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Thread: Good games that you hate.

  1. #61
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Halo is an awful game. And I can't stop playing it.

  2. #62
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoticWalrein View Post
    Halo is an awful game. And I can't stop playing it.
    I feel like this isn't the first time you've said this.

  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by The White Wizard of Fynn View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    Not to mention FFX has probably one of the worst battle themes in the series which doesn' help how tediously long they are.
    Oh dear GOD, THIS! The man has spoken the truth! Wolf, you are truly an inspiration and it's thanks to people like you that I still have some faith in the gaming community
    Actually, I think X-2's was even worse.
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  4. #64
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    For a while, it was ME1 for me. Mako turned me off so fast in the game. I still think while ME1 is great for a lot of things, the gameplay is clunky compared to ME2 and almost makes me not want to play it.

    As for "good game" that I hate? Most MMORPGs, I can't get into them. Sorry. I hate farming and grinding. Despite what their ardent defenders say otherwise, in the end that's what it feels like I am playing.

    I try only to buy games I am excited for, or heard good things about, so I don't get what the thread title indicates often, though I do buy games, play them for a bit and enjoy them but for some reason or another drop them and forget about them. :/

    I get the lack of DA:O love if you played it on the console, though if you played it on the PC and still hated it, I don't get it. Ookami blew on the Wii (controls were sorta atrocious for the mirror weapon), it was super annoying though I loved it on the PS2. Sometimes, it is just the system that makes the game suck.

  5. #65


    For the moment I can just think of Folklore to PS3, I loved the story it had me interested all the way to the end but I couldn't stand some of the problems with the battle system. Also I got so tired of the fact that you first had to first finish a world with one of the main characters and then you had to do it all over again with the second main character. It got so damn frustrating when I had to do the worlds I really disliked a second time.
    So Folklore for me is a love and hate game :P

  6. #66
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Julbacca View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by PsychoticWalrein View Post
    Halo is an awful game. And I can't stop playing it.
    I feel like this isn't the first time you've said this.
    It probably isn't. My views on this game are well known. Although only I and others who play it regularly may say it is terrible. Random anti-Xbox fanboys may not

    Also Mass Effect. SORRY EVERYONE I KNOW HOW YOU ALL LOVE IT I tried. I did. I just... meh.

  7. #67
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    But you also mentioned Halo in Bad Games you Love!


  8. #68
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    It's bad and I like it!!!!!

    But nobody but me is allowed to say it is bad.

  9. #69
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    FFX's system sucks, it has no strategy beyond "let's see if I can switch everyone out in time to kill every enemy type so I don't get hit.
    It has strategy. I for one definitely didn't play the game like how you suggested. The enjoyment of a game is half the game itself, but also how you play it. I do agree that the battle theme was meh, but definitely not the worst in the series in my opinion.

    I actually forgot to mention hating Halo. I don't like it and the only reason I purchased it is to play with my friends, family, EoFFers. It's fun when you play with other people because they distract me from everything I hate about the game, but when I have to play by myself I am reminded why I hate it so much. Solo mode is ugh.

  10. #70
    This is gonna be legen- Proxy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Proxy View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Kyle View Post
    Halo D=
    lawl. Halo isn't a "good" game. It's barely passable as ok. Its just bright, colorful, and it was a newish idea at the time, and has the easiest learning curve of almost any game I've played.
    Yes I play halo, halo2, and halo3 but only for the above reasons.
    This whole thread can really enter subjective territory easily, but overall Halo had the critical acclaim, sales, and plenty of dedicated fans. I suppose for this topic I use that as the gauge for what could constitute as "good". What else is there? I have played all 3 and don't see anything particularly wrong with it, but I too never saw anything particularly special about it either. So we're in the same boat, but I still give Halo the general "good game I just don't like" label.
    I see your point. And they are valid. I suppose I'll give it that also. "A good game i don't like"

  11. #71


    Assasins Creed for me. I remember seeing the advert on tele for AC 2 and I was almost drooling. I then went a brought AC 1 and I just couldn't click with the game. The game has everything I want in a game, Fighting with swords,daggers and bows and not a gun in sight. There was conspiracy and history in the story and a freedom to explore yet I couln't bare to play the game any longer than 2 hours.

    I'm also not a fan of the hugely popular Modern Warfare or Call of Duty, Army and guns in any type of entertainment just don't do it for me.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by FFwarden View Post
    Assasins Creed for me. I remember seeing the advert on tele for AC 2 and I was almost drooling. I then went a brought AC 1 and I just couldn't click with the game. The game has everything I want in a game, Fighting with swords,daggers and bows and not a gun in sight. There was conspiracy and history in the story and a freedom to explore yet I couln't bare to play the game any longer than 2 hours.

    I'm also not a fan of the hugely popular Modern Warfare or Call of Duty, Army and guns in any type of entertainment just don't do it for me.
    Have you played AC2? If not I recommend borrowing it from a friend or renting it to see if you like it any better. It took out everything that sucked and improved everything that was good in the first one. Ezio does not drown in knee deep fountains for one.

  13. #73


    No I haven't. I watched my nephews play it a while back and came to the conclusion it was a better version of the first as far as graphics etc. I would borrow it to give it a try but I haven't got my PS3 at the mo and when I get it back I'm going to be tied up with finishing Dragon Age 1 and starting DA2. AC is the sort of game I could enjoy watching but not playing if you get me. Oh yeah the drowning was stupid, a big bad assasin and he can't swim lol.

  14. #74
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    Yeah I could buy the "oh but his equipment is so heavy!" excuse, but drowning in a fountain?

  15. #75
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    [FFX's system sucks, it has no strategy beyond "let's see if I can switch everyone out in time to kill every enemy type so I don't get hit. Well I'll be damned I can and it only involves adding three more steps to the most tedious part of JRPGs which is random encounters" Yeah Square, that was smart, let's make the most tedious part of the game longer and easy.
    It always amuses me when people have a whinge about game developers giving players more options on how to play a game. There's not a single part of the game that tells you "this is what you have to do, this is how you have to battle." You can do it however you want to do it. I don't get why it suddenly becomes a bad thing if there are more options to take.

    The most hilarious one to me is when people whinge about FFVII's materia system, because "WAH WAH THERE ARE NO DEFINED CLASSES ANYMORE EVERYONE CAN JUST DO EVERYTHING POFOFIOSDFIEUSGHERUI". Again, there is no stage in the game at any time that forces you to spread out materia, and if you wanted to make defined classes, you could. If you wanted a Blue mage, just give someone enemy skill materia and be done with it. If you wanted a black mage, load someone up with attacking magic matera and nothing else, and the mildly gimped stats that come with it. Same for summoner and so on. But nah, instead of just taking the extra 2 minutes to set up materia to make classes that they wanted, they just whine because they don't have them. Lack of imagination displayed by some gamers is shocking.

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