My children, I've seen this day coming for a long time. As of September 30—which is, in fact, this day, assuming you don't live in <i>Wales</i> or something—I have been a member of Eyes on Final Fantasy for a solid decade.


In that time, I have seen prunes, upgrades, memorable and dramatic events of all kinds, lovely banishings, and a constantly-shifting stable of leadership, of which Sean Robinson personally made me a part since my third week here. In that role, I have enjoyed the pleasure of guiding and doling righteous punishment to countless little neophytes, passionately debating policy, being loved by Bleys, complaining loudly about the things I can't fix myself, invading little girls' Erotic nightmares, and uploading the best emoticons here. As a member, I have indulged deeply in the cleverness and compassion of people I would consider my peers: luminous persons who have irrevocably helped shape my perception and sensibilities; people even more elusive than I am, who fell off the edge of the Internet, whom I will never, ever stop missing; and all of these, wonderful individuals to whom I shall always be grateful for bequeathing me these memories.

I also don't plan on stopping. Obviously, I haven't been around very much lately, but while I am not wont to explain myself, I can say that I'm occupied committing hideously good deeds in the real world—deeds which affect <i>your</i> day-to-day life. Hideously. But this will change in time, as it always does. And I'll never stop coming back here, because you kids are just too much fun. I'll be around as long as Warren Whatever and company keep us staggering around on freako zombie ad-<i>ver</i>-tisment money. You don't need to thank me. I'm just saying—you're welcome. <i>More</i> than welcome. Actually, come here.

But, man. I did want to point out the occasion, but I'd never start my own appreciation thread. This is for you, too. For all you newbies who registered in 2002 or whatever, and you WesLY Moores who have been here even longer than I have, what has this place given to you? What have you taken from it—and why do you keep coming back?


Aside, of course, from my sweet, sweet tentacles? :yamete: