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Thread: Kiss em, praise em, drown em, and give em a cookie!

  1. #1
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    :monster: Kiss em, praise em, drown em, and give em a cookie!

    Just something fun. Using each FF separately, post which characters you would kiss them for being cute, praise for a good job, drown them for being worthless or annoying, and who you would give a cookie to and why.

    Kiss White Mage cause she's cute and I hope she's a she...
    Praise Black Belt, cause he's pretty awesome out of the box
    Drown Thief cause Ninja doesn't make up for how crappy this class is
    Give the Cookie to Fighter cause he's always the best

    Kiss Maria I mean damn...
    Praise Josef cause he doesn't get as much love as he deserves.
    Drown Leila cause she's not as useful as the others and you have to use her longer than the crappy prince.
    Give a Cookie Minwu for being the most useful character out of the whole lot of them.

    Kiss Refia cause she's so adorable
    Praise Desch for finally remembering what he needed to do
    Drown The Earth Crystal for showing up at the 11th hour and forcing me to have to re-level.
    Give a Cookie to the Onion Knights for being so awesome.

    Kiss Adult Rydia cause damn...
    Praise Cecil and Kain for being awesome and making the story good
    Drown Tellah, despite redeeming himself with his death, he still was worthless and I hated having Meteor but only 90 mp...
    Give a Cookie to Edge and Cid, for always making me laugh.

    I'll do some more later but this should give you an idea of what I mean.

  2. #2
    Forehead Remon's Avatar
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    FF 6
    - Kiss Terra for being sweet, beautiful and adorable.
    - Praise Kefka for being the best villain ever.
    - Drown no one because FF6 rocks.
    - Give cookie to Gau because he needs a better diet.

    FF 7
    - Kiss Tifa cause she's hot.
    - Praise Aeris for having an early death.
    - Drown Aeris after praising her. (death paradox lol)
    - Give cookie to Sephiroth for killing her.

    FF 8
    - Kiss Selphie because she's a great French kisser
    - Praise Rinoa for bringing an end to Squall's emoness.
    - Drown Irvine cause he's annoying.
    - Give cookie to Laguna for badassness.

    FF 9
    - Kiss Garnet
    - Praise Garnet for her existence.
    - Drown Zidane for being a rival.
    - Give cookie to Quina (no need for reason)

    FF 10
    - Kiss Rikku you really need a reason to kiss people?
    - Praise Yuna for defeating Sin.
    - Drown Tidus so his voice is never heard again (reverse ending of x-2 lol)
    - Give cookie to Maechen because he'll be forever alone.

    FF 10-2
    - Kiss Paine for hotness.
    - Praise Kimahri for having become a leader ^^
    - Drown Yuna for drastic unnatural change.
    - Give cookie to Brother, because that's the only thing he'll ever get.

    FF 12
    - Kiss Vaan (Fran really :P) for hotness.
    - Praise Ashe for having stolen the main character seat from Vaan.
    - Drown Penelo.
    - Give cookie to the Occuria since they need to take it easy.

    - Kiss Agrias for being the best Final Fantasy female. Beautiful, Brave, Noble, Loyal, Serious, Strong, Hidden melancholic side and oblivious to the opposite sex.
    - Praise Ramza for being a very good main character. Contrary to many other FF.
    - Drown every corrupt piece of bowwow existing in the game.
    - Give cookie to Celia and Lede for being such badass assassins.
    Last edited by Remon; 03-09-2011 at 03:24 PM.

  3. #3
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    >.< wy does everyone seem to hate Aeris?
    and kiss ppl for being hot? cmon... wy not think of a real reason?

  4. #4
    Forehead Remon's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shaibana View Post
    wy not think of a real reason?

  5. #5
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    its just such a male-action..
    u only look at how they look, and u kiss them for that?

  6. #6


    You know you wanna kiss Sabin for being a big sexy muscle'y man. Admit it, Shy Banana. Admit it!

    I would

    I love Sabin

    I'd also kiss Terra. She's hot :P And awesome. But really she's just extremely selfless and pretty torn up and ... well, she's looking to understand love anyway (lol)

    I'd praise Shadow for letting go of his past and finding something worth committing to and fighting for

    And I'd give Cyan a cookie, 'cause damn he had it hard in that game. Lost damn near everything. He can at least have a cookie..

  7. #7
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    *googles Sabin*
    naa.. thats not my type of guy^^

  8. #8


    xD Yeah I don't honestly know any girl who's actually into extreme muscles. Its just some stereotype or Jersey Shore thing. But the joke still works~

    You haven't played FF6 I guess? You'd maybe like Edgar or Locke. They're pretty confident guys with good senses of humor. And edgar tries to have that suave James Bond thing going on (with mixed results). Or if you're into weirdos, there's always Gau! He's adorable. (Not presuming you'd even be the type to rationalize any attraction to a video game character. But y'know. If they were real)

  9. #9


    I always thought Terra's ascension into another level of being was pretty awesome and fascinating. Beautiful and amazing.

    Elena , wears a suit, acts kind of cocky, playful, something sort of sexy about her...but only in a feral sense.

    Quistis, haven't beaten VIII But from what I remember. She is able to build close relationships where she deeply cares for her students and yet she isn't deluded by a concept of selflessness she is deeply appreciative of herself and goes on journeys to better herself and share her experiences with others so that she may become more experienced and knowledgeable in what she may teach. It's brave and bold to take teaching to a frontier and go out into the world to become a greater teacher.

    Edea, I always just thought she was damn sexy...She is just so fine...Maybe, it's a sense of power and that her body had all that power. I think by having such a beautiful woman twisted into evil really brought out a unique and sexy side of humanity. mmm hmmm, inside she was good, the whole possession thing, so hot...that body, that face...and if I remember right the tension from Siefer, where he was like her bitch or something...oh God, so hot...Such a innocent and beautiful looking face turned evil, the struggle within for control, beautiful to me in some way...

    Zell At first I thought it was a girl, years ago...When I went to the mall with my parents , whenever i saw some (female)teenager dressed up in some sort of creative, expressive clothes it turned me on. Even as a kid...I never got over it.

    LOL...but, I did think he was a she at first.

    Yuna She inspires to also become something greater than her self and her struggle is beautiful and amazing, her journey to becoming a summoner is so beautiful to me. I admire her grace and appreciation for her life and her faith and confidence in her own abilities. She appreciates herself for the strong, independent woman that she is and she reaches her goals. She lives a beautiful and full life .

    Rikku, damn sexy...

    Ashe, eh, can't remember...

    Lightning, I admire her for her strength, courage,

    There are several censored examples of playing the first 6 games, but I can't find any pictures and most, all, are nude women which made it difficult to play through the game because I got horny...

    Good memories, thank you, translated uncensored versions, thank you...yes, thank you...

    Yes, thank you....Thank you.

  10. #10


    o.O Granted, I never played 2 or 3 that much. But I'm having trouble coming up with plausible scenarios in any of the FF games that would justify nudity. Are you sure they weren't hacked to have nudity, rather than being uncensored

    FFX revels at any opportunity to put the camera right up Rikku's ass, and Terra gets naked when she transforms into an ethereal being. But those are the only two things I can think of that could possibly be sexualized, and neither require censorship. I may just be ignorant of the details though

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    o.O Granted, I never played 2 or 3 that much. But I'm having trouble coming up with plausible scenarios in any of the FF games that would justify nudity. Are you sure they weren't hacked to have nudity, rather than being uncensored

    FFX revels at any opportunity to put the camera right up Rikku's ass, and Terra gets naked when she transforms into an ethereal being. But those are the only two things I can think of that could possibly be sexualized, and neither require censorship. I may just be ignorant of the details though
    I have a vivid imagination, so maybe I'm remembering it wrong.

    I think it was FF IV or V , in a forest, there's this naked chick I fought with blonde or red hair, it turned me on so bad...but maybe it's just a fantasy about final fantasy. It had to be a boss or just a reg monster, but I thought it was some sort of boss...maybe not. Or maybe when I was younger I just saw more than there was to see because my mind maybe...I don't know, I can't find evidence of it.

    Oh damn...oh damn....whooo damn damn....well, anyways, ohhh why did you say that about, nevermind it. DAMN IT! whoooo yeah...oh,

  12. #12


    Well, couldn't go to sleep without looking this up. I think it's Mellusion. I enjoyed FF V alot so I had to make sure I remembered it right.

    Yeah, that's probably the one. Strange thing to talk about, when some one can't keep it civil...not to point any fingers...


    Quote Originally Posted by spirit View Post
    This battle will be pretty tough. She constantly changes barriers every so often and changes weaknesses and strengths. Your best bet is to hit her with anything not elemental like BIO or use your physical attacks because they seem to work pretty well. Keep your party's HP up and watch for her to use strong spells like FIRE3 or ICE3, so make sure at least one of your party members has a FLAME or ICE shield equipped. Watch for what kind of attack she does, if she does a FIRE attack use ICE or vice versa. Keep pounding on her until she's toast.
    Apparently she's one tough hot... boss to fight. I think I'm still in love actually, i want to go back and play FF V now. It's been too long, and I want to take her on again!

  13. #13


    Oh, right. The naked enemies. Yeah, those exist. I forgot about them. I thought you were talking about the characters getting naked, such as infamous bath scenes in certain RPGs

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    Oh, right. The naked enemies. Yeah, those exist. I forgot about them. I thought you were talking about the characters getting naked, such as infamous bath scenes in certain RPGs
    Don't get me wrong...I have a taste for art, the female figure. I'm not entirely immature. But . the naked enemy, what's hotter than the naked enemy? Unless the naked enemy is like a man in a thong? Not that I like to judge but I don't think that would excite me in my RPGING experience...JUST DIE ALREADY! JESUS!

    Final Fantasy XXX is the one where they get naked, and in the tub together, we haven't gotten there yet. We're still on XIII -2 or whatever the hell they call it.

    Sorry, actually I'm starting to feel like I'm getting too excited here. I'm just a little horny as of late and some times I could just blame my actions on ADD or something...

    I should try to be a little more mature and get back to the thinking side of things. I'm acting like a feral wild child...
    Last edited by spirit; 03-10-2011 at 02:09 PM.

  15. #15
    she'll steal your heart Hollycat's Avatar
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    kiss white wizard- damn she cute
    praise master- he masterful
    drown red mage- he lame
    give garland a cookie, he is the main villian of dissidia

    kiss the pirate chick- shes self reliant and cute
    praise guy- he can speak beaver
    drown leon- hes lame
    give a cookie to the dragoon- hes beast

    kiss rydia- shes hot
    praise- rosa, for also being cute
    drown- cecil for being lame
    give golbez a cookie, he likes cookies

    kiss the princess- shes the only non-loli non-transie in the game
    praise bartz- he a pimp
    drown- exdeath, worst villian ever
    give galuf a cookie- he deserves it

    kiss rydia- shes the least likely to stab me, ands needs a kiss
    praise mog- hes awesome
    drown gau- shut up and learn english, its not cute anymore
    give umaro a cookie- hes the ccokie monster

    kiss tifa, i was gonna say yuffie but shes loli... although she is 16 right, and im 17, and i like her best?
    tifa is prettier though
    praise zack- hahaha eeat it cloud
    drown cait sith- no one likes you
    give vincent a cookie- cheer up man, your the father of a lunatic

    kiss rinoa, she hot
    praise squall, he cool
    drown zell, he lame,
    give cookie to selphie, why not

    kiss garnet because she is so cute
    praise garnet because she can sing
    drown zidane, hes in the way
    give garnet a cookie because I can

    kiss rikku
    praise lulu on her baby
    drown tidus, he irritates me
    give a cookie to yuna

    kiss penelo, because i love her
    praise penelo, because she has the cutest hair ever, is cute, and has a petite and flexibul build
    drown vaan because I hate him
    give penelo a cookie because I love her.

    bet you cant guess who my 2 favorite girls are
    This post brought to you by the power of boobs. Dear lord them boobs. Amen

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