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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #7231
    Lovely Gal Night Fury's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Oh yeah now that I think about it, what the smurf was the point of Grey Worm and the Unsullied being "stuck" at Casterly Rock with no supplies? At the time they made a lot of noise about what a big deal it was, and then they all suddenly pop up when they're needed in King's Landing, none of them looking any the worse for wear?
    I had this EXACT thought.

  2. #7232
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    Ahaha, yeah, I also was like "Oh, so I guess he's alive."
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  3. #7233
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Well pretty much right after they were stuck there dany and the dothraki sent the lannister armies to the east running for kings landing. There would have been no one to stop them from just marching east and meeting up with everyone then. I don't recall them ever saying they had no supplies though.

  4. #7234
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    I thought the Greyjoys were supposed to be wreckin' them.
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  5. #7235
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Euron smashed their ships and the show made a point of saying the Lannisters had left Casterly Rock empty.

    I mean yeah they obviously did the GoT teleport to get there, and fine we can even write off somehow marching across a country for weeks with no supplies and arriving exactly on time ready to fight in perfect condition because that's how the show works now. What is kind of irritating is that they made a big deal about how this was a problem and in reality it had zero consequences. Don't set something up only to just lead us down a dead end.

  6. #7236
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Uhh, it was a problem because instead of the unsullied sneaking into casterly rock and slaughtering the lannister armies they were off slaughtering one of danys allies while half her fleet was ambushed and they got cut off by sea on one side with the lannister army to the south east of them between dany and the unsullied. Until she slammed into part of the lannister army, messed them up royally, and sent the rest of them packing for kings landing. Hence the way was clear for the two armies to meet up (and I'd imagine a dothraki hoard can cover that distance pretty well).

    Hell, after looking at a map again highgarden isn't even that far from the rock. Of the unsullied couldn't find enough supplies to hold out a while in what was left at casterly rock or from sacking a few lannister villages and last until reinforcements routed the lannisters then they'd be a pretty sad army.

  7. #7237
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    The problem with that is that it's all fanfiction. You just made it up. I'm not saying that to be a dick to you, but as an indictment on them. Even if what you wrote did happen to the letter (I take issue with your explanation, as you'll see below!) then why introduce a problem on screen to solve it off screen? It's like if they showed us Jon Snow getting stabbed to death and the next time we see him he's leading the charge at Winterfell. Sure, you can fill in the blanks and say oh Melissandre revived him or whatever, but it's still bad writing to introduce an element and then wave away as soon as it's inconvenient. Fans shouldn't have to invent explanations to pick up the strands when writers have dropped them.

    Also, because I do like to discuss this stuff, I just want to disagree with your explanation. Spoilered for length

    Dany didn't attack the Lannisters at Highgarden, she attacked them just outside of King's Landing on the Roseroad. The river that Jaime and Bronn dived into was the Blackwater Rush. If she did this to liberate the Unsullied - and the only explanation in the show given was that she wanted to smurf up the Lannisters without smurfing up a city, no mention of Grey Worm and co - then it's slightly weird given that they're half the continent away. Fine, Dothraki hordes can move relatively well, but the baggage train necessary to supply them sure as heck can't, nor an additional baggage train to supply the Unsullied.

    The Unsullied have no reason to go to Highgarden as then that takes them even further away from King's Landing and Dragonstone, and again if they did go to Highgarden, the Lannisters have visibly sacked it of all food as shown in the wagons Dany blew up so no supplies there either. Can the Lannister villages in the Westerlands provide them with enough food to feed an army of that size? No, because there isn't enough there for the Lannister army to survive! That is why they took what little they had and attacked Highgarden to seize their supplies. These Lannister villages have been supporting war for years, it's now winter, and the Lannisters already blew through there taking whatever remained.

    But okay, even if there is enough - and again, it's winter, so I really doubt there is - how are they going to get it? Are the Unsullied pillaging and looting from innocent peasants? What if they resist? Are they killing them? Is that the image Daenerys "I don't want to attack the city and kill people" Targaryen is going for? Are there still token Lannister forces resisting them? Assuming they take the Gold Road to King's Landing, they also have to pass through Tyrell and Tully territory. Are they going to start attacking them, even though they're ostensibly still allied with the Tyrells (don't get me started on succession issues in the Reach) and neutral to the Tullys? Again, are the local lords and bannermen just letting the Targaryen forces loot and pillage their peasants or are they resisting?

    Like I said, GoT over simplifies things so we can wave it away, but y'know.

  8. #7238
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Eurons ships were at kings landing, so no one was keeping them at casterly rock. They could just March away.

  9. #7239
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Eurons ships were at kings landing, so no one was keeping them at casterly rock. They could just March away.
    I think you may have misunderstood the conversation. The issue is not them being able to march out of Casterly Rock. The issue is not even them able to march out of Casterly Rock across a continent for several weeks with enough supplies to keep 8,000 men alive. I think people are getting too caught up with the specifics about this. The problem isn't one of realism. The problem is that they introduced a plot element that mysteriously vanished and was not referred to again.

    The show specifically told us that the Lannisters took all of the supplies out of Casterly Rock, and we then saw Euron burning the Unsullied fleet which presumably contained their own supplies. I - and others too, it seems - therefore quite reasonably assumed that this was a real issue that would require some drama to resolve. If they hadn't made such a big deal of Casterly Rock being emptied then I wouldn't care as much if at all.

  10. #7240
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    FWIW, my understanding of the teleportation experienced with the Greyjoy fleet is simply explained with them being a divided fleet at that point, with some of the forces off taking care of the Unsullied boats while the rest are still at King's Landing. It makes way more sense than any other option I've seen listed, especially if the Greyjoys having 1,000 ships thing is true. Being a naval house by nature, and a pirate house by nature at that, it means that they should be able to take on a greater force when given the benefit of surprise attacks, which they had on both occasions. Pretty sure Dany didn't have 2,000 ships.
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  11. #7241
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    Yeah, if they'd never said anything about the supplies, I don't think it'd be too much of an issue. But it does definitely seem like a dropped thread.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  12. #7242


    Are we not sure that the other dragons didn't just drop rations down for the unsullied while Dany and Drogon were burning Lannisters? Makes just as much sense as anything else.

    Likewise, what exactly was Theon up to for half the season? Just brooding in Dragonstone? And Sam got all the way from Oldtown to Winterfell in the same span as it took Jon to go from Dragonstone to Eastwatch, over the Wall then to King's Landing! The timelines just never made sense.

    I think ultimately what happened was, the showrunners knew they needed three things to happen this year: Dany had to meet Jon and fall in love, Dany's armies had to suffer losses because they had too much of an advantage and the wall had to come down. The how and the why didn't matter so long as it led to the endpoint of where the show is now.

    This entire season has been problematic from a logic stand point, which is a really big issue since the show had for the longest time been all about the small details being what did people in.

    I will give credit though for things I did enjoy this season:

    Dany's attack on the Lannister army was AWESOME.
    Every sentence out of Bronn's mouth
    The banter between Tormund and The Hound
    Davos' intro of Jon to Dany
    The Tyrion - Cersei and Cersei - Jamie scenes

    Prepare for a long wait now. I've been hearing and reading that 2019 looks like the return time.

    Take care all.

  13. #7243
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    I'm excited that they set the foundation for Cleganebowl next season. I don't know how it's going down but the scene of Sandor sizing his brother up and saying "You know who's coming for you" definitely wasn't a throwaway.

    I think Littlefinger's arc reached a natural conclusion. Winterfell was a fitting place for his death, considering his long history with the Starks/Tullys and all the fair charges brought against him. Here was an example of a conniving person who used all of their rope until they hung themselves with it. Unless he left early on to go plot more in The Eyrie, I'm not sure where he would go. Any plot left for him in King's Landing may still happen under the guise of Arya AS Littlefinger. And whatever she does disguised as him at this point may very well be more interesting than whatever his plans were, especially with 6 episodes left.

  14. #7244
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    The Winterfell plotline was soooo dumb. Though it was really really satisfying to see Littlefinger die. FINALLY. Oh lord I've just been waiting for that moment. I wish it had been more brutal.

    This article articulates better than I can why I've had a problem with the writing this season:

    Basically, it relies on things happening off screen that they never show us, to make certain twists and plotlines possible. And a bunch of shows and movies do this, but game of thrones does it SO often, that it really feels like a cheat.

    Did Arya and Sansa plan to trick littlefinger from the beginning? Did they guess his game and then engineer a reverse plot? Was Arya assuming someone was listening when she was being super creepo with Sansa? We can assume these things happened given the conclusion of the plot line but we don't really know because whatever they plotted happened completely ONE HUNDRED PERCENT off screen. And it's constantly like this. Over and over again, they don't give us these discussions or dialogue and prefer to be like, "Ah ha! And this thing happened off screen to facilitate this twist that you're witnessing now! HA HA HA!"

    It's weak writing.

    Also, as much as I enjoyed Littlefinger's death. I don't think that it makes a lick of sense that he would think that Arya's motivation was that she wanted to be lady of Winterfell. Like, literally no one thought that this is what Arya would want, and Littlefinger would have known that.

    As for the Dany/Jon stuff, I knew they were gonna but I am not here for the incest. Blegh.

    Anyone who thought Cersei would give a trout about a truce to defeat a greater evil doesn't know jack trout about Cersei. Tyrion should know better. Jamie should know better. All of them should know better.

    I loved the smaller moments. Pod/Tyrion, Brienne/Hound, Tyrion/Bronn. I smurfing love reunions! I can't wait for the Jon/Arya reunion!

  15. #7245
    disc jockey to your heart krissy's Avatar
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