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Thread: Mindsmurf Mafia - GAME OVER - Town Win - The Triple H gods are the heroes!

  1. #691


    Smurfface premiering tonight at Del Cinema! Get your tickets!

    Dear Helois, you think I am joking. How wrong you are, you clown. Artemis isn't dead yet. I used phoenix down. To smurf off the faces of all those around.

  2. #692
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Felix's Avatar
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    A pie baker?

    That's what pie baker does, right

  3. #693


    I'm in a hurry. Wah. All I have to say is, while this latest discussion has been interesting, it hasn't been particularly illuminating. Helios remains my prime suspect (for the same reasons as before) and that is how I am choosing to vote at this stage.

    ##Vote: [M] Helios

    I wish I had more to contribute. Ah well. Smurf ya later!

  4. #694
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Nyx (2) - Helios, Hera
    Helios (2) - Nyx, Aphrodite
    Hades (2) - Tyche, (self-vote)
    Poseidon (2) - Hermes, (self-vote)

    Not voting: Ares, Dionysus, Eilithyia, Hades, Hebe, Hemera, Hestia, Poseidon

    Day 4 ends in about 14 and a half hours.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  5. #695


    I will try to summarize my racing thoughts on notable people while I can stay awake:

    Artemis/Hermes: Am I missing something here, or did a cop die who was focusing exclusively on Hermes? I know she was a sane insane cop, but if she investigated herself Night 1 like a good cop, she knew what her results were -- on the flip side, if she didn't, then she was thinking the opposite, which would make Hermes all-but beyond suspicion. Has Shiny played mafia before? Is she someone who would have known to do that? If she's new then I would doubt it.

    Tyche: He has not screwed around as much as Apollo and Hermes, so I don't think he was just joking with that attempt to stop the lynch. I guess we can’t rule out a weird false or only-occasionally-successful role in this game, but it would also be quite a bluff. An explanation from him would be nice. He also didn’t provide any reasons for his vote for Hades. I think he’s been pretty suspicious, but I would like to hear his explanation for why he tried to stop the lynch and why he thought he could.

    Nyx/Helios: I put these two together because I don’t think both can be mafia, but they have both aroused my suspicion. Nyx was very argumentative earlier today, but about pointless, highly unlikely hypothetical situations, which just confuses me, but it does seem unusually defensive. Helios has also been argumentative and seems to be trying to jump on everyone, which to me seems suspicious. Helios still grabs me as the most mafia-like. But they’ve been drawing too much attention to themselves and getting votes to have each other lynched for them both to be mafia.

    Aphrodite: Has been a professional bandwagonner with little to no explanation in most cases. Her one attempt at it in this post had some pretty weak justifications (and I agree with her that Helios is suspicious) which if anything just makes her more scummy. She says Nyx wasn’t suspicious after having voted Nyx, and then offers some very weak non-evidence (as far as I can tell, just the fact that Helios happened to mention Eros). That post made her much more suspicious to me, as it seems like she was just trying very hard to find something on Helios in particular so she could hop on board.

    Also, I don’t think some of you saw this post of mine where I, in part, addressed Hermes (or at least no one responded). Citing someone else’s post as your exclusive evidence is not very helpful for discussion.

    Helios and Aphrodite are my top choices at the moment (I will defer judgment on Tyche and Hermes until there’s more info). Since the last vote is for Helios, that means:

    ##Vote: Aphrodite

  6. #696
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Felix's Avatar
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    Even experienced mafia players rarely investigate themselves (Shiny has played several times before). Sometimes the host doesn't even let Doctors or Cops target themselves. After all, realistically you can't operate on yourself and if you can't just suddenly go "oh okay guess I'm insane." (Most hosts will let you, I think.)

  7. #697


    Really? I was under the impression it was more common. Though I have only heard that from one experienced player before (Freya).

  8. #698

    Default Now With More Mindsmurfery (Or is it?) - Sponsored by Johnson&Johnson Baby Oil

    To keep track:

    Day 3 Final Votecount

    Apollo (7) - Hygieia, Artemis(b), Hygieia(b), Hygieia, Hestia(b), Hygieia, Nyx(b), Hygieia, Apollo, Hades(b), Poseidon(b), Hemera, Demeter(b)
    Helios (3) - Hera, Poseidon(b), Aphrodite, Tyche(b)
    Poseidon (2) - Hermes, Hebe(b), Apollo, Hestia(b), Apollo(b)
    Hermes (2) - Artemis, Hestia(b)
    Nyx (1) - Helios, Tyche(b), Aphrodite(b)
    Hestia (0) - Apollo, Hestia(b)

    Not voting: Ares, Dionysus, Eilithyia

    Day 1 Final Votecount
    Hephaestus (4) - Asclepius, Persephone, Hestia, (self-vote)
    Hades (3) - Hera, Hermes, Apollo
    Apollo (2) - Artemis, Hemera
    Tyche (2) - Helios, Nyx
    Hestia (2) - Poseidon, Hebe
    Poseidon (2) - Cerberus, Hygieia
    Athena (2) - Aphrodite, (self-vote)
    Hera (1) - Dionysus
    Nyx (1) - Tyche
    Hermes (1) - Hades
    Hemera (0) - Apollo
    Cerberus (0) - Hermes
    Hebe (0) - Hestia

    Not voting:
    Ares, Athena, Demeter, Eilithyia, Eros, Hephaestus


    Day 2 Final Votecount

    Persephone (7) - Helios, Nyx, Aphrodite, Tyche, Demeter, Hermes, Asclepius, Apollo, Hestia, Hebe, Apollo
    Apollo (6) - Hygieia, Hestia, Hades, Persephone, Hestia, Hera
    Hestia (1) - Apollo, Poseidon, Apollo
    Eilithyia (2) - Asclepius, (self-vote)
    Hermes (1) - Artemis
    Artemis (1) - Hermes
    [b]Asclepius (0)[/b] - Hera

    Not voting: Ares, Dionysus, Eilithyia, Eros, Hemera

    Day 0 Final Votecount
    Medusa - 4: Hygieia, Eilithyia, Apollo, Hemera
    Eros - 2: Hestia, Athena
    Hemera - 2: Poseidon, Hera
    Nyx - 2: Persephone, (self-vote)
    Aphrodite - 2: Hermes, (self-vote)
    Hera - 2: Hebe, Hephaestus
    Hephaestus - 1: Eros
    Persephone - 1: Helios
    Apollo - 1: Medusa
    Helios - 1: Demeter
    Eilithyia - 1: Tyche
    Hermes - 1: Asclepius
    Asclepius - 1: Dionysus

    Not voting:
    Aphrodite, Ares, Artemis, Cerberus, Hades, Nyx

    Something to consider:

    Hera claimed Bomb Detector (Said, Apollo is 100 % the bomb)
    Hemera claimed Bomb Squad (Said, would sacrifice self because they are sometimes bomb proof)

    The run down:

    Aphrodite - Is very gimmicky. Day 0 were we all apparently not told our roles so one can conclude that this gimmick is not a part of Aphrodite's role and in fact some sort of technique to make them appear less intimidating. She latches on to completely random votes without any reason. Just look at the one she just put. They post just enough to avoid suspicion of inaction, yet enough to incriminate themselves. They also tend to go for players that aren't currently about to get lynched as to not have the finger point at them. All the people she's voted for so far I have come out innocent. The only one we do not know of yet is Helios. My guess: anti-town

    Helios - Either a very inexperienced player who cba's (cbaing is understandable btw) or scum. They come in like Aphrodite and Eros to vote without much reasoning. Still Helios could be an easy target for mafia like Pere and Hep, they were just cba town who didn't really try to explain, or defend their reasoning. As a result, they were met with their demise. He some how knows how Artemis died, but won't share it. Not something a townie would do.

    Hebe - People are all Helios x Nyx, but I find Hebe x Nyx for more intruiging. Hebe defends Nyx loyally. They are obviously on the same side. One could ask which side that would be. Hebe is known for saying things like:

    Nyx - Likes to contract on pondering over whether there are two mafia factions. He should be more focused on finding the mafia and not wondering how many there are at the moment.

    Tyche - Defending Dionsynus by writing him off as just a "new player" despite other players behaving similarly. Why specifically did Tyche stick her neck out for only Dionsynus? Diosynus has gunned for Pere and Hygelia; both have flipped as town. They also gunned for me giving the ole "I don't know who to vote for so let me cast this random vote". That's all good and well on the first day, but something to consider. I have yet to see Tyche go after someone actually scummy.
    My guess: anti-town

    Notice the Nyx Helios Tyche voting.

    Hestia - Reminds me of Hygelia who I didn't believe was scum. Incidentally they hated each other, or something so probably not the Mason. Hestia has the hots for Hermes. They both want Poseidon gone.

    Hebe - People love Helios x Nyx, but I find Hebe x Nyx far more interesting. Hebe defends Nyx like a loyal dog. Case in point...

    I still don't think Nyx should get all the blame
    Why would you want to lynch Nyx?
    Hermes - Probably not aware of his role, or is he? Har har har He has like Aphrodite been full of gimmicks. He seems to be shaping up and actually helping town, but was definitely not before by voting for people who he got into mild tiffs with. The sudden change, or changes in his behavior is something to consider.

    Hera - Claimed that Apollo is 100 percent the bomb after investigation and probably due to the fact that he hinted it.

    Hemera - I believe the bomb squad claim because she did but herself in harms way, but could she be a mafia aligned bomb squad member? Yes, but I doubt she would go through the trouble of lynching one of her own unless she wanted clear herself and Hera. If the Mafia had a hurt locker then it would be some what safe to assume that town would need a similar bomb disarming role.

    Keep in mind that the Mafia Hurt Locker was revealed. The mafia would have figured out that there was a bomb with something like the Hurt Locker on their team. They could easily use this to their advantage and claim bomb related roles.

    Hades - A little loopy in this game, but voting for a player because you think they're annoying and some how failed to see how the joke role claim was a joke is bad. Hades claims to be an experienced player, so he should know better. Still he has given a lot to go by and drawn a lot of attention to himself on Day 1 in the process.

    Dionysus - Comes in to place a seemingly random vote without reason and then says bye. What is is the bull piss?!

    Poseidon - Winner of the most likely to be scum award. Earlier he said that he didn't think Hermes was suspicious. This was earlier in the day you see. Now suddenly he is saying that we should watch out for Hermes. He also pointed suspicious towards Apollo, Artemis. This is the second time he's bringing up the Helios and Nyx thing unless I have missed other times. Despite there being more of an obvious correlation between Hebe and Nyx. He has been gun-ho for And has been gun-ho for Hestia this entire game. Hermes is correct in thinking he is suspicious. He tends to

    ##Vote: Poseidon

  9. #699


    I meant concentrate not contract.

    Some people will get that.

  10. #700
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Gaius's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Hebe View Post
    Tyche: (SPOILER)Has done and said almost nothing, but I found something to object to...

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Tyche View Post
    I, Tyche, lady of luck
    Feel something foul is amuck.
    So, great Zeus, hear me pray,
    And please give us another day.
    *rubs rabbit's foot* *gives clover a pinch*,
    *taps horseshoe* ##PREVENT LYNCH!
    Right here... I see 3 possibilities for this. Either she was joking, and it was not the time to be joking, she is a role that she thought was governor but it isn't, which is helped by the fact that we have roles like Drunk Bus Driver and Sane Insane Cop, or she is mafia trying to make us think either 1 or 2.
    I want to point out that LUCK apparently plays a major important for my role. Before he edited his post saying "Nothing happened." after my prevent lynch attempt, Del Zeus said "Today must not be your lucky day, Tyche. " hence my " " post. Either that, or I just might as well be naive in my role!

    @ Poseidon: As for why I tried to prevent the lynch, remember, this was before Demeter's vote, I was trying to prevent Hemera's death, if it turns out that she's unable to defuse the bomb.

    Besides, I liked Apollo's antick-tocks.

  11. #701
    Mafia Townsperson [M] Kurt - Cool Dad's Avatar
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    Almost every cop will investigate themself, but what I think from the role is that Shiny did investigate herself, and got the wrong result on only herself. Seems minsmurfed enough...

    Eilithyia, why is it protecting her if I disagreed with a bandwagon being put onto her?

  12. #702


    Defending to be exact. You have only vehemently opposed people going after Nyx and solely them. You two are together.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Hebe View Post
    Well, I still don't think Nyx should get all the blame for Persephone. She made a mistake, and that's not really enough to lynch her. I still would like to see Apollo lynched, and I don't know what to think about Poseidon. He is being extremely wishy-washy and seems to be trying to please everyone, as Hermes said, but for some reason I don't want to lynch him. He doesn't seem as good of a lynch to me as Apollo does.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Helios View Post
    I'm actually on the fence between Nyx and Tyche. Those are my gut instincts right now. I voted for Nyx over Tyche because of her push for Persephone's lynch.
    Two people who haven't been particularly suspicious in the scheme of things (yes, I admit I initially voted clumsily.) Since Tyche has also placed a vote for Nyx, I wonder if Helios is mentioning her as a suspect simply to distract from their mafia plot to eliminate Nyx.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Helios View Post
    I usually don't say this but let's not forget about inactives. Look at Eros!
    Eros, the mafia member, who had been eliminated earlier. Was it an accident or another tactic by Helios to create the illusion that he is innocent and unaware of the movements of his mafia compadres?

    If my theory of Nyx being a mafia target is correct, she must be innocent. For this reason..

    ##Unvote: [M] Nyx
    ##Vote: [M] Helios

    (Pretty sure I can do that.. my apologies if I cannot. )[/QUOTE][/SPOILER]

    Dionysus: (SPOILER)Has done and said nearly nothing. Is inactive. Makes random votes for no real reason.

    Eilithyia: (SPOILER)Says and does nothing and is completely useless

    Hades: (SPOILER)Makes long, pretty intelligent posts. His arguement against Hermes seemed to be a simple misunderstanding, and I think it was a bluff when he chose to sacrifice himself to lynch the bomb, but I don't suspect him.

    Helios: (SPOILER)Has talked a fair bit and hasn't said much. Voted for Nyx for voting for Persephone, while it was her that did it, which has already been said.

    Hemera: (SPOILER)Has made a few posts, hasn't really said anything, but made a roleclaim, which I think is true, because of how she tried to have the final vote on the bomb. A town would almost never take that chance, and a mafia certainly wouldn't.

    Hera: (SPOILER)Seems to be a smart person that makes useful posts and gives me no reason to suspect her. I do not clear her because of her roleclaim, which she said herself, but I think she is Town based on how she acts

    Hermes: (SPOILER)Has made smart posts, seems to be having fun, isn't being all that distracting, and gives me no real reason to suspect him.

    Hestia: (SPOILER)Hestia, since I first stated my suspicions on her, has done nothing to make me suspect her more. I am still suspicious of her, but because she hasn't done anything lately to make me suspect her, I would do no more than watch her closely.

    Nyx: (SPOILER)Makes fair posts, I don't really have a read on her. Seems to be paying a lot of attention to inactives, but for good reason, I suppose

    Poseidon: (SPOILER)Hermes said everything there is to know about him. I don't know what else to add. Looking through his posts don't really say anything, except for what Hermes said

    Tyche: (SPOILER)Has done and said almost nothing, but I found something to object to...

    Everyone in the post:

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Tyche View Post
    I, Tyche, lady of luck
    Feel something foul is amuck.
    So, great Zeus, hear me pray,
    And please give us another day.
    *rubs rabbit's foot* *gives clover a pinch*,
    *taps horseshoe* ##PREVENT LYNCH!
    Right here... I see 3 possibilities for this. Either she was joking, and it was not the time to be joking, she is a role that she thought was governor but it isn't, which is helped by the fact that we have roles like Drunk Bus Driver and Sane Insane Cop, or she is mafia trying to make us think either 1 or 2.

    Who I suspect in order now of most to least, with people I don't believe are mafia left out...


    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Hebe View Post
    Why would you want to lynch Nyx? Just because she voted for Persephone? I don't really have a read on her, has she done anything, really?
    You claim to be suspicious and wary of with the exclusion of course, Nyx. With Hermes and Hestia you say they are mildly suspicious.

  13. #703


    Gah, lemme fix those quotes.

    Defending to be exact. You have only vehemently opposed people going after Nyx and solely them. You two are together.

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Hebe View Post
    Well, I still don't think Nyx should get all the blame for Persephone. She made a mistake, and that's not really enough to lynch her. I still would like to see Apollo lynched, and I don't know what to think about Poseidon. He is being extremely wishy-washy and seems to be trying to please everyone, as Hermes said, but for some reason I don't want to lynch him. He doesn't seem as good of a lynch to me as Apollo does.
    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Hebe View Post
    Why would you want to lynch Nyx? Just because she voted for Persephone? I don't really have a read on her, has she done anything, really?

    Quote Originally Posted by Hebe
    Dionysus: (SPOILER)Has done and said nearly nothing. Is inactive. Makes random votes for no real reason.

    Eilithyia: (SPOILER)Says and does nothing and is completely useless

    Hades: (SPOILER)Makes long, pretty intelligent posts. His arguement against Hermes seemed to be a simple misunderstanding, and I think it was a bluff when he chose to sacrifice himself to lynch the bomb, but I don't suspect him.

    Helios: (SPOILER)Has talked a fair bit and hasn't said much. Voted for Nyx for voting for Persephone, while it was her that did it, which has already been said.

    Hemera: (SPOILER)Has made a few posts, hasn't really said anything, but made a roleclaim, which I think is true, because of how she tried to have the final vote on the bomb. A town would almost never take that chance, and a mafia certainly wouldn't.

    Hera: (SPOILER)Seems to be a smart person that makes useful posts and gives me no reason to suspect her. I do not clear her because of her roleclaim, which she said herself, but I think she is Town based on how she acts

    Hermes: (SPOILER)Has made smart posts, seems to be having fun, isn't being all that distracting, and gives me no real reason to suspect him.

    Hestia: (SPOILER)Hestia, since I first stated my suspicions on her, has done nothing to make me suspect her more. I am still suspicious of her, but because she hasn't done anything lately to make me suspect her, I would do no more than watch her closely.

    Nyx: (SPOILER)Makes fair posts, I don't really have a read on her. Seems to be paying a lot of attention to inactives, but for good reason, I suppose

    Poseidon: (SPOILER)Hermes said everything there is to know about him. I don't know what else to add. Looking through his posts don't really say anything, except for what Hermes said

    Tyche: (SPOILER)Has done and said almost nothing, but I found something to object to...

    Everyone in the post:

    Quote Originally Posted by [M] Tyche View Post
    I, Tyche, lady of luck
    Feel something foul is amuck.
    So, great Zeus, hear me pray,
    And please give us another day.
    *rubs rabbit's foot* *gives clover a pinch*,
    *taps horseshoe* ##PREVENT LYNCH!
    Right here... I see 3 possibilities for this. Either she was joking, and it was not the time to be joking, she is a role that she thought was governor but it isn't, which is helped by the fact that we have roles like Drunk Bus Driver and Sane Insane Cop, or she is mafia trying to make us think either 1 or 2.

    Who I suspect in order now of most to least, with people I don't believe are mafia left out...

    You claim to be suspicious and wary of with the exclusion of course, Nyx. With Hermes and Hestia you say they are mildly suspicious.

  14. #704


    Hey, a replacement. Good stuff. I am also never going to get any sleep tonight. I probably shouldn't respond now (and I am trying hard not to be rude), but this is just wrong:

    Quote Originally Posted by Eilithyia
    Earlier he said that he didn't think Hermes was suspicious. This was earlier in the day you see. Now suddenly he is saying that we should watch out for Hermes.
    I said Hermes was not suspicious Day 3. After Artemis died, he became... I guess conditionally suspicious, based solely on Artemis's death (which, objectively, either basically cleared him or convicted him). I understand you had to read through this entire thread, so I don't think you're trying to hard to find something here (if it had been in the same day you would have a point).

    He also pointed suspicious towards Apollo, Artemis.
    I mentioned that Artemis was acting suspiciously for gunning for Hermes almost exclusively and seemingly ignoring everything else sometimes (something Hermes himself mentioned afterward, calling Artemis a possible lyncher targeting him).

    This is the second time he's bringing up the Helios and Nyx thing unless I have missed other times. Despite there being more of an obvious correlation between Hebe and Nyx.
    I brought up "Helios/Nyx" only because I thought one being mafia would all-but exclude the other, based on their voting and consistent arguing. Was I wrong in that regard? That is an anti-link (interestingly enough, Hermes first brought up the link, saying they were suspiciously together; I think it's shown to be the opposite recently). I will admit that your quotes are some evidence of Hebe being suspicious (but such an obvious correlation that no one else pointed it out?), but you seem to be criticizing me for: 1) missing the evidence on Hebe (though I have called Nyx suspicious several times, so if you're right that they're linked, I am pointing out one mafia anyway -- so why is this suspicious?), or more bizarrely 2) the horrible crime of not including them in the same line of my post.

    I will say I think you did an otherwise solid job, considering you presumably just had to read through the entire thread. But I can't help but notice you didn't mention anything about Hades after Day 1, or Nyx before today, or what Artemis's death tells us. Which actually just reminded me of Hades and his change of attitude after Day 1, and his offer to let himself be killed to lynch Apollo. Could that have been a bluff, like we are discussing Tyche's might've been? He has otherwise been much quieter lately. I will have to look back over things sometime tomorrow.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tyche
    @ Poseidon: As for why I tried to prevent the lynch, remember, this was before Demeter's vote, I was trying to prevent Hemera's death, if it turns out that she's unable to defuse the bomb.
    ... is that it? Really? You wanted to save someone highly contentious distraction, who others might have just wanted to continue to try to lynch the next day, to try to prevent someone's death who said she could be protected and offered to try? That explanation does not comfort me much.

  15. #705


    Quote Originally Posted by Eilithyia
    If my theory of Nyx being a mafia target is correct, she must be innocent. For this reason..

    ##Unvote: [M] Nyx
    ##Vote: [M] Helios
    You didn't include this part in your corrected post, and I don't know who this is referring to. Are you talking about Helios or Hebe or Aphrodite (who I think you were quoting in part in your unfixed post)?

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