I made this thread for kotora, since he hates everything.

Easily for me this answer would be Call of Duty: Black Ops. First clarification is that I haven't really enjoyed a CoD's multiplayer since 2, so that doesn't do anything for me. Even still, MW2 and CoDBlops are easily the least fun multiplayer games I have played in a while, possibly period. So I figured this going in, and just decided to judge it based on single player, like I did MW2.

Somehow Treyarch has managed to make a game that is patently worse than MW2 in every way. Second clarification is that I felt MW2 was tied with CoD3 for the dubious award of the worst CoD game made by the main studios (aka not counting Finest Hour, Big Red One, and the handheld ones). The story was hilarious at times, trying it's best to be awesome and cool while feeling shallow, boring, and soulless.

Suffering the same fate was the set pieces and the gameplay. Roughly 85-90% of the game felt like it just wanted to be the baddest thing this side of Micheal Jackson, and it only succeeded in falling on it's face again and again (for the record, that rooftop level and the WWII flashback were the ones I actually enjoyed). I mean really, driving a motorcycle while one handing a 1887 Winchester for like 5 mins? You mean the scene from Terminator 2 that almost broke Arnold's hand shooting? Yeah... Linear to a fault, scripted to ridiculousness, and filled to the brim with moronic "AI" on all sides, each big battle felt like a slog through the world's most tedious warzone. Oh look, I can't kill that guy until he does what the game tells him. Oh wow, apparently the entire NVA/Spetsnaz decided to target one guy (me) despite having to run by five other people; luckily for them those five guys will proceed to not give two s and just stare at their shoes or shoot people 300 yards away. Maybe I just forgot to sign an amicable agreement between the two forces to not hurt one another.

Also, this is probably just because I am a silly stick-in-the-mud, but I can only suspend my disbelief so much when a game tries to be historical and such. Things like "Fortunate Son" being played a year before being released (because damn it guys, we need that song because it shows we're in Nam!), and the SPAS 12, Streyr AUG, and FAMAS somehow existing far before they should (1979 for the first two and 20-freaking-01 for the last) bug me a lot, and are only the most glaring examples. Yeah, I can look past things in the sake of being cool, but I feel Treyarch just couldn't be arsed to replace these guns CoD players are used to with ones that would actually make sense.

Speaking of disbelief, I tried my best to act like the fact that you play various Badass McAwesome's made the set pieces anywhere close to understandable. Unfortunately, I still hold the original CoD and it's expansion as the pinnacle of the series, and those games were so cool at the time because you weren't some lone badass like in the Medal of Honor games; you were a soldier, sometimes a conscript, and you were almost always surrounded by plenty of fellow soldiers (except those British SAS levels). MW I felt still did this pretty well, and WaW delivered on it also. I just prefer that style to the "three guys storming a base and killing hundreds" approach that seems to be becoming more prevalent.

Anyway, could go on, don't feel like it. Now go forth and bitch, EoFF! (of course you're more then welcome to try and tell me how wrong I am. Probably won't bother responding, but if hearing criticism of Codblops got your blood boiling by all means, have at me.)