RPGFan News - Final Fantasy IV + The After Years Go To PSP

Final Fantasy IV has a lot of incarnations. It was released on the Super Famicon (SNES) in 1991, was one-half of the Final Fantasy Chronicles (the other half being Chrono Trigger) on the original PlayStation, saw a Game Boy Advance port and most recently, saw a Nintendo DS remake. If THAT wasn't enough, more recently a sequel, Final Fantasy IV: The After Years - originally a cell phone title - was released in episodic format on WiiWare.

If for some strange reason you haven't played FFIV yet, or want to play a fifth incarnation of it AND play The After Years, Square Enix's longtime classic and its sequel are now headed to the PlayStation Portable as one bundle. Square Enix is touching up the graphics and adding a chapter that will link up the two, and is set for a springtime release date in Japan. No announcement for North America yet, but unlikely that Square Enix USA will pass this one up.

Now all we need is for the game to come out on Xbox Live, and I'll have seen it all.