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Thread: Mindsmurf Mafia - GAME OVER - Town Win - The Triple H gods are the heroes!

  1. #451


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Helios View Post
    Yeah, I think that's the consensus view.

    Wait, Hygieia. Wouldn't your unvote have disrupted the whole chain-voting thing? That's what got this mess started in the first place. There were 2 votes on Apollo, then you unvoted. Voting is fair game. You voted for Apollo again but it wasn't to bandwagon on Artemis' vote, it was a legitimate vote by itself. Wouldn't the next vote need to be for Apollo, also?

    Jesus Christ, Del.
    No, because it still matches Artemis's vote. So voting still is fair game. In the person A/B/C scenario you posted I just filled the roles of A and C.

    You are mindsmurfed and Del is enjoying it.

  2. #452
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    Hope's Peak


    The Red Apple thing was an allusion to the last Mafia game. I was making fun of the mindsmurfery that's happening right now. Probably should've put it in OOC tags or something. xD

    No, I'm not a shared account. I thought I understood at first; now I'm confused because of the effect of your unvoting.

  3. #453
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Hope's Peak


    Hmm, okay. I'm on the same page now, hopefully.

    As long as my vote for Nyx counts, I'm happy!

  4. #454


    I can't wait to see Apollo and Nyx tear each other apart.

  5. #455


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Hygieia View Post
    Nyx, killing the doctor is on your head. I bet you sure were happy about that in your mafia forum.
    I gave justification for my vote, and I felt it was good enough justification this early in the game. It was the best I had.

    However, don't you think it's a bit rich placing the entire blame on me? I wasn't the five votes after me, not including the votes by Hermes, Asclepius and Hestia that were removed at a later stage.

    I acknowledge my vote contributed to the death of Persephone, and my justification might have influenced the votes of others, but I won't take responsibility for setting up a bandwagon. I didn't tell them to vote that way, I just offered my own reason for voting.

    Besides, Helios was happy enough to claim credit for all the votes anyway.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Helios View Post
    A lot of people adding up against Persephone! Just remember that I was first, Nyx. Winky-face.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Aphrodite View Post
    Looking back, Nyx made a fairly persuasive case for Persephone on very little evidence. You could say it was my fault for buying it, but I'm too pretty to be accountable for my actions. So, now I'm bitter (and bitterness is one of my sexiest traits!)
    Way to shirk responsibility for your own actions.

  6. #456
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Harry - Dad's Dad's Avatar
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    Oct 2007
    Hope's Peak


    Quote Originally Posted by Nyx
    Quote Originally Posted by Helios
    A lot of people adding up against Persephone! Just remember that I was first, Nyx. Winky-face.
    Way to shirk responsibility for your own actions.
    Hey, who's shirking? And what responsibility? Yep I voted for Persephone first! My reason was that I had already picked her on a previous day and that she had voted for a dead townsperson.

    I'm actually on the fence between Nyx and Tyche. Those are my gut instincts right now. I voted for Nyx over Tyche because of her push for Persephone's lynch.

    I usually don't say this but let's not forget about inactives. Look at Eros! People that don't vote could use the excuse that they just wanted to vote for themselves, not knowing who they should really vote for. Self-voting is hardly scum-like... or is it? If you're not talking, speak up!

    Gotsa go again! I want more people to make cases against me so that if I die, we'll have a better idea of who's legit and who's full of it.

  7. #457


    Eros was eliminated by a mindsmurfin' Harpy.
    I, too, am questioning my decision to vote Nyx..

  8. #458


    Helios, I wasn't saying you were shirking your responsibility. I was just mentioning that you had wanted the credit earlier on. You can take it all now if you want

    I don't see where you guys are getting my 'push' from. My vote doesn't really suggest everyone lynch Persephone.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Nyx View Post
    There has been a lot of talk about Hestia's vote to kill Hephaestus and (allegedly) save Hades. But, just five minutes before the end of the day, Persephone voted for Hephaestus and tied up the game. Persephone saved Hades. Maybe she wants to take him up on his offer, or maybe they're already in cahoots?

    Either way, there's something not quite right about that.
    ##Vote: [M] Persephone
    The next time I mentioned, or even alluded to Persephone was actually in a post about Helios.

    The next time
    I discussed Persephone was trying to make sure Tyche had an actual reason for voting Persephone. If anything, I was allaying that vote. Or maybe you see it differently.

    I can't see the push however.

  9. #459


    To clarify the sentence 'my vote doesn't really suggest everyone lynch Persephone.'

    Obviously a vote for someone says you think they should be lynched, but I was in no way suggesting everyone should jump on and crusade for her immediate death. Just in case anyone took that incorrectly. I don't want to be arguing over semantics when we can argue over things of substance.

  10. #460


    Actually, perhaps the sentence in my vote post about 'Persephone saving Hades' was what you were all talking about. If so, I can probably see your reasoning there.

  11. #461


    Hey, hey! Is it too late to join the biker gang?

    Oh... . Things are really heating up it seems.

  12. #462


    Death of my daughter and the doctor in one go, oh joy
    I was hoping she'd eventually explain herself in some way, but I guess not... At least the night resulted in the removal of some scum I guess.

    On that note, I hadn't really noticed Eros' lack of posting due to the large numbers of people. I dislike calling people mafia if they don't post often, as I understand that many people have time restrictions upon them, and some miss out on heavy conversation due to unfortunate time zones, but when someone is heavily absent you need to start questioning why they haven't been replaced, or nudged back into action...
    I did a short search and found that both Eilithyia and Dionysus posted day 0, but have never actually posted anything since...
    Should this concern us at all? If they are actually being inactive, Del should pick up on it soon, but if he doesn't, they could be hiding, and that worries me.

  13. #463


    Everyone, let me start today by announcing the end of the Devils of Olympus. I want to say I am sorry, I am so, so sorry for what I did yesterday. I was out of line. My ego got the better of me, and I thought I could make it on my own. I was wrong.

    I've learned now that the true meaning of Mafia is always be yourself. And to trust in the bonds you share with your friends. I'm the worst townsperson in the world, and the last thing I deserve is forgiveness, but with a little help from Jesus and our fighting men and women overseas, I think I can become The Most Helpful and Friendly Guy in Town and start to repair some of the damage I have caused. Thank you.

    To help the town, I will attempt to find the mafia that have been causing it a little bit of trouble.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Poseidon View Post
    I... have no idea what's going on anymore.

    Unfortunately after wading through all of that crap and trying to make sense of it, I now have to head to class. Hermes has taken center stage now, and has pushed back valid suspicions on quite a few people and focused in on Persephone. This would be very scummy if it wasn't so smurfing blatant. I'm tempted to believe that he's just a town-aligned guy screwing around, but it could also be a clever mafia strategy, where he diverts attention away from people who had gathered a little suspicion beforehand. But I don't have anywhere near the mafia experience to be able to tell if that's even a plausible strategy, but I think it is something to be a bit wary of.

    Regardless, I do love the sig. Kudos for that.

    That's all I have time for right now. I won't be back until after the day's ended, so to avoid a self-vote I guess I'll just revote Hestia, though she's not at the top of my thoughts anymore.

    ##Vote: Hestia
    Firstly, Poseidon, let me thank you for your kind words about the sig. You're pretty great yourself!

    Anyway, this is the most mafiaish post in this game. I am surprised nobody has pointed it out! Let's review!

    - Poseidon plays it both ways. If the town turns on me, bam, he can easily join in. If not, no worries, I could just be town. Notice how he never expressively states his view one way or the other. Incidentally, Poseidon, those are some really super theories. Unfortunately you're way off the mark But keep trying! I am sure you will figure out my role soon!

    Hermes's Friendly Mafia Tips

    The mafia view the town as black and white. They know who their enemies are. The town, meanwhile, don't have a clue. Thus to appear to be town, the mafia over-exaggerate their view on townsfolk. Everything is very, very grey if you were to listen to the mafia!

    - Notice how Poseidon is not to blame for things. He could be wrong about me, but that's ok, he's a new player. Hestia isn't the most suspicious to him, but that's ok, he's got to go so he'll make a safe vote for her.

    In my opinion, Poseidon is a member of the mafia. I will vote for him because of this.

    ##vote: Poseidon

  14. #464


    Alright mothersmurfers. Hestia's back.

    Few things; the rules of this day are confusing, but not overly so. There must be two votes in a row for the same person, BEFORE a new person can be voted for. We need to be careful because a vote for someone who is 2 below the minimum for lynching, actually causes that person to be lynched. However, please stop focusing on this new role. To be put into simple words, its a trap to lure us away from finding scum.

    Next. Nyx used the same faulty logic Apollo did about someone "saving" Hades and thus being guilty, however her argument was more persuasive at the time which is why the bandwagon started.

    I was suspicious of Persephone because of her lack of involvement. Once she started talking, I tried to keep her alive.

    Persephone's death was a bad one, however, Nyx is being scapegoated. Nyx is being used to make us forget, that we almost lynched Apollo yesterday, and that for all of Apollo's tricks of being a bomb (very lame way to try and claim it). He didn't take the lynch. He saved himself.

    ##vote: Apollo

  15. #465


    Hermes brings up good points, this is why we don't lynch people because they're being slightly annoying.

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