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Thread: Continuous Alterations of Perception by Alive-Man.

  1. #1
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    Default Continuous Alterations of Perception by Alive-Man.

    How's your perception of reality these days, how do you perceive those around you and how much do you think perception affects one's enjoyment of life?
    I think perception alters one's enjoyment of life on a massive scale. The fundamental truths of existence are buried within the very building blocks of life - DNA. Our minds and hearts may very well be connected in a manner which not even the world's biggest and largest brains have discovered yet. This existential dilemma continues, as every single action you undertake consequently


    Seriously the real point of this thread - what little things in life make it a pleasant experience for you? For those EoFFers who's lives aren't pleasant, you can take notes from the more fortunate EoFFers about what little things in life make their lives more pleasant and then you can start doing those things and hopefully make your life a more pleasant experience. As I am the creator of this thread, that would give me massive karma points so I would really appreciate that.

    I'm talking little things that don't really make much of a difference by themselves, but if stripped away one by one your life would become more and more bland and unbearable.
    For example; a cup of coffee in the morning. Another example; walking/driving a certain route home because the view is particularly beautiful 'cause you're all into that stuff. One more; the periods of time when I am inactive on these forums. I am Alive-Man and I want all your secrets.

    I will disclose mine later, depending on the success of this thread. If it's unsuccessful, I will bow my head in shame and pretend like I never made it.

    SIDE TOPIC: The Loch Ness Monster - FACT OR FICTION?

  2. #2


    Perception, and assuming it's uniqueness, is my favorite little detail that makes life so less than three.

  3. #3
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bipper View Post

    Perception, and assuming it's uniqueness, is my favorite little detail that makes life so less than three.
    wtf are you spirit? It sounds like a spirit post

    @OP asl? perception is like my memes. Do you like asl, wok batter, sars, pikachu, or umad.mp3?

  4. #4
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I always end up hurting my inferior brain when I think about perception. All I know is that I'm right.

    EDIT: and that pg is a pikazn

  5. #5
    purple Alive-Cat's Avatar
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    The secret of this thread is that once we discover the true perception that governs all beings, then we discover whether or not The Loch Ness Monster is real or not! Is real or not!

    Do I have ta go back ta dark place?

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by Alive-Man View Post
    The secret of this thread is that once we discover the true perception that governs all beings, then we discover whether or not The Loch Ness Monster is real or not! Is real or not!

    Do I have ta go back ta dark place?
    'Is real or not' is always real. This evidence is really self-referencing, turning the question into nothing but abjective fodder. Making the questioner, whom claims it as perceptive insight, relativly unispiring to the more close minded perceptionists.

  7. #7
    Northern String Twanger Shoden's Avatar
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    Nessie exsist, for that is my perception of perception itself which revolves upon a much, much larger and higher form of perception than normal perception. Which governs and depicts, tells the other perception what's what to perceive.


  8. #8
    Tai-Ti's Avatar
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    my cat poking me awake in the mornings, hearing my fave songs on the radio (even though I can listen to it any time I want on my phone), the photos that cover my wall, the mad chick that serves me at Coles and getting dressed up are just some of the little things that make my world a nicer place

    there's no I in team, but there is in pie, as in meat pie, and meat is an anogram of team

  9. #9


    Making playlists of about 20 songs or so that I'm currently feelin' in to and listening to them all through my headphones is my small pleasure, Mr. Alive. The songs are usually all over the place. It's like some bizarre Greatest Hits album that would fail commercially and critically. That only makes me feel somehow better. I also go deaf in the process! Once I'm handicapped, everyone will be awkwardly nice to me. So much is there!

  10. #10
    Being Pooh. Chris's Avatar
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    I have to agree with the post about hearing a certain song on the radio, even though listening to music on the radio is pretty much pointless. That being said, I rarely hear a Grace Jones song on the radio, so it feels special when they finally decide to play one.

  11. #11
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    I work on my cars. It's obviously a twisted attempt at a "relationship" with an object but it works for me emotionally. I know if I give something to my car, the time I spent improving it will rewarded with a better experience with my car. I get satisfaction from making improvements on my own and reaping the benefits. The whole "job well done" type of enjoyment.

    I've heard the phrase "perception colors reality" but I don't think that's accurate. There is no one reality that we interpret. I think our perception of things creates realities. So we each have our own. Outside sources can influence it, but it's still ours.

  12. #12


    Hello non-perceptives. Look at your mind. Now back to mine. Now back at your mind. Now back to mine.

    Sadly it's not like mine. But if you did some drugs with ridiculously good looking people it could be as good looking as mine.

    Look up at your reply, now back down. What are you doing? You're on your account about to make a post without any tasteful perceptive qualities.

    What are you doing? Back at me. Look at the screen. You've perceived something witty. You now have a perceptive flair that you're going to love.

    Look again. Your reputation points are now soaring . Anything is possible when you're a perceptive and not anything else.

    I'm on a chocobo.

  13. #13
    Meat Puppet's Avatar
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    edit: well that was stupid

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