May as well have a thread for 'em.
May as well have a thread for 'em.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Thought I would share some of mine, there aren't many because I was pressing the wrong button for like a week...
I stuck two fingers up to the benchmark test and installed the game anyway, but it only just barely runs at a workable framerate on such low settings that the graphics quality doesn't look dissimilar to a chimpanzee's nutsack, and I'm too ashamed to take any screenshots.
there was a picture here
Good times, good times.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Loony Bob, you cad.
That is totally not the look I thought you'd go for BoB. Smitten Kitten looks super cute though!
Once a galka, always a Roegadyn. As for the gear, eh, it's limited at the moment.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Just as I was thinking to myself "You know, I can't remember the last time this game crashed. Considering this is a busy server, it's amazing it's so stable..." the server crashed. While I wait in a queue to get back in, here, have a couple of screenshots. The first is just me being amused by the DBZ-esque glowing look you get by standing on top of an aetherial node. The second is just pretty.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
Well I have finally confirmed it! I have found the ship that Bahamut shot down in the opening sequence and yes, I took a screenie of it... actually I took a few but I have picked out the best one for you guys ^^
Hope you like, it took me about 3 hours to fully explore the entire region (due to many deaths lol)
Wow, didn't realise the dragon died too. I thought that explosion at the end was just for prettiness, not damage.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
The boat going to Limsa Lominsa from Thanalan
Centaur BoB!
Strange factory-like thing which line the mountains in Northern Thanalan. Which is dangerous territory, btw.
I went wandering and came across this at the end of one of the many caves in this game. I can only presume it's a shrine to one of the guardians?
Close-up of shrine.
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
The local bad boys in Thanalan, spotted east of Drybone. You don't see many beastmen in this game so it was screenshot-worthy for moi.
Ooooh. Things! I love exploring, btw. Oooh, tunnel entrances!
The view from below. There was a dude down there who seemed like he could probably back up his threats regarding what would happen if I went past him, so in the ambition of not having to get back here from my last aetheryte, I went away. But yeah, for some reason I thought the screenshot was pretty.
Meeting up with she-nano Posted for size-comparisons.
I get sneaky suspicions that certain members of this forum may have already started playing without telling us...
Bow before the mighty Javoo!
This is such a beautiful looking game, cant wait to play it. I'm so close to affording the upgrades that I can almost taste the circuit boards. matallicy.