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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #3706
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Dude I can't stop thinking about that ending. I can understand Oberyn's pride being his downfall, but jesus smurf that was shocking as smurf. At least he killed the Mountain though, and the mountain confessed that Tywin gave the order right?

    Sansa and Baelish just became the most smurfed up people that have my full support and I could not believe it.

  2. #3707
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    I think that beetle guy was squashing beetles because he likes to have power over life and death... didn't really think anything else about it.

    On a side note I cant wait to see Probably next weeks episodeTyrion kill shae and Tywin, also the way Cersei loses her trout when she think Tyrion is out to kill them all also I am going to call it:

    naughty language

  3. #3708
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I thought arya's laughing was just perfect.

    Sansa is a hottie now that she's all "I'm no longer basic, i'm not a boss b"

    Ramsey is such a crazy smurf but I love him. He's so excited that he's a bolton now.

    I like how it just faded to no music as the credits. I enjoy the distress of my boyfriend at this show. He was mad about ned. He didn't talk to me for an hour after the red wedding and today he was like "I feel sick. Godamn this show"

  4. #3709


    Blanket, check.
    Leftover dinner, check.
    Drink, check.
    Boner, check.
    Everybody on mute, check.

    *flexes butt cheeks*
    Routine complete. LET'S DO THIS. DDDDD

  5. #3710
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Last edited by Freya; 06-02-2014 at 06:05 AM.

  6. #3711
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I need to stop watching this show before bedtime. That was a little too gruesome for me. This show can have some powerful moments, but also be really icky.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  7. #3712
    What the bliff Recognized Member
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    Sansa is now Littlefinger 2 apparently.

  8. #3713


    Jesus christ. Now that's an episode.

    Long smurfing rant of madness
    Where to begin?

    The duel was masterfully done. Any doubt I had of HBO's choice of Oberyn Martell was dashed into a thousand pieces at the first instance of him showing off his insane skills with a spear. His movements would had made Darth Maul melt into a puddle of green pudding. They didn't completely nail it though. The part that really sells what we just witnessed wasn't the result of the duel. No, it was Tyrion's reaction, to his imminent guilt. I am SURE that we will see his reaction first thing in the next episode, or I at least remain hopeful of that. But smurf. That was one of the most goriest deaths I've ever seen. Takes a lot nowadays to make me jump and say "HOLY trout" out loud. Especially because I knew it was coming.

    It took Sansa four seasons, but she has finally come into her own. At least enough for everybody to not be able to refute it any longer. I was pretty much captivated by her the first moment I saw her, which was fascinating because I didn't care for her book character much at all. That may have something more to do with her looks than anything else, and I'm certainly not ashamed to admit that I was attracted to her from the word go. Only now that she is of legal age are people coming out of the wood work calling her attractive. It's highly amusing, but it is what it is. I don't remember her lying like that in the book, but I don't really remember at all. So it was a pleasant surprise.

    I am also glad that Ser Jorah's betrayal has finally been revealed. It was easily the most intriguing thing to happen in Dany's storyline since Drogo was apart of it. Not that that's saying much. And please, don't get me started on this Grey Worm/Missandei romance rubbish. I'M NOT INTERESTED IN IT.

    As for the episode 9 build up, I was quite glad to see that Ygritte does have a sensitive side, sparing Gilly and Monster. That was touching. I quite enjoy seeing Tormund Giantsbane in action too. The more I see him, the happier I am. He's just such a hulking, sexy man.

    I really enjoy every scene that Ramsay is in. Hate him in the books, but in the show, Iwan has proverbially stolen my heart. He's brilliant at making you respect him, love him, hate him and fear him all in one go. Put all of those qualities together, and you just stop and think about how few actors are able to deliver that many different sides to them. It's uncanny and amazing. His reaction to being legitimized was wonderful, and exactly how I would imagine Jon's reaction would be, if Ned didn't bite the dust and was capable of legitimizing him.

    And finally, a would be incredible scene that would steal the highlight of any episode had it not been the trial by combat, Jaime and Tyrion's possible last conversation together was memorable and quite endearing. Not to mention positively hilarious. It seems a bit out of character for Tyrion to mock someone based on their shortcomings, being that he knows how it feels to be on that judged side of the spectrum, but I felt a lot more than just filler talk in it. It was mysterious, entertaining, and adorable. The relationship between Jaime and Tyrion is so beautiful and sacred that I almost want to cry thinking that this may be the last time we see them together.

  9. #3714
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    Quote Originally Posted by Noctis Caelum View Post
    I felt a lot more than just filler talk in it. It was mysterious, entertaining, and adorable. The relationship between Jaime and Tyrion is so beautiful and sacred that I almost want to cry thinking that this may be the last time we see them together.
    Yeah, that's a pretty good way to look at it. I'll agree with that.

  10. #3715
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Also this episode was beautifully shot. I swear every scene was shot so perfectly. The cinematography was beautiful.

  11. #3716
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    Littlefinger: Do you think you know me?

    Sansa: I know what you want.

    *stares intensely*
    *staring intensifies*

  12. #3717
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    That scene with Sansa and Petyr, holy trout, blew my mind. Amazing acting on Sansa's part, and that little moment she and Petyr shared was intriguing. I think that this show does such an excellent job of portraying the two sides of Petyr Baelish. Even if he is a dirty old man.

    Sick of Arya. Sorry. Sick of her. Don't like her character at all. However, her bursted laughter at Lysa's death was pretty hilarious.

    I enjoyed the Jaime and Tyrion bonding scene in the dungeon. Especially the simple cousin smashing beetles part.

    This fight scene is what I have been waiting for a all smurfing season, and it did not disappoint. other than it lasted mere minutes (which I guess is realistic, but come on, we've all been waiting for this). Oberyn was beautiful and a joy to watch. The theatrics were a bit much with the hopping around, but other than that, awesome. Except when his eyes were being gouged out and his face smashed. That was awful.

    I would like to hear beetle theories if they do not spoil anything - books or future episodes.

  13. #3718
    Resident Fire Emblem Fan Elite Lord Sigma's Avatar
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    . . . Well, I certainly chose a fine episode to stumble into this series. I mean, I knew full well this series' graphic violence long before tonight, but that closing scene was brutal. This is coming from somebody who has curb stomped, chainsawed, and gibbed more than his fair share of enemies in video games.

  14. #3719
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    Quote Originally Posted by Shorty View Post
    Sick of Arya. Sorry. Sick of her. Don't like her character at all.
    We heard you the first time.


    Goddammit, Oberyn! You had it! You smurfing had it!

  15. #3720


    I love seeing Sansa's development into a calculating game player, and now we have the physical appearance to match.

    Arya's scene was funny, but not much else. All of us starting laughing even before she did, so it was even funnier when she joined in. I'm interested to see how this plays out. Will these soldiers just let The Hound and Arya Stark walk out of The Vale? Will Arya want to stay in The Vale, or will she be content to stay with The Hound? What plans will he have for her, knowing there is no one else he can ransom her to?

    That fight scene! Oberyn didn't particularly stick out for me in the books. Pedro Pascal, on the other hand, made me grow to love the character. They nailed his death. Seeing a character that suave, cocky, and composed screaming for his life is one of the most disturbing things I've seen on television in some time. I knew very well what was coming, and was still shaken by it.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lone Wolf Leonhart View Post
    Alright. Let me ask this, though. What did you guys take from Jaime and Tyrion talking about beetles for six minutes? I've got my own ideas. I'd like to hear others.
    I think this is the writers telling us there is no justice in Westeros. The strong destroy the weak, and there is no way to understand or put a stop to it. Death is all around us, and much of it is senseless. Does Tyrion think it's right to mock the handicapped? Of course not, but he'll be damned if he isn't going to do it anyway so he can be part of the strong at least in some fashion. This is akin to high school cliques and how an outsider might mock someone so the "cool kids" will embrace them, even if they know it is wrong.

    Get busy killing or get busy dying.
    Last edited by Kalevala; 06-02-2014 at 07:58 AM.

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