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Thread: Mafia XVII Game Thread - GAME OVER - 18 Ho Kogans Lose; 1 Warrior Wins

  1. #556
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    We have a fatal four way for the EoFF Heavyweight Title!

    Stone Cold Steve Austin, the Texas Rattlesnake, vs the 500 pound Big Show, vs the also 500 pound Max Mini vs the ULTIMATE WARRIOR!

    The Ultimate Warrior was nowhere to be seen, and refused to vote in the contest, so it became a Triple Threat. Austin immediately begin to open a can of whoop ass on the Big Show, Lou Thesz pressing him and raining down right hands. However, you cannot keep a man the size of The Big Show down for long, and he immediately regained the upper hand. He powerbombed Austin, and began to whale on Stone Cold's face with his huge, ham-sized fists. He pulled Austin to his feet and gripped his neck with his hand. This was it! Chokeslam!

    But no! Max Mini came steaming in, and hurled himself off the turnbuckle, armed with a steel chair. BAM! The Big Show was down for the count, and Austin picked up the win!

    Austin was handed the title belt and his new friend Max Mini celebrated with him.

    "We have helped the town win, Austin! We've done it!" the short man exclaimed.
    "I'm on the only side I've always been on" replied Austin "and that's mine" before hitting Max Mini with a Stone Cold Stunner!

    YouTube - Stone Cold Theme Song

    The Big Show was a Townie played by Roto 13.
    Max Mini was a Townie played by eternal essence, and then Raistlin.

    Stone Cold was a Mafia Godfather played by fire_of_avalon.

    "Austin 3:16 says we just whooped your ass!" yelled Stone Cold. "This is for my fallen brothers, The Rock and Bret Hart!"


    ...or do they?

    YouTube - wwf ultimate warrior theme music

  2. #557
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    Aaahhh Stone Cold was gonna be our next investigation had we survived. Not that it would have mattered, he'd have come up innocent

  3. #558
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jessweeee♪ View Post
    God damn it why were you so suspicious Del?
    I thought I was a Townie. I had nothing to hide so I put it all out there.

    Little did I know I got the biggest mafia screwjob ever! Vince screwed Ric!

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  4. #559
    Recognized Member Jessweeee♪'s Avatar
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    The way you were acting we were totally expecting you to say something like "huh that is totally weird I didn't know I was mafia that's funny" but then you died. Little did we know you were a Death Miller.


  5. #560
    By Your Command Recognized Member [M] Mom – Host's Avatar
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    "HO KOGAAAAAAAAN!" bellowed the Warrior, jabbing a finger at Stone Cold. "The WARRIOR has been sent by the gods themselves to destroy you! You will bend to my power, or face ultimate oblivion!"
    "What? What? What? What?" taunted Austin.
    "You do not understand my divine powers, HOAK HOGAN! Should I slam you through a table, or maybe I will cause your liver to spontaneously melt! The WARRIOR can do all!"
    "I think you're the one who doesn't understand, boy. Austin 3:16 just whooped the town's ass."
    "The WARRIOR is not TOWN!" replied The Ultimate Warrior.

    And then using his divine powers, he shot lasers out of his nose at Austin, vaporizing him.


    Allow me to explain.

    The Ultimate Warrior, aka Aerith's Knight, is a Chuckle Cousin. What is a Chuckle Cousin?

    It is, to all intents and purposes, a survivor. He is neither town nor mafia, and will win if he is alive at the end. However, he is also our agent to do our bidding in this game and make it more fun.

    Every day our dear Ultimate Warrior was given a task. If he succeeded, he was rewarded. If he failed, he was punished. Here's how it went down:

    On Day One, he was told to get the Hardyz to let him join and become Warrior Hardy. He failed and would've come up guilty if a Cop or the Peeping Tom had targetted him.
    On Day Two, he was tasked with getting Kurt Angle to post as he had been inactive. Angle did indeed post and Warrior was given a protective ability to protect someone from the next attempt on their life. It saved his own.
    On Day Three, he was told to either seduce or enrage the Big Show. He failed, and was banned from voting the next day.
    On Day Four, he was told to challenge MaxMini or The Undertaker to a match. It was brilliant, so we gave him a night kill.
    On Day Five, we asked him to claim DEATHMASTER, take responsibility for Flair's death and threaten people with death unless they denounced Hogan. And you all went along with it. His reward was A TITLE SHOT!
    On Day Six he had his title shot. He was told to claim another wrestler had touched him in the bad bad place and to try to get another wrestler to actually believe that . And Max Mini did. His reward? THE TITLE!

    AK has been an utter genius and I have loved every second of watching him play. He wins and I don't care if you don't like it, he is a god damn hero.

    Mafia come in second place, so you at least have that I guess!

  6. #561



  7. #562
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I would now like to say we had a secret scum, none other than New Jack. This was his Role PM:

    You are the Copycat Killer!

    You think the mafia are pretty cool and would like to follow in their footsteps.

    - You currently have no abilities. Think of yourself as Vanilla Town.
    - If the mafia are wiped out on Day 5 or earlier, you become a Serial Killer. You will gain a night kill ability and win when all others are dead.
    - If it's Day 6 and they're still not dead, you are upset by the death brought upon your fellow townies and will have a change of heart. You will win with the town.
    - Regardless, you're a shady dude. If a cop investigates you, he WILL find you guilty.

    This was a back up plan to prolong the game, as having just 2 (well, 2 and a half) mafia members could've meant a very quick game!

  8. #563
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    You are the Mafia Godfather!

    - You win with the mafia.
    - Your mafia team-mate is Bret Hart.
    - If a cop investigates you, you will come up as innocent.
    - You are immune to night kills.
    - The mafia forum is here: Gobbledegooker


    You are the Mafia Framer!

    - You win with the mafia.
    - Your mafia team-mate is Stone Cold.
    - Every night you can choose to plant suspicious evidence on one person. They will appear as guilty if a Cop investigates them.
    - The mafia forum is here: Gobbledegooker


    You are the Mafia Traitor!

    - You win with the mafia.
    - Your mafia team-mates are Bret Hart and Stone Cold - they do NOT know your identity.
    - Every night you can send them a three word message, and they can send one to you.
    - You CANNOT reveal your identity to them in this message, or give any sneaky hints!
    - If they die, you die.


    You are the Copycat Killer!

    You think the mafia are pretty cool and would like to follow in their footsteps.

    - You currently have no abilities. Think of yourself as Vanilla Town.
    - If the mafia are wiped out on Day 5 or earlier, you become a Serial Killer. You will gain a night kill ability and win when all others are dead.
    - If it's Day 6 and they're still not dead, you are upset by the death brought upon your fellow townies and will have a change of heart. You will win with the town.
    - Regardless, you're a shady dude. If a cop investigates you, he WILL find you guilty.


    You are the Chuckle Cousin!

    Congratulations! You have the best role in the game and are our favourite person! The gods have smiled upon you!

    - You're neutral. Town? Mafia? Who gives a smurf! You win if you're alive at the end of the game regardless of who else wins.
    - We will assign you a task every day. If you complete this task, you could win a fabulous prize! Maybe cop powers! Maybe an extra vote the next day! Maybe a night kill! WHO KNOWS!!!
    - However, if you smurf it up, we will be very disappointed and punish you. You might be found guilty if a cop investigates you. Maybe you will mysteriously receive votes the next day. Maybe you will die! WHO KNOWS!!!

    (Prizes and punishments are examples. Your prize and punishment experience may vary)


    You are the Jihadist!

    - You want to blow people up for the glory of Al Qaeda.
    - You have 1 (ONE) daykill. You can kill anyone, but it will also kill you in the process. It is a suicide attack.
    - To perform it, you must make at least 1 (ONE) post preceding the attack where you repeatedly accuse your target of being an infidel. You may then make another post saying ##SUICIDE BOMB: (name). Screams of ALLAHU ACKBAR encouraged.
    - You will win if the moderators deem your suicide attack to be funny.

    If you do not want a subjective win condition:
    - If you are alive at the end of the game, you win with the town.

    Also of note:
    - You are NOT a bomb. You just have one.

    ***NOTE: We did not tell Shiny she would actually explode on a random target at death. This is because the TICK TOCK IM A BOMB HEH crap annoys me. ***
    ***ALSO NOTE: With regards to the controversy - if anyone finds this offensive then they can shove it up their arse! No, of course not all muslims are terrorists. Muslims in general are smurfing awesome. It's a bit of light-hearted satire that performs beautiful social commentary on a defining social issue of our times. ... ***


    You are a Cop!

    - You win with the town.
    - Every night you can choose to investigate one person. You will be given either the following result: GUILTY or INNOCENT.


    You are a Miller!

    Uh-oh! All the ILLEGAL NARCOTICS you have been dealing has come back to bite you in the ass!

    - You win with the town.
    - Unfortunately, due to aforementioned narcotics, you will be found guilty if a cop investigates you.


    You are the Vigilante!

    - You have a gun. It has one bullet. Use it at night time.
    - Every night, please inform us whether or not you intend to make a kill. Obviously if you do intend to kill someone, tell us who. If you take a long time to tell us we're just going to assume you do not want to make a kill and it's your own bloody fault for not telling us sooner!
    - Once you've made your one kill, that's it.
    - You win with the town.


    You are the Peeping Tom!

    You are a despicable pervert who likes nothing better than sneaking around at night, peering in through the windows of other wrestlers, hoping to see them changing. However, you may see other, more useful things.

    - Every night, submit a night action as to whose house you wish to visit.
    - When you have visited, you will be told who, if anyone, visited that person's house that night.
    - You win with the town.


    You are the Governor!

    - You have the power to stop a lynch.
    - To stop a lynch, let us know before we have typed up the flavour. Obviously this is not a particularly long time frame (and it has to be, for gameflow purposes) so if you let us know long in advance you wish to stop a lynch if it looks like someone you like is going to end up biting it, that'd help everyone.
    - You can't stop your own lynch.
    - You may only stop 2 (TWO) lynches.


    You are the Beloved Princess!

    - You're the town's most popular person!
    - If you die in any way, be it by lynch or by kill, the entire town will take the next day off to mourn your tragic loss.
    - You win with the town.

    Dan did the townie PMs (which Del Murder received too) so I don't have those but they're not all that exciting.

  9. #564
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Mafia Forum:

    Night Actions:
    Night 0:
    Bret Hart framed Ric Flair.
    Stone Cold killed Doink the Clown.
    Mafia's message was: Any plans oink?
    Traitor's message was: On your side
    Hardy Boyz investigated Hulk Hogan, got guilty.
    we cba to wait for Doink as we knew he'd die, so

    Night 1:
    Bret Hart framed The Big Show
    Stone Cold killed Eddie Guerrero who blew up on the randomly selected Billy and Chuck.
    Mafia's message was: You active phbbbbbbbt
    Traitor's message was: One by one
    Hardy Boyz investigated Ric Flair, got guilty.

    Night 2:
    Bret Hart framed Kurt Angle.
    Stone Cold killed Triple H
    Mafia's message was: Poopy galore rambunctious?
    Traitor's message was: Yes. Fake roleclaim
    Hardy Boyz investigated The Rock, got guilty.
    Buff Bagwell killed Kurt Angle.
    The Ultimate Warrior gave himself protection.

    Night 3:
    Bret Hart framed Ric Flair
    Stone Cold killed Ultimate Warrior; blocked by protection.
    Mafia's message was: DON'T FREAK JABRONI
    Traitor's message was: Town's going down
    Hardy Boyz investigated The Ultimate Warrior, got this: YouTube - The ChuckleBrothers - Silly Me Silly You Song

    Night 4:
    Bret Hart framed Ric Flair
    Stone Cold killed Rikishi's Ass
    Hardy Boyz investigated Bret Hart, got guilty.
    The Ultimate Warrior killed Ric Flair.

    Night 5:
    Bret Hart framed The Undertaker
    Stone Cold killed New Jack

    Night 6:
    Stone Cold killed The Undertaker

  10. #565 hot, salty nut! Recognized Member fire_of_avalon's Avatar
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    What the hell, I don't win! Bulls!

    Signature by rubah. I think.

  11. #566
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I'm just happy I made you lose your

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