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Thread: Character Themes

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    *yawn* Character Themes

    So I am not far from the FFVIII round of character themes tournaments and debating about this entry cause quite frankly it doesn't have many of them and most are vaguely attached to some of the characters so I am turning towards the VIII community to help me come up with the answers of whether I should I give VIII a round and if so, what tracks do you feel belong to each character.

  2. #2
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I want a PuPu's theme.

    I declare this PuPu's theme or "My Mind".

  3. #3
    Eaglegun's Avatar
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    NORG- Heresy
    Cid- The Oath or Cactus Jack
    Ward- Never Look Back (cause he worked at the prison0
    Ultima Weapon (yes he gets one)- Only a Plank Between One and Perdition
    Laguna- The Man with the Machine Gun (shocking I know)
    Quistis- Tell Me
    Ellone- Fragments of Memories
    Julia- Julia
    Rinoa- Eyes on my or one of it's variants.
    Squall- most people attribute Maybe I'm a Lion to him, but I would also use the Landing or Force You Way.
    Siefer Promonition
    Matron (separate from Edea)- Truth.
    Doc Odine- Lunatic Pandora
    The Sorceresses are pretty interchangeable as far as music.
    Maybe I'll come up with more later.
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  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Here's what I was thinking...

    Squall - The Oath, why because it plays during one of his pivotal scenes and it tends to play whenever he's doing something badass. Though SeeD is also fitting but I feel The Oath embodies Squall as a character.

    Quistis - Tell Me, the famous "date" with Quistis and it has a leit motif of Balamb Garden in it as well so it has to be associated with someone there.

    Rinoa - My Mind, plays the first time Squall meets Rinoa after the dance. Usually plays when she's the center of the story as well. Its a remix of the Eyes on Me Theme

    Selphie - Ami, the theme first plays when the party goes to Trabia Garden, a place greatly associated with Selphie. I can't quite understand why the track is called Ami though... Change that, its French for the word Friend. Yeah this fits.

    Laguna - Man with the Machine Gun, obviously...

    Edea - Truth I count them as one and the same but I'm sticking to the theme for the character herself because...

    Ultimecia - SUCCESSION OF WITCHES, is the track that plays whenever Ultimecia appears whether physically or in possession of someone's body.

    NORG - I didn't think he really had a theme but I'll be damned if this is the track that plays when you meet him so there you go. Thanks for pointing that out.

    I don't really feel the rest of the characters have strong enough ties to work as real character themes. I'm also looking for themes that fit the characters which is why I am not doing Ward's theme suggestion and I'm counting major characters which is why Ultima is a no go and since I already established I'm not doing organizations, I won't be doing the Timber Owls, just like I didn't give the Returner's an entry for the VI tournament.

  5. #5
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post

    Selphie - Ami, the theme first plays when the party goes to Trabia Garden, a place greatly associated with Selphie. I can't quite understand why the track is called Ami though... Change that, its French for the word Friend. Yeah this fits.
    Because Selphie was called "Ami" in the original script.

    Also I am convinced that "Unrest" was at least concidered to be Seifer's Theme - it initially plays during his scenes.

  6. #6
    Eaglegun's Avatar
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    Irvine seems to get short changed here. Perhaps the Irish Jig? He did set the date up, and looks like he could pass for Irish.
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  7. #7
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Irvine and Zell get the shaft.

    Did Rivals play during the scenes with Seifer, I was thinking of choosing this track for him but wasn't sure if even played when he was around.

  8. #8
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    I've always thought Maybe I'm A Lion was in direct reference to Squall and therefore, was his theme. Then again, I think it only plays once the entire game, so I can see how you could argue otherwise.

    Also, I think Ellone is important enough of a character to get a look in for a character theme. Fragments of Memories most likely as Eaglegun has already mentioned.

  9. #9
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'll add Ellone's theme as Eaglegun suggested then.

    Maybe I'm a Lion only plays once during a boss fight and I feel it references Griever more than Squall. The Oath plays during Squall's speeches to the Balamb Garden as well as when he rescues Rinoa from being frozen. To me I feel it resonates with him more.

    Any thoughts from VIII fans about Seifer? Premonition is more associated as Edea/Ultimecia's boss theme so I was wondering if anyone had another suggestion.

  10. #10
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Maybe I'm a Lion only plays once during a boss fight and I feel it references Griever more than Squall.
    I'm pretty sure it's representing Squall, because "Lions" are meant to represent him. It is stil Griever's theme, but it is created to refer to Squal as Griever is suposedly meant to be a part of Squall (I do not believe the S=G theory, mostly because it's part of the R=U theory) I agree that "The Oath" sounds like it could be Squall's Theme.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Did Rivals play during the scenes with Seifer, I was thinking of choosing this track for him but wasn't sure if even played when he was around.
    "Rivals" plays during the interigation scene in D-District Prison - that scene fetures Seifer quite frequently, I'll check if there are any more.

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I understand the Lion thing, but I feel its a bit weak for his theme as it only plays once (when Griever is around none the less) and I feel the theme really doesn't fit Squall's character beyond its title. I would say its over the top machoness from the vocals and percussions is more fitting of Zell or Seifer but they are not even choices in this case. Hell, Squall doesn't even need to be in your party for the scene where Maybe I'm a Lion plays.

    The Oath just seems to always play when Squall is actually having a character building moment as he grows into a leader or fesses up to his true feelings. The somber and heroic feel of the piece is also much more fitting for Squall's personality. These are the reasons I'm choosing it over the other track cause its associations with Squall doesn't work beyond the title of the track.

  12. #12
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Unrest as I recall is only ever played once in the game, and it's when the party hears that Seifer was executed by the Galbadians.

    I can't think of any other tracks that might directly relate to Seifer. Rivals sounds like a good bet too, especially since the name of the track seems to speak to Seifer and Squall's relationship with one another.

  13. #13
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mo-Nercy View Post
    Unrest as I recall is only ever played once in the game, and it's when the party hears that Seifer was executed by Seifer.
    It also plays when Seifer fails the SeeD exam.

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