Been gettin crazy into Valkyria Chronicles 2, that's another amazing game recently and I'm pretty sure it got great reviews, but because it's on PSP it's only more evidence how "generation"'s utility as a classification is eroding.

Quote Originally Posted by kotora View Post
Having cover systems in FPS games is smurfing ridiculous and only shows how games are becoming more and more retarded. What's the point in having a stupid context sensitive button for taking cover when you have buttons for crouching behind obstacles and walls? Is that becoming too hard for people nowadays too?
I can't speak for Brink (I think it may only have a slide button) but in Killzone the cover system is 1) more immersive (actually leaning out and aiming at an angle) and 2) more functional to keep popping out than strafing from behind or crouching then standing is.