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Thread: Noticeable Changes from 1

  1. #1
    A figure clad in armor. Darkwolf090's Avatar
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    Default Noticeable Changes from 1

    I havent played as everyone yet but I wish to share the major updates/changes I have found thus far.
    First off Wind Sheer the HP move for Bartz and Onion Knight has been removed leaving Onion Knight's non-branching hp game in the air as utter crap seeing as all he has is comet now what is so slow you cant even get a 100% hit after block as the opponent can recover from the block stagger and still dodge... hmm.
    Cloud has a Air Meteor Rain as we know from Prologus but his Sonic Break what leads into Finishing Touch has been changed alot from 1, instead of lunging a short distance with he he has a draw in effect with it, better or worse? I think its better myself.
    Bartz has almost a whole new move set seeing as with the new chars and the lack of Wind Sheer again, I like him more now.
    Warrior of Light seems to have been sped up as well as Shield of Light now having a slight Tracking of above or below him now, we should know all of that from Prologus as well but his magic has also been beefed up.
    That is all I have noticed so far, also for those who havent noticed that did play the Prologus "Ground Dash" is what was on all chars in it and can be taken off so if your a char like Kain thats great but if your Firon then you want it. Its a nice change really, so please send the Updates and changes for the old chars here plz.

    Ok so I will leave original post there even though I now know Wind Shear is in the game just at a higher level now, but other then that I found this
    So now let is discuss what we like and dislike what the did to your old chars eh?
    Last edited by Darkwolf090; 03-25-2011 at 11:32 AM.
    I care not for harmony nor discord. - Golbez
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  2. #2
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I haven't played as everyone yet either but I can say that Terra got nerfed pretty bad so far. I may need to just spend some more time with her but its really obvious somethings have been changed.

    Holy and Blizzara have both had their range cut almost in half and Holy especially is much slower than it used to be even in EX-Mode making it ridiculously easy to dodge or block. They both have lost a good bit of their accuracy as well it seems. Also, she can now move when using the Flare branching attack. Fire is faster but much more noticeable and of course has her new Firaga branching attack. Meltdown's second variation has much better tracking and can turn a bit easier making it a bit more difficult to dodge. Tornado has a much slower start up time but its range has been improved. Her movement speed seems a bit better but she's still incredibly slow to recover from using a move meaning she's still a sitting duck at close range.

    With her best attribute gone (her incredible range), several of her moves made easier to dodge or block, as well as the usual weaknesses of magic such as being able to simply dash through it and reflect it back at her (which always crits since its treated as a counterattack); I can't say I'm thrilled with my poor Terra's changes cause she's really lost most of her strengths with little to show for it. Considering guys like Golbez and Cloud got very minor nerfs and people like WoL, Firion, and Kuja got major upgrades,

    I'm kind of sad that she may have lost her competitive edge. Kefka is a much better character compared to her cause at least his moves got sped up and are close to mid-range, meaning he can deal with opponents better but Terra's only close range game has been nerfed and she lost her long range game, meaning she's trapped at mid-range where guys like Cloud, Bartz, Kain, and Golbez simply have to mash O to attack through all her spells and reflect them back at her while nailing her with their own attacks. It looks like Terra will have to be played very defensively...

  3. #3
    she'll steal your heart Hollycat's Avatar
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    I cant afford dissidia. sad face. but I played prologus and heres my opinion of what I've seen so far.
    I hate Kain. So much.

    Ject seems to have gotten faster, Kefka is now much better and is finally tough. I love the new design for WoL and his light-pillar thing has gotten better, it now homes much faster. I don't like lightning at all.
    This post brought to you by the power of boobs. Dear lord them boobs. Amen

  4. #4


    Kanno-Terra has been nefed a little in all those ways, but meltdown is absurd now sometimes making a full 180 degree turn and hitting me, I rarely use terra, but feel I could put her in my top 5 just for meltdown which has become a ***** to dodge. As for kefka his upgrades are more balanced than people think. WWF was badly nerfed, much easier to block and much short range, since that was his bread and butter move I was less than pleased seeing my main like that, but all his other moves either stayed the same or got much better, specifically SSB is incredible since its quick and you can't dash through it.

    As for characters that have not been mentioned.

    Jecht-Jecht Beam would be better if had a little more range, but its a nice update, most of the rest of him has not changed much.

    Exdeath=Better, blocks going into nearly guarteened hit HP attacks, moving grand he got his own Star fall called Malestorm...I think he is gonna be very high tier.

    Garland-WAY better, Blaze is much more direct, cyclone is irrating as ever when trying to get close, flare makes midrange game very frustrating, and still a brave beast...He is scary...I am glad I main kefka for him

    WoL-tilted shield, ult shield is really good too

    Firion-He was S on ground already, now he is SS, I thought they would balance him a little, but meh, air went from E to D, spells are a little better, lord of arms OTL.

    OK-Not terribly much to report that I have noticed, I do like the charge moves though, make using him more fun.

    Cod- have not used her, but have been hit enough by her...Fullsiade (sp?) is 100% better, very hard to dodge now, Wide range is gigantic, O-particle beams homing has been nerfed a little, thanks god...brave game is much better with twice as many options

    Cecil-Searchlight thingy chains into palidin light??? This is a pretty incredible upgrade, not to mention luminous has very good homing. The New DK move good when chained off the scorpian get over here darkness thing...(apoligies for the name butchering here, not a main of mine...)

    Golbez-downgraded GR...haven't used him enough, but I like his Sector beams, great midrange HP.

    Bartz-mix of a lot of characters best moves...I am good with him, but read everyone else and use ur imagination for this one

    Cloud-Air meterorain is really good, I haven't noticed to many other changed...Kanno u said he was nerfed? Could you elaborate? I hate him so I never used or use him now so I now why I might miss something.

    Sephy-didn't see much difference, moment is kinda neat, but doesn't drastically change him.

    Squall-better range on a big scary wall of fire move...

    Ultemacia-Hells Judgement...apoclypse...sucking HP granade thing...Knights arrow...Irrating...all her moves seem to be made much better with Hells Judgement for Godly midrange game.

    Zidane-haven't noticed yet

    Kuja-new move is good, haven't done much else though

    Tidus-haven't noticed much, seems similar enough.

    Shantoto- don't know don't care...(i know she is better)

    Gabranth, EX building is amazingly quick, but most HP attacks were nerfed a little, especially innocence range has bee greatly reduced
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  5. #5
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Meltdown did get better and it's even more ridiculous in EX-Mode since she can double cast two of those super homing attacks (before the second meltdown would just be either the fast short range one or a fully charged ricochet variation) but she's lost her long range superiority and now has to fight closer to opponents, and considering she really doesn't have any move except Blizzard Combo and Gravity that can not be dashed through, she's not really safe at this range. Not to mention her only major defensive move was Tornado and its been slowed down and it's larger range actually allows opponents to go through it as long as they don't come into contact with one of the Tornadoes now makes it much easier for opponents to knock her out of it. I've actually has the computer jump through it a few times... On the brightside, Holy/Flare combo cannot be canceled by an Assist Shield. Flare will keep tracking and still hit you if you didn't time the assist right.

    Basically she's being forced to fight at closer ranges with no new or altered moves to give her any advantage, I'm literally being forced to learn how to use her in a new way cause my old play-style for her has been devastated.

    Golbez can now have the attack where he summons the vertical lasers be blocked and prevented from going into his branching attacks, but that's only if you block the physical hit from the hand hit. If you keep minor distance and just hit them with the laser, it is still an unblockable move and with his insane recovery between attacks, Golbez is still not too badly hindered by having the attack a little more easy to dodge. Of anything its now made this spam fest of his move more dangerous cause now Golbez players can switch up trying to fake opponents out with hitting them closer and faking them out to dodging where they will get hit or sucker into blocking only to get a face full of laser.

    Cloud's only major downgrade is with Braver which has lost its range and lowered some of Cloud's air superiority. Instead, Omnislash Version 5 has become an unblockable move with the move still tracking you magically when you use an assist shield. Most of his moves are either faster or have better range so really Cloud is probably more overpowered than he was before.

    Jecht can't Jecht Block through HP attacks and then counter anymore. HP attacks that are Jecht block stagger both him and the opponent so he's lost a lot of what made him BS to begin with.

  6. #6
    Not a Banana Mo-Nercy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Jecht can't Jecht Block through HP attacks and then counter anymore. HP attacks that are Jecht block stagger both him and the opponent so he's lost a lot of what made him BS to begin with.
    I noticed this too. Whilst it probably was a good idea to nerf him a little. The new Assist system works very much against Jecht's favour since you can instantly fill an Assist gauge by interrupting him while he's charging up. Jecht has gone from one of the hardest to fight against to one of the easiest IMO.

  7. #7
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    This dissidia is so much more awesome than the first. The world map addition is very nice and the game feels like an actual action RPG now. The first one just felt like endless streams of battles and then a boss and then you customize some stuff and repeat...And I feel the cutscenes are much more interesting this time around.

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