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Thread: "the nice guy"

  1. #31
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
    Iceglow's sister is MEAN!
    Look mate I did say don't hit on my sister she's a bitch but what did you go and do? Seriously listen to me in future! Otherwise I might have to flirt with your sister in revenge :P

    As for the cartoon. It's full of sweeping generalizations and stereotypes but frankly theres some valid points in there, women do like to be challenged over things, not every little thing but well they like to know that whilst a fella will sit back and tolerate the crap they come up with for a while that they actually have a back bone and will stand up for themselves and their opinions and beliefs when it comes to it. Any guy who will sit there and agree with or do something that completely betrays his beliefs or opinions on a subject for a girls opinion/belief either doing it for the easy life or doing it because he wants in her pants won't keep the girl for long if he even manages to get the girl. However standing your ground and letting them know that whilst you respect them you don't agree with them at all will often end up scoring you far more points. Plus make up sex is great

    The male character depicted above is an extremely accurate depiction of a lot of "geeky" guys who believe being nothing but nice will get them somewhere in life and as the phrase says "nice guys finish last" you need to be a little bit of an asshole to get by in life and thats just in general. Some might say they wish it wasn't so but well thats human nature and so deal with it.

    The female character depicted above is a bitch, theres no two ways around it, women like that exist and they generally do end up with the guys but then thats life. The difference is the girls of this type aren't often very well respected by the rest of the world, the term slut comes to mind.

  2. #32
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    Man I just told Jess she was a dumb slut and she belongs to me, then I punched her in the face, and she has never been more in love with me. Being a prick totally works guys, try it on women immediately.

  3. #33
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    Man I just told Jess she was a dumb slut and she belongs to me, then I punched her in the face, and she has never been more in love with me. Being a prick totally works guys, try it on women immediately.
    Quote for smurfing truth.

    That's why I tell girls they're fat, they love me when I point out their flaws.

  4. #34
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    I wonder if I'm one of those nice guys. I know I'm always there for girls, and I don't ever say anything mean, really, but then I don't expect a girl to like me if I don't go after her. Instead, I get angry at myself that I didn't ask her out, or I do tell a girl that I like her when I do, if I'm comfortable to, anyway. I think it is extremely dickish to expect a girl from being nice. To be nice to a girl then ask her out and hope for the best is fine, but to expect a girl to see you as her savior is a horrible thing to do.

  5. #35
    I'm selling these fine leather jackets Aerith's Knight's Avatar
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    The only thing missing is the guy saying back: "Fine, that's your choice, but if you know what you're doing, could you stop bitching about it to me?"

  6. #36
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    I treat a bitch like 7up

    I never have, I never will

    there was a picture here

  7. #37
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aerith's Knight View Post
    The only thing missing is the guy saying back: "Fine, that's your choice, but if you know what you're doing, could you stop bitching about it to me?"
    But then someone in the comic would actually be sane.

  8. #38
    A Lyrical Storm Is Coming TyphoonThaReapa's Avatar
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    A'yo, TTR will break things down for you guys nice and sound.

    First of all, if a nice guy so happens to finish last, it will never be for one reason. There will always be a combination of things which contribute to epic fail. I would go as far to say that some or most women would love to have nice guys. But, quite honestly, anybody can be nice. That's the primary reason just being nice won't cut it. Take a chance and go all or nothing before it's too late. Bitches--I mean, women love that!

    Secondly, everyone loves a bitch. Why? Because their sooo easy to read and manipulate it's just too good to pass. Why do you think the girl in the comic had a few boyfriends prior to the one who was lonely and alone on a bench in a park? Why do you think guys are so easily attracted to them? It's not only because their pretty. Hell, I can find a pretty nerdy girl just as easy as I can find a pretty bitch. It's just that bitches are easier to catch than a nerdy sexy woman.

    Third, If you think arguing and disagreeing all the time is "exciting" and "thrilling" you should up your game and stop being a pussy! Stop the arguing and start fist fighting! That's where it'll end if things get out of hand anyway right? Oh that's right, you have to think about police, and medical bills, and bail money, and restraining orders, and baby momma drama. Why would any person in their logically sound minds would even put themselves in this type of situation? They wouldn't. I tell you what I like. I like a challenge as well. I want a woman to not argue, but debate with me and go back and forward with all due respect, intelligence and cleverness...Just thinking about it is making my mouth watery and turning me on.

    Last, but not least, if your having bad luck with relationships and have a guy friend that's so conveniently there to comfort you and listen to you, he is not the idiot. Not yet at least. You're the idiot to even think a guy is willing to give time and effort out of his life to you without strings attached. You have him eating out the palm of your hand and you don't even know it. A smart woman would realize that this guy is willing to give himself to me and me only and help him grow and become the man he wish to truly become. The gold digger would realize the same, but will milk him for everything he has in the process because he is under her spell, and the bitch would simple chew him up and spit him out not realizing she just lost one of the best friends she ever had in her life. Because trust me, a man like this would rather have you as a friend then not have you at all.

    If you want the lyrical more upbeat version of why we oh so love and hate bitches, please listen to this song...
    A'yo son, TTR WAS HERE!!!

  9. #39
    Mold Anus Old Manus's Avatar
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    Sometimes I truly believe Typhoon is actually the GZA in disguise.

    there was a picture here

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShlupQuack View Post

    That's why it's :bou::bou::bou::bou:, Clo, 'cause the girl confirms that she is only interested in Neanderthals, which is ridiculous.
    Not just ridiculous, but sick. That’s close to bestiality.

  11. #41
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    since this is eoff gc can we post the nsfw ending to that?

  12. #42
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Peegee View Post
    since this is eoff gc can we post the nsfw ending to that?

  13. #43
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    This thread is now the #1 result on Google for "selfish cowardly prick". Good job, team!

  14. #44
    Recognized Member Shorty's Avatar
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    How do you find these things!

  15. #45
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernChaosGod View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Peegee View Post
    since this is eoff gc can we post the nsfw ending to that?
    Okay you post it then.

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