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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #7501
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Things I didn't like:
    - That basically everyone died except the main characters, with just a couple of exceptions. I expected way more death to main/named characters, especially when you consider that the ratio of living to dead at the end, it was like "oh cool I can name very person still standing that makes sense." Like, can't they put a few randoms in there too?
    - Bye Dothraki, aka suicide squad, who cares about you? Did ANY of them survive? I saw some horses, perhaps a few randoms returned too? It's a bit sad that the people who traveled furthest are sent in first.
    - Who cares about the prophecy of Azor Ahai? Throw away all you knew about it, Arya is the badass here to kill Night King and literally can't think of anything that relates her to all of this.
    --- sidenote on the above, I'm hoping that it's not actually all over with the Night King and we'll see at least a little more about this, perhaps one of those babies that they made into a white walker by touching the cheek long ago will be the new Night King in the future?
    - All that fanfare and Night King just dies. I agree it wasn't satisfying. Well, it was and it wasn't. I dunno. I'm still thinking Cersei is the true villain of the series, Night King is just a way to move the other plots along.
    - What WAS Bran doing with those ravens? Hopefully we find out he wasn't just having a cheap thrill before he's thinking he'll die. I was thinking it'd be cool if at the last second, the dragon or the Night King were distracted by a large flock of ravens flying into their face and then killed during the distraction.

    Things I liked:
    - Basically everything else I really enjoyed it. Wish I watched it in a darker room though, damn that was tough to see at times.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  2. #7502
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    Arya's Azor Ahai. She was reborn from Arya Stark into No One as her family died around her at the Twins, amidst the salted and smoked ham the Hound stole.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  3. #7503
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    I enjoyed the episode but I've been so emotionally spent this week that the deaths didn't have the impact on me I'd expect they would after 8 seasons of caring about them.

    I'd blame Endgame but I was kinda already drained even before going into that movie so Idk. Rough couple weeks.

  4. #7504
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    All Winterfell needed was my ass to stop the wights getting in because honey, I was clenched for that whole episode GoTdaaayum.

  5. #7505
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    Overall I enjoyed the episode as some gratuitous violence and some fairly well shot stuff with some good moments between a few characters.

    But the living largely fought like idiots and the night king was the biggest idiot of all. There was literally no reason for him to fight at all unless he's in some kind of hurry which they've certainly never indicated seeing as he's been beyond the wall building an army for thousands of years. All he had to do was surround the castle and wait and maybe ice javelin some dragons if a certain pair of targaryens get uppity. They didn't have enough food to feed everyone for a long period to begin with. And if they try to run then cut them down. Actively attacking winterfell was utterly pointless based on everything we know.

    Also disappointed that that was it for the undead. Seems like they were just there to complicate killing cirsei in the end which is kind of meh. Maybe if they hadn't been defeated in the first battle after they break through the wall it would feel less anticlimactic.

  6. #7506
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    Also, smurf Sam. I've never been a Sam fan, and this episode is PRETTY MUCH WHY.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  7. #7507
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    So I have some thoughts:

    • Melisandre's job given by the lord of light was to get there, support them, and guide Arya on the path.
    • Beric's job after being raised so many times was to keep her alive and get her to Mel to set her on her path.
    • The hound, who was touched by flame aka lord of light, was also set up to do this.
    • Jon, who was raised by said lord of light, was distracting a big ass scary dragon who could still smurf up a lot of things, preventing it from defending NK. Also taking the north back all that fun to get her there.

    Little Arya was the best fighter with everyone. Her weapon was versatile, she learned how to move and be quick from using a staff when blind. When injured, she had to flee but was so sneaky she was able to get through the library unseen. Was only the other horde that gave her away. The episode prior when she met Jon, it was in the godswood and he was like "How'd you sneak up on me?" then we have her being sneaky here to remind you that she's a small, quick, sneaky mothersmurfer.

    Then we recall the "What do we say to god of death? Not Today." and if we think back to that training. He taught her to be a water dancer. He said that the westerosi are predictable so be quick and unpredictable. The entire fight has been predictable for their armies. Jon thinking he could run between a horde to the night king. The two of them fighting in the skies with him. Dany trying to burninate him, even Theon's attack. All predictable.

    So in this final moment, Theon made his attack which stopped the posse from moving and the night king just kinda dealt with him and moved on to bran. They were all focused on Bran cause, well hell he's right there. Like this is golden at this point, plans done. So here comes unpredictable little Arya dashing in, jumping and attack. So he sees it cause oh a jump attack, pft. Nope, hand switch and bam, unpredictable.

    He had to be killed by assassination. There wouldn't have been another way, he would have seen it and been able to adapt. Arya knocking him out has been set up from season 1.

    And now that I think of it, that's awfully convenient that the "lord of light" spoke to people and told them things. So like... is that what bran was doing? Is Bran somehow the lord of light? I dunno. I'm sure we'll get more answers.

    As for the night king. His sole purpose was to kill humans per the children of the forest. He just got evil machine like to do so and really really good at it. And as long as the three-eyed raven lives, all of history is still alive and they will never truly destroy humanity. So that's why he was important and that's the sole point of them. The rest of humankind would be easy to take out. So no biggie on them.

    But he was just another King. Another king vying for the thrown. The fact that the supernatural undead villains are just a b-plot is a little amusing to me. Because the entire series people are like "ugh what does all this political stuff have to do with anything". That IS the series, the supernatural stuff is just flavor. It is the game of THRONES. The clash of KINGS. Cersei as final boss is amusing, but fitting for how much we've set up here.

    "The only thing that matters is the great war"

    Nope! It's not.

  8. #7508
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    He had to be killed by assassination. There wouldn't have been another way, he would have seen it and been able to adapt. Arya knocking him out has been set up from season 1.
    Just because this ended up being the result doesn't mean that it is true, satisfying, reasonable or good story-telling. Honestly it seemed completely out of left field, I don't think it was set up from season 1 at all. Also, she had no personal care about the Night King compared to about 50 other people and things out there, so it just makes it all the more "wait, what?" when it comes to story-telling. Sometimes it's interesting to surprise people but I think in this case it just looks bad on their part more than anything.

    I like Arya, I want her to do well, I'd love for her to kill Cersei, but killing the Night King just seemed absurd to me on a story-telling level. Especially as we don't even see how she turned up there in the first place. She's running from random wights and then BAM hi Night King bye Night King. I think the writer(s) just became so obsessed with not letting people guess who Azor Ahai was, who would kill Night King, etc. that they insisted on doing something that not many (if any) people were guessing purely so they could say "eh, didn't see that coming, eh? right? haha psych!"
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  9. #7509
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Look, just cause you didn't connect and catch it, didn't mean it wasn't what was set up. Hell, look at the Hodor set up from the beginning that no one saw coming but was there for us. It literally set up seasons of her learning to be sneaky and stealthy and "no one". They gave her "useless arcs", as people said, to get to this skill level.

    Just because you missed it and didn't connect the dots, didn't mean they weren't there to connect.

    Same thing I say about Sansa and her becoming a major political manipulator and mover. People are like "when did she get so smart?" and i'm like uhhhhhh it's been happening the whole time where have you been?
    "What Gendry and Arya? That's out of left field!" Uh no, it wasn't? They set that up way back in season two when they met, she was even oogling him at harrenhal.

    It's like people don't actually watch or remember the things that happen in this show and want to complain later lmao

  10. #7510
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Arya making the killing blow makes sense.

    What is a disappointment of the ending isn't that. It's that the White Walkers and NK didn't even really fight anyone. They just walked menacingly. The NK was just on a dragon and threw his spear. But the fact that these super badasses did... nothing? That was what was disappointing. Arya making the kill was set up a lot. Them not fighting at all is the bleh thing.

    What I was hoping for that Bran was warging into nymeria and her pack and would have showed up. That would have been dope.

  11. #7511
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    <--- Poor me

    - i am disapointed with how sweet they are on us. hardly anyone of importance died. i was prepared, i could've handled it.

    - i admit i did not think the night king would die this episode. as he aproached Bran i for a moment really thought winterfell was properly screwed and thought 'Wouw, what will they do from here? leave the remaining episodes to Cersei?'

    - WHAT WAS BRAN DOING?? i doubt he was just flying the crows, there must be more, right?

    - I dont think this is THE end of the end for the white walkers, it would be to easy? we still dont really know what their purpose/goal was? there must be more to it!

  12. #7512
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Oh so they've been doing these 40 minutes behind the scenes things they share the next day. If anyone wants to watch the making of this episode.

  13. #7513


    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I like Arya, I want her to do well, I'd love for her to kill Cersei, but killing the Night King just seemed absurd to me on a story-telling level. Especially as we don't even see how she turned up there in the first place. She's running from random wights and then BAM hi Night King bye Night King.
    Not necessarily. Melisandre drops a few hints for her while they're taking refuge in the fireplace room and she runs off knowing full well what she has to do. We, as viewers, are given a sleight of hand for the next few scenes while we worry about other characters and forget that she ran off with purpose. She was headed right for him.

  14. #7514
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Arya knocking him out has been set up from season 1.
    I don't think so. Remember that in Season 1 they were following the books very closely and the belief was that The Winds of Winter and maybe even A Dream of Spring would be out by now. The Night King is very much a show invention - GRRM has said as much - and doesn't appear until Season 4.

    I actually think they've planned it since Season 7 when they introduced the concept that killing a White Walker also kills its Wights. We hadn't seen that when previous White Walkers were killed in previous seasons by Sam and at Hardhome so I think they came up with it as an answer to the "How do you defeat the Army of the Dead?" question. Introducing that concept and having Bran give Arya the dagger was when they started sowing the seeds, I think. That and the Brienne knife trick.

    With that said, I don't have a problem with Arya being the one to do it. Jon, Daenerys and maybe even Jaime would be very cliched and predictable. Although 1) I don't really like her smirking remorseless badass show portrayal and 2) a couple of easily missed salty smoky Azor Ahai hints about Arya would've been nice.

  15. #7515
    Not breaking faith today Shaibana's Avatar
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    another question of GREAT importance:

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