Oh yes, it's another one of those threads. Prepare to have your minds blown as I take a deeper look into Final Fantasy XII.

We'll start off on the more obvious similarities.

Vaan is obviously Luke. A sandy-haired youth who dreams of leaving the desert to become a pilot/sky pirate? Come on, that's just ridiculously too similar! Also, they're both quite possibly the most annoying little bastards in their respective stories. Don't get me wrong, I love SW and I respect the Skywalker name, but Luke was such a bitch in A New Hope. And Vaan's voice just bothers the hell out of me.

I never used Penelo, I thought she had absolutely nothing to do with anything going on in the game. It could be my own personal beef with her character that I dub her C-3PO, but I don't care. R2-D2 is too good for her because he was actually useful, openin' doors and all the time.

Ashe and Leia, who saw that comin'? They're both feisty former princesses who have a chip on their shoulders from the government that threatens the world/galaxy. Personally, I wouldn't mind skipping ahead to that scene in Return of the Jedi where Ashe is wearing that slave bikini. Can I get a high five... Can I... moving on.

Balthier Solo! So many similarities between these two it's just ridiculous. Both are outlaws, Balthier a sky pirate and Han a smuggler. Both have a furry sidekick (see below). Both were once part of the enemy military. That's right, my inner nerd is showing! Balthier was once a Judge, as I'm sure all of you who played this game are aware, but did you know that Han Solo was once a lieutenant in the military of the First Galactic Empire!?

You did? Well ...

Enter furry sidekick. Yet another coincidental background in this tale! Both Fran and Chewbacca hail from forest environments. Their homes are identical. Huts built into hollowed out trees and wooden bridges connecting them all. They also both ride bitch in the ships. What up wit dat? And both have strange dialects. Chewy sounds like a door creaking on its hinges and Fran's accent is... well you have a tough time making out what she's saying because all your attention is on her revealing outfit.

The wise old (in one case) war veteran. Both are loyal to the side of good and feel the need to protect their companions, though only one died for them.

As much as it pains me to say this, Ba'Gamnan and Boba Fett are one and the same. A bounty hunter chasing down the smuggler/sky pirate? Seriously, how much more similar can we make Han and Balthier?

It only gets dumber from here on out.

You would think that Vayne Solidor and Gabranth would be our candidates for Vader and Sidious, seeing as how they have direct ties with the Empire and make the most sense. Vader and Sidious' relationship is more complex than that. Much like these two XII characters:

Doctor Cidolfus Demen Bunansa is our Darth Vader and Venat is Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious. You might be thinking why. They don't fit the bill. Where's the scary helmet?

Vader and Palpatine's relationship is a lot like Cid and Venat's. Vader was lured to the Dark Side with promises of ultimate power, and Cid, being a scientist, got some powerful information from the Occuria. Venat, however, was just using Cid as a puppet to get what he wanted, a lot like how Palpatine was using Vader.

Also, Cid and Vader were cut down by their own children (Vader not so much, but that severed hand and labored breathing certainly wasn't in his favor to begin with). Not so much “Hey look, these are dead on rip-offs”, but just interesting similarities.

And yet more similarities that have no pictures 'cause I'm lazy.

Archadian Empire – Galactic Empire

Party – Rebel Alliance

Urutan-Yensa – Tusken Raiders

Garif – Ewoks – A tribe of furry people who don't realize we have technology

Viera – Wookiees

Judges – Glorified Stormtroopers

And the pièce de résistance, the smurfing Death Star. Oh it's there, you just need to look really hard.

You're not looking hard enough.

Star Wars!