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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #76
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    I doubt it's going to be the same in the USA but in the UK if you're a sky subscriber you can watch it in HD on the Sky Player since the show is being aired on Sky Atlantic (we haven't actually got a HBO channel in the UK)
    Did you manage to catch the interview between Joe Abercrombie and GRRM that went on before the airing on Sunday? I want to see it but I can't seem to find it anywhere, only information on it taking place.
    I didn't I think theres a video for that too on the sky player but frankly the issue there is you need to be a paid up subscriber. If I can get my account details for my house share (such as sky subscription name and password for the sky player page) then I could watch it. My old Sky account allows me to see everything there but because I cancelled my sky services last year I no longer have sky player in full, I can only watch free to air shows.

  2. #77


    Caught the pilot and overall enjoyed it, but was in way over my head. I haven't read any of the books yet, probably will get to them at some point.

    The most important thing to remember about adaptations, is that TV/film is all about pace and visuals, so a lot of what gets changed or left out is done because as other have said, a 10 hour season can't cover 800 pages of words. So long as all of the major plot points and the character points get covered, they've done their job of telling the story. The one interesting aspect is how much, if at all, the series will deviate from the book. Obviously, not by making any drastic changes, like having characters die or live instead of the fates they suffered in the books, but more in how the TV series will make the story its own.

    For example: I enjoyed all of the Harry Potter movies to some extent, but the 3rd one remains my favorite because it told the story but added some new flavor and set a different tone, a more mature, mysterious tone from the first two films. Now, the first two films were almost word for word adaptations of the books and were fine, but the 3rd one took some creative license and to me was the better for it because it added to the entire series in how it portrayed the story, the characters, etc etc. I am anxious to see if this series will do something along those lines.

    Take care all.

  3. #78


    Second episode was considerably better than the first episode. Peter Dinklage is doing a pretty incredible job of Tyrion Lannister. (SPOILER)Slapping the out of Joffrey and then "Mmm.. time for breakfast! Had me rollin. The end was suitably sad.

    (SPOILER)I'm hoping they add Bran's crow dream into the next episode, as some sort of flashback, but I can understand if they don't because of more pressing matters. However, I'm pretty worried if they don't that it'll only serve to hurt them in the end and confuse people unfamiliar with the books later on. Bran's crow references are a pretty strong part of his character.

    Also: Go Summer + Nymeria!

  4. #79
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Dinklage as Tyrion is perfect. The first two episodes have been pretty much everything I could have hoped for from an adaptation of this series.

    Every scene involving direwolves has pleased me greatly. (SPOILER)Except of course the one where Lady is killed, which it's hard to be pleased by. But that's obviously the point.
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  5. #80
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    The ending was sad but dammit I really hate the queen!and the Prince. I hope he gets his nuts bit off. I still have no idea of what most characters names are so I'll just refer to them all as that guy and stuff
    Last edited by escobert; 04-25-2011 at 10:05 PM.

  6. #81
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Prince Joffrey is one of the few characters in the series for whom there are no redeeming features whatsoever. Queen Cersei is also pretty much unrepentantly evil, but at least there is a good explanation for how she became that way, which is presented later in the series. Joffrey doesn't have any excuses; he's just a little . The only other characters I can think of who are so unrepentantly loathsome are Tywin and (SPOILER)Littlefinger.
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  7. #82
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    <div style="font: 16px Candara, Skia, Corbel, 'Trebuchet MS', Georgia, Geneva, Helvetica, Lucida, 'Lucida Grande', Arial, sans-serif; color: #38bcee; text-align: justify;">Prince Joffrey is one of the few characters in the series for whom there are no redeeming features whatsoever. Queen Cersei is also pretty much unrepentantly evil, but at least there is a good explanation for how she became that way, which is presented later in the series. Joffrey doesn't have any excuses; he's just a little . The only other characters I can think of who are so unrepentantly loathsome are Tywin and (SPOILER)Littlefinger.</div>
    Should probably chalk Sandor Clegane (aka, the mountain that rides) and Viserys Targaryen up there too with Tywin, (SPOILER)Littlefinger, Joffrey and Cersei.

    One character that has been passed over in the show so far is probably the most important in the Sansa storyline is the knight of flowers, Loras Tyrell she dreamed of Joffery being as noble as him even when she asked her mother to agree to the marriage.
    Last edited by Iceglow; 04-25-2011 at 02:02 PM.

  8. #83
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    <div style="font: 16px Candara, Skia, Corbel, 'Trebuchet MS', Georgia, Geneva, Helvetica, Lucida, 'Lucida Grande', Arial, sans-serif; color: #38bcee; text-align: justify;">Prince Joffrey is one of the few characters in the series for whom there are no redeeming features whatsoever. Queen Cersei is also pretty much unrepentantly evil, but at least there is a good explanation for how she became that way, which is presented later in the series. Joffrey doesn't have any excuses; he's just a little . The only other characters I can think of who are so unrepentantly loathsome are Tywin and (SPOILER)Littlefinger.</div>
    Should probably chalk Sandor Clegane (aka, the mountain that rides) and Viserys Targaryen up there too with Tywin, (SPOILER)Littlefinger, Joffrey and Cersei.

    One character that has been passed over in the show so far is probably the most important in the Sansa storyline is the knight of flowers, Loras Tyrell she dreamed of Joffery being as noble as him even when she asked her mother to agree to the marriage.
    Er, you're thinking about Gregor. Sandor is the Hound, who develops redeeming features later in the story (and arguably has always had them). That said, that's a good point about Viserys. I forgot about him. Even though he features prominently in the first two episodes. That's what I get for posting at 7am, and now 8am There are other minor characters who don't really have any redeeming qualities as well - the Bloody Mummers, (SPOILER)Walder Frey, Roose Bolton, and especially Ramsay Bolton.

    And yeah, that's a good point about Loras. It's pretty obvious that Sansa is naïve even without her daydreams about Loras though. Still, maybe they'll feature in the next episode. I'm sure he'll have to be introduced at some point. Had he even been introduced by this point in the book? I don't seem to remember him showing up until about a quarter of the way through.

    Finally, I'd consider the fact that (SPOILER)Littlefinger is a bad guy to be a spoiler. (SPOILER)Even though he tells Ned right away not to trust him. Considering how many people reading this thread probably haven't read the books, it would be nice if you'd mark that.
    Last edited by The Man; 04-25-2011 at 01:15 PM.
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  9. #84
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    Er, you're thinking about Gregor. Sandor is the Hound, who develops redeeming features later in the story (and arguably has always had them).

    And yeah, that's a good point about Loras. It's pretty obvious that Sansa is naïve even without her daydreams about Loras though.
    Er yeah my bad, I got their first names mixed up.

    I haven't got my copy of the book to hand to check if Loras was in the story or not by now. I thought he was however. I know he gives Sansa a rose which sparks of an infactuation within her of him. (SPOILER)Though she might as well have not bothered considering he is gay with Lord Renly Baratheon.

  10. #85
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I have never read the books. I just like swords 'n' titties. And the midget. And Boromir. Anything else is irrelevant.

    edit: "I'll gut you you little !" hahahahahahahahahaha I also like hilariously inappropriate profanity.

  11. #86


    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    I haven't got my copy of the book to hand to check if Loras was in the story or not by now. I thought he was however. I know he gives Sansa a rose which sparks of an infactuation within her of him. (SPOILER)Though she might as well have not bothered considering he is gay with Lord Renly Baratheon.
    They might mention Loras at the beginning of the book but I believe the tournament is the first time we actually see him. Considering that, it makes sense that they've yet to mention him so far in the storyline.

    I'm honestly impressed with the entire cast. There were some little worries here and there at the beginning, but they've all but been dispelled watching the first two episodes. I know there were some complaints elsewhere about the casting of Catelyn Stark, but I think she's done a pretty good job with what she's been given. Sansa was the other one I wasn't too sure about, since Sophie Turner is absolutely new, but she's doing a very good job being incredible annoying but sympathetic.

    (SPOILER)The dire wolves are great but the lack of Ghost is upsetting. He's only been viewable twice that I can recall (once in the beginning and once in a longshot of Jon Snow's Wall expedition), I'm hoping he begins to play a more prominent role since he's probably my favorite dire wolf.

  12. #87
    Shlup's Retired Pimp Recognized Member Raistlin's Avatar
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    And this is the part where half the characters become so obnoxiously horrible people that you want to stab their eyes out. Joffrey is the worst offender, and there's always the Queen and that stupid bitch Sansa, (SPOILER)who at least gets what she deserves later on. Catelyn has been surprisingly less filled with stupid and hate, but that will probably come soon enough. (SPOILER)In the books she's so mind-numbingly stupid that she went from being a decently-developed character you're supposed to dislike to an unrealistically stupid mindless vacuum of retardation that devours all signs of intelligence around her. So far, anyway the show has been pretty damn faithful to the books.

    Arya, Jon, Ned, Tyrion, and Dany are the only good characters in the book. Jon has had a disappointing lack of development so far, but some things obviously need to be cut to fit everything in.

    Tyrion by himself makes the show worth watching.

    EDIT: I have now realized that I am much more prone to creative insults and harsh, eloquent criticism when I haven't slept in a ridiculously long time. It amuses me.

  13. #88
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    Well I have watched the second episode now and thought it was alright... I have to say I am a little surprised no one else has commented on the acting I have seen in the series so far... to me it feels a little... I dunno... stale I guess, like its being forced out or something, it may be just that I have read the books and have pictured them in my head while reading them (something I can do only with few books but aSoIaF is one of those rare series where I have been able to do it with all the books) then seeing them come to life on the tv sort of disillusions me towards what I had pictured in my head especially since I decided to pick up the series again quite recently (in time for ADoD) but I keep thinking aside from the seen with Cercei and Catelyn (where Cercei "consoles" Catelyn) coupled with the Arya/Jon scene they all felt wooden to me.

    Another thing that I am surprised that people have not picked up on is the fact that Spoiler from the booksno one seems to notice how all the "Royal" children have blond hair... especially after seen Jamie and Cercei smurfing

  14. #89


    I have to say I am a little surprised no one else has commented on the acting I have seen in the series so far... to me it feels a little... I dunno... stale
    That's because everyone else is commending the acting for being superb with only a few minor letdowns. Literally every thing that I read about the show includes a portion that commends the acting for being well done. I don't understand how you can find it stale or wooden, that just seems a bit silly to me. Sure, there are a few characters that don't do as good a job at others (Joffrey) but I still feel he's doing justice to the character by playing him as an unintelligent, princely little twerp. Simply a case of you expecting something grandiose and being let down because it doesn't fit the image you had in your head.

    no one seems to notice how all the "Royal" children have blond hair... especially after seen Jamie and Cercei smurfing
    Why would anyone pick up on that naturally? The only person to see Jaime and Cersei having sex was forced into a coma for an entire episode (which spanned 1-2 months). Most ordinary people won't jump to the conclusion of an incestuous affair based simply on the hair color of three children, especially since one side of their family line is known for having blonde hair.

  15. #90
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I have to say I am a little surprised no one else has commented on the acting I have seen in the series so far... to me it feels a little... I dunno... stale
    That's because everyone else is commending the acting for being superb with only a few minor letdowns. Literally every thing that I read about the show includes a portion that commends the acting for being well done. I don't understand how you can find it stale or wooden, that just seems a bit silly to me. Sure, there are a few characters that don't do as good a job at others (Joffrey) but I still feel he's doing justice to the character by playing him as an unintelligent, princely little twerp. Simply a case of you expecting something grandiose and being let down because it doesn't fit the image you had in your head.
    This is my opinion you don't have to like it but aside from that, I don't read other people opinions about the show, I just like to watch it, your probably right about it being the case that I have a grandiose image in my head but its just something I can't seem to get past.

    Quote Originally Posted by bunny
    no one seems to notice how all the "Royal" children have blond hair... especially after seen Jamie and Cercei smurfing
    Why would anyone pick up on that naturally? The only person to see Jaime and Cersei having sex was forced into a coma for an entire episode (which spanned 1-2 months). Most ordinary people won't jump to the conclusion of an incestuous affair based simply on the hair color of three children, especially since one side of their family line is known for having blonde hair.
    My brother picked up on it naturally, he has watched both episodes, coupled with the fact that (SPOILER) Joff looks nothing like his "father" while it may be true that one side of the family has blond hair he thought it strange that the boy looks nothing like Robert (big bear of a man with thick dark hair and Joffrey who is skinny and small, without a single resemblance between the 2) also take into account that someone in this thread (or someone on the site where I watched the episode) commented on the fact that Sansa is taller then Joff. I just thought it a little strange.

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