words of John Mayer, 'I want to run through the halls of my high school, I want to scream at the top of my lungs'," *claps his hands once* "Okay!"

    "In the words of my father 'It takes one to know one'," *claps his hands once* "Alright!"

    Funny stuff. I'm not really sure if he was actually serious or just messing around.

  7. #7
    Away Founder Cid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShlupQuack View Post
    Why did you have to specify high school teacher?? High school sucked.
    I only specified it because I'm a high school history teacher (yeah, at Roosevelt) and this is all just an exercise to see what good teachers do. Gotta get inspired before the beginning of the year.

    What can I learn from someone saying that their 3rd grade teacher was their favorite? I can't remember anything my 3rd grade teacher did. And all people must be like me.

  8. #8
    Quack Shlup's Avatar
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    You can learn that nothing you do will ever be good enough because all of your students are pissy teenagers.

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    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    My favorite teacher was a history teacher I had a crush on until I met Necronopticous. Coincidentally, he looked a lot like Necronopticous.

    I remember him having a good sense of humor.

  10. #10
    sly gypsy Recognized Member Levian's Avatar
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    My sociology teacher was real good, he always pushed boundries and tried to find new ways for us to learn. The theme for the year was violence, and especially violence in gangs, and instead of just having us read a textbook, he took us to the prison in Norway where all the murderers end up, and we watched A Clockwork Orange and One Flew over a Cuckoo's Nest. The lessons where mostly just all of us debating various topics as well. It's one of the few subjects where I've actually wanted to learn something I wasn't interested in to begin with.

    My Geography teacher was awesome as well, he was always just so enthuastic about everything and he took the time to know all the students. Sometimes that's enough.

    In middle school, which I suppose is equivalent to some of the early years of high school, my favorite teacher was my history teacher. The lessons were mostly boring with just reading and such, but his pop quizzes and test layouts were the best.

  11. #11


    My German teacher Mr Bannister. So awesome. He had to cut a foot of his hair off for the job... his hair was halfway down his back still!
    Plus his mate worked at Kerrang mag (when it was good) and we used to get free mags now and again!
    Plus he was effing amazing

    Trust No one

  12. #12
    Lord of Me Rodarian's Avatar
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    I had taken up an extra courses in english and math.. I had two of the hottest teachers around. They were babe worthy! Ms. Dina and Ms Tara...

    "Lets go for a spin you and I"

  13. #13
    Nerf This~ Laddy's Avatar
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    Don't you dare make me choose.

  14. #14
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    My philosophy teacher in High School was really cool. His name's Michael, and he had long red straight hair that he'd wear in a ponytail. He was young too (probably around 28 or something), and was really laidback, easy-going and had a lot of humour. He was really into music too, and was obviously a big rock fan. My girlfriend at the time, who had him as her Danish teacher, was one day in a second-hand shop and randomly found a CD he'd recorded (no one had ANY idea that he'd done his own music, let alone released CDs) with instrumental rock xD

    I also remember him actually lending me and my friend (who was also in his philosophy class) some money for concert tickets we really wanted. We'd found them online and none of us had our credit card with us, so he just paid for them using his card, without us even asking him. We, of course, paid him back the next day.. but seriously, that was way cool.

    Of course he was a good teacher too!

  15. #15
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Good ol' Mr. Hannon really made history come alive. He was an excellent teacher that really knew how to engage kids. He was one of those 'pop quiz' kind of teachers, but everyone who'd had him was always interested enough in whatever he had been teaching to be right on the ball and ace 'em.

    He was also the coach of the first grade rugby team. Not so good at that, though. xD

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