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Thread: Mega Man Legends 3 Is Coming to the 3DS

  1. #1
    Retired Dragoon Crossblades's Avatar
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    Default Mega Man Legends 3 Is Coming to the 3DS

    RPGamer - News Bulletin - Mega Man Legends 3 Is Coming to the 3DS

    After a very long wait for fans of the series, Capcom has finally announced that Mega Man Legends 3 is under development and will be released for the Nintendo 3DS. Capcom hasn't released much information about the game yet, but they have put up some messages from Keiji Inafune, the creator of the Mega Man series, and Masakazu Eguchi, the game's director, on

    One thing that has been mentioned about the game in Keiji Inafune's message and on Twitter is that the creators hope to involve fans in the game's development in some way. For now, it isn't clear what form this involvement will take, but more information about both this and the game itself will be revealed at New York Comic Con, which will be taking place in early October.

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    Penelo - "Yeah, you! The one reading this sig at this very moment!"
    Vaan - "Interested in playing FFXII International Zodiac Job system?"
    Ashe - "But you have no knowledge of the Japanese language?"
    Fran - "....We could help...."
    Balthier - "That's right, Fran! Just click on Crossblades' thread on the very bottom of this signature and it will show you all license grid translations, magicks and tecks locations, and other changes that were made!"
    Basch - "Don't forget though. Swap Magic is needed to play this game if you don't own a japanese PS2."
    Vaan - "Also remember that if you played the original, you'll have an easier time playing the international version. We hope you enjoy the International Zodiac Job System experience. See ya then!"

  2. #2
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    Funny, MML came up in conversation during my carpool home today. I just made a resolution to finally get into the first one.

    I'm I MM series fan, so people are always taken aback that I have never played MML, the impending release of MML3 might be the kick in the pants I need.

  3. #3
    GO! use leech seed! qwertysaur's Avatar
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    It's about time... Servebots are so much fun and I can't wait to kick them randomly.

  4. #4
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm personally just surprised by all the great games the 3DS is lining up for in the next few years. I probably have more titles I'm looking forward to on this system than I do on systems I own.

  5. #5
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, but this announcement was the final straw, a part of a larger story concerning the 3DS which I simply find disgusting as a games consumer.

    So the last few years Nintendo has been having a blast, moving to the very outer edge of the periphery of video games, making fitness programs and sports minigame compilations with terrible motion controls. And the media has worked very, very hard to make damn sure we all know just how much money they were making doing it.

    But now that they've committed to a system they (most likely) have to sell at a loss, they can't rely on a demographic that will only buy 1-3 games per lifecycle. They need all of us, who buy many video games a year, to come back to them and give them money, so they go out and find out what kind of things we like and now want to create this vacuum where all this great content is going to one place.

    I love Mega Man Legends. And MML2. They're two of my favorite games from the Playstation, a big part of my child hood. It sickens me to see it a big part of Nintendo's marketing scheme because they've switched their business model and suddenly give a about us.

    ANOTHER thing that really sucks is that the long awaited sequel in the Mega Man Legends universe is finally coming.... to a handheld. Games like MML were made to be played on a TV, much like Metal Gear Solid 3 (ohohooo).

    Speaking of Metal Gear Solid 3, I already have that game. I have it with Dolby Digital Surround Sound. I have it with four trigger buttons. Two analog sticks. Pressure sensitivity with the buttons! I'd rather have Kojima-san making Metal Gear Solid 6, or better yet, inventing a new genre, instead of creating a 3D remake with inferior gameplay, graphics, and sound.

    If I'm not mistaken, this is the first time ever Kojima has gone back and done a remake instead of creating a new game.

    By the way, Nintendo are touting how the machine is so powerful that they can get real ports of console games, using SSFIV as an example... is that going to work both ways? Are we going to get the new Driver game and MML3 on the 360 & PS3? What about MGS3D, since PS3 natively does 3D and developers like Crytek are pulling it off on the 360 anyway?

    I know this is just a system making a lot of games I want to play but I've been so over Nintendo for the last few years, especially recently with releasing a mediocre Metroid game (which the media shoved down our throats as awesome at E3 '09), asking people to send in save files to be corrected by Nintendo, and what they're handling the whole Goldeneye situation.

  6. #6
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    I agree that it is obvious that Nintendo is a soulless money grubbing corporation, but who cares? If they make games I like I will buy them, if they make games I don't like I won't buy them.

  7. #7
    THE JACKEL ljkkjlcm9's Avatar
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    Damned if they do, Damned if they don't...

    For years all I heard was how Nintendo only had first party games, no third party support, yadda yadda. Now, they have tons of third party support again, and they're wrong for doing so? I doubt they will have to sell the 3DS at a loss either, it just may be more expensive than you're used to buying from Nintendo. If comparing to the Japanese price, it would be $300 dollars in the US.

    As for complaining about MML3 coming to the system... it's been 10 years since the last one. It really doesn't matter what system it comes to. It's getting a sequel, finally. I never did play the 2nd, and only played the first as "Megaman 64." It's not like Valkyria Chronicles however where the first was released on the PS3, and in the same generation the next 2 are on the PSP. There has been MULTIPLE generations between MML2 and MML3. So get off your Nintendo hating high horse. This "mediocre" Metroid you're complaining about, I am enjoying quite a bit as I finally get to play through it completely, and I'm hardly the only one.

    As for the remake... well if I remember correctly, a great number of GBA and even some DS games were complete remakes of SNES games. It only makes sense that now, the next generation of handheld, is remaking N64 and PS games. You may already own that game, but not everyone does. Also, Nintendo is not the one saying anything about full ports, that was Capcom saying they're glad they can do a full port to a portable. Secondly, it's far cheaper to develop on a portable system than a full HD system. It's the reason the Valkyria Chronicles games went to the portable. Plus, it's pretty much fact that the 3DS will sell, so they'll reach a very large audience with it.

    Essentially, if they did another minor update to the DS, they'd be just trying to steal people's money, with no real advances. Still catering to casual gamers (which their portables have always had plenty for hardcore gamers), and just doing their thing. But now that they're trying to make a big jump, they're also trying to steal people's money, and "piss off" the hardcore audience that their portable has always catered to?

    Honestly? Get over yourself. Either buy the system and play the games, or skip it and miss the games. It's a decision you have to make. I missed plenty of great games on the PSP and PS2 because I chose not to buy those systems. I hated missing the games, but it was my choice. Go ahead, choose not to buy a 3DS, but don't blame Nintendo for your choice. You can just as easily go buy it if you want the games.

    add me, PSN: ljkkjlcm9

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    Zachie Chan Recognized Member Ouch!'s Avatar
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    The 3DS is already looking to have an absolutely stellar line-up of games for its early life, which is a hell of a lot more than I can say about a number of other systems. This is a good thing. Stop whining.

  9. #9
    Bolivar's Avatar
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    1) Smurf Nintendo
    2) Smurf you, too, Jackal, for defending them!!!


    seriously, though, lemme say, first, you got my confused with someone else off the bat. I'm not someone who's complained about 3rd party support for Nintendo - that has little to do with the value of a console. The PS3's value is largely predicated on the sheer scope and effort of its 1st Party Games, and part of why Microsoft doubled up this generation is because of their partnerships through Microsoft Games Studios with independent developers like Bioware and Epic. So it's not "Damned if they do, damned if they don't..." it's "Nintendo has been trying its hardest to send this medium to Damnation for the last 4 years"

    Also, I'll admit that the issue of whether it comes to home or handheld does not necessarily reflect the quality of MML3. Peace Walker and 4 Heroes of Light are good recent examples of installments in a franchise made specifically for a portable ending up good. BUT it's not unreasonable for someone who's been waiting this long for the game to be disappointed about it being handheld. Hell, I was disappointed at first when VC2 (and now 3) went to PSP, but that quickly subsided because they did a hell of a job in making a great game on the PSP. So don't mischaracterize me as saying MML3 HAS NO CHANCE WHATSOEVER OF ESCAPING MEDIOCRITY because it's normal to be disappointed in its status, especially if you've been waiting as long as I have.

    As for the remakes, I'm not talking about remakes in general or "that game" I'm talking about Metal Gear Solid Smurfing 3. Again, why are you unwilling to accept that someone can be disappointed that their favorite game director is, for the first time ever, revisiting one of his older titles and downgrading the graphics, sound, and gameplay in order to do it again in 3D? Wouldn't you much rather have a new game, a new franchise, or knowing Kojima, a new genre in gaming??? Would you really rather have just some port to help sell a system to a demographic that has been completely disregarded for the last few years?

    (also you're right about Capcom saying that about the "perfect ports" not Nintendo).

    I guess my sentiments are more about Nintendo than Mega Man Legends 3. AND i know Nintendo has always made "hardcore" (let's not use that word anymore) games on their handhelds, hell, I'm most likely going to be playing Pokemon Heart Gold on my DS Lite tonight... I just think its quite frankly insulting that they pull out all these crowd pleasers to win us back to their system they've already committed to.

    And as far as "buy it or don't buy it" I own plenty of Nintendo systems and may very well end up buying one. But this is a forum, this is a place to voice opinions, and if you'd rather them be settled at the cash register, you've made a strange decision in coming here.

  10. #10


    I never played the first two I've always been interested. Maybe its time to download them and put them on my PSP

  11. #11
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Well I disagree with you (when do I not? ) about MGS3D and about Nintendo finally getting great 3rd party support.

    First, MGS3D actually looks really good. I'm sure if we put a side by side comparison we could see that its possibly inferior but I sure as hell can't really see a major downgrade.

    mgs3.jpg MetalGearPortableComparison.jpg

    It sure is looking better than Peace Walker and that's saying something cause Peace Walker is a gorgeous game. You also shouldn't underestimate Kojima and his anal retentiveness in terms of making high quality games. Personally, I'm happy to have a portable version of MGS3 which is my all time favorite game. The fact it looks like it will play like Peace Walker is an added bonus cause it means we'll be transferring to a system we know that works as opposed to us wondering how they will incorporate MGS3's complex controls to a handheld device.

    Yes, I want Kojima to make new titles, hell I wish he would stop making MGS games cause I'm concerned the series will get so large and vast its cool factor gets lost underneath its bloat and history like Final Fantasy, Mario Bros., and Ultima; but Konami and the fans keep asking and Kojima really can't say no.

    Still, thanks to the scenario and stages being mostly already set up, the port will allow Kojima to explore the technology better and I feel seeing Kojima's track record that MGS3D will most likely be the system that will set the standard for how games should be made on the system. I have more faith in his ability than Nintendo at this point in time.

    Secondly, Nintendo is finally making a game platform that has great third party support and games that, for the most part, cater more towards the "serious" (more like old and jaded) gamer. Which is what everyone has been asking them to do for years and now you say we should just spit in their eye and be done with them, now that they are actually caving into gamers demands? Hate to see you at negotiation tables.

    Personally, its this line of thinking that makes me a person who is more loyal to my third party developers, who as far as I concern, shouldn't be buddy buddy with any of the Big 3. It lets you ignore the silly console debates and when crap goes multi-platform, its a good thing as opposed to a "OMG! YOU TRA1TORS!!! I R KILL U GWARGH!!!!" which frankly is a silly way to look at a medium that is created for passive entertainment.

    I don't care that its on the 3DS personally, I don't really give a smurf about 3D and think its a silly trend turned mainstream interest that honestly doesn't add much to games beyond cinematics. When I buy the 3DS it will be because of a portable MGS3, a new MegaTen game, a new Persona game, and MML3 (probably no to SSFIV but that's because I never felt like traditional fighting games translate well to handhelds and this has more to do with the design of the handhelds than the quality they put out) so for the most part I could care less its Nintendo, I don't buy games for their systems cause I like them I buy their games cause those are the games I like and it happens to be on their system.

    Thirdly, I think its time we stop this silly nonsense that handhelds are second class consoles that will never surpass their home console brethren. Seriously, I feel the PSP and DS have better libraries than all three current consoles combined and I feel ever since the GBA and hell ever since Pokemon tbh, handhelds are now on equal terms of creating original entertaining games that are easily on par in terms of being fun, innovative, and beautifully design as their console brothers. The GBA was literally a portable Super Nintendo which is regarded by some as one of the greatest consoles of all time, the DS can pull of N64/PS1 capabilities and now the 3DE is proving to be on par with a PS2. We're talking about a handheld that is almost as powerful as a console that people still play today.

    They may not have long ass cinematic cutscenes (though that's been changing lately) but in terms of gameplay content and fun factor I would argue they surpass some of the over bloated psuedo-realistic looking cousins on major consols and you know what? They sell just as well and were made cheaper cause no one expects a handheld game to have to drop a few million dollars into the title in order to be satisfactory to the finicky palate of modern gamers. Maybe with some PSP franchises but honestly I think their most interesting titles are games that appear to have been built by guys in the mail room, at the game company, while no one was looking. Handhelds are becoming a better investment and that why I think were' seeing more comapanies making more fun and creative games on these handheld systems over the consoles. SE has more handheld games in development right now than console titles. Its becoming the better medium to create games cause its inexpensive and lacks the outrageously high expectations that gamers have created for major consoles. *ends handheld rant*

  12. #12
    Recognized Member VeloZer0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    I don't care that its on the 3DS personally,....

    Thirdly, I think its time we stop this silly nonsense that handhelds are second class consoles that will never surpass their home console brethren. Seriously, I feel the PSP and DS have better libraries than all three current consoles combined...
    The only problem is being curled up playing a handheld is for me a vastly inferior experience to stretching out on a couch and playing on a TV.
    Other than that you are spot on.

  13. #13


    I'd have to agree for the most part. Hand-helds tend to have more of the niche games that genuine gamers tend to enjoy more. Which I love. I just wish I still loved gaming enough in general to take advantage of that. But I keep trying. And generally where I try is with my PSP. Which right now has like 25 years of gaming gold on it so its slightly overwhelming. But there's an off-topic plus for handhelds. The DS and PSP were way more easily hacked than any console. That broke their boundaries and made them even better. But that honestly hardly has to do with anything lol

  14. #14
    Unimportant Passerby Rase's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeloZer0 View Post
    The only problem is being curled up playing a handheld is for me a vastly inferior experience to stretching out on a couch and playing on a TV.
    Oh man, I'm the exact opposite. I love just curling up on a couch or laying in bed playing my DS (Etrian Odyssey III = <3)

    Anyway, never played Megaman Legends and don't particularly care. My DS Phat is still working fine, so it'll be a while before I get a 3DS. Always nice to see new games though.
    Boy am I an unfunny ass.

  15. #15
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I'm with Rase here, I like curling up on a couch or in my bed to play some handheld goodness and the best part is, if I have to leave, I can take it with instead of having to figure out when I'll have time to get back to it. Its probably the reason why I have a better track record of finishing my handheld games over my console ones.

    Not that I hate my consoles or anything but its getting to a point where I actually have to make time to sit down and play them cause I'm getting busier.

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