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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #106
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    I forgot to add this before, but I like where Jaime and Viserys are characterwise now. This is much more how I imagined them to be. I'm almost excited for Viserys' crown.

  2. #107
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I'm not as clued up on names and stuff like the rest of you, 'cause I have not read the books, so a little help here please You know the Queen and that guy were shagging, and Bran saw them and got shoved out the window? Are the Queen and that guy brother and sister?

    'cause I thought that guy was the midget's twin brother, and the midget is also the Queen's brother. But, ew, incest!

  3. #108



  4. #109
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    LMFAO Paul, I believe you're trolling us but for your benefit. Jaime (the blonde knight) and Cersei (the queen) are twins and yes, Tyrion is their little brother. And yes, there is incest in the story between the Queen and Jaime Lannister. Without being too much of a spoiler, take a view of what Cersei said to Catelyn (Lady Stark) after Bran "fell" to comfort her, she had a child with Robert (the king) what looked just like him. All her other children look like Lannisters.

  5. #110
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    I haven't watched the third episode yet, but I really don't get how anyone could think nothing happens in this show. For starters, there have already been several deaths.
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  6. #111
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Man View Post
    <div style="font: 16px Candara, Skia, Corbel, 'Trebuchet MS', Georgia, Geneva, Helvetica, Lucida, 'Lucida Grande', Arial, sans-serif; color: #38bcee; text-align: justify;">I haven't watched the third episode yet, but I <I>really</I> don't get how anyone could think nothing happens in this show.</div>
    Short attention spans.

  7. #112
    Breast Member McLovin''s Avatar
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    can you be more specific?


    other shows make extensive conversations between characters more dramatic. Maybe it's their <s>lack of</s> soundtrack.
    I have no doubt the story will pick up and will get more interesting but just saying so far it's been pretty dull and lackluster and more like "Game of Two People talking to each other for an hour." Obviously, I haven't read the books or ever heard of them so I don't know where it's going.

  8. #113
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    I think the show is definitely picking up speed. Really enjoyed this 3rd episode.

    Two deaths so far is pretty meek as far as HBO shows go. Even the sex scenes seem relatively tame so far. I mean, on the same night that episode 3 aired on HBO, the Borgias churned out I think... like 6 different sex scenes over on showtime. Including a sex scene that takes place in a dining room full of stuffed dead corpses. :o

    If you're not familiar with all the characters and the significance of the groundwork being set up, then I can see how the first few episodes might seem a bit dull. There is definitely something about the lack of tension even in scenes that are supposed to be filled with tension. Not really sure why that is. But I think the show is consistently getting better and now that so many of the characters have been introduced (are there more to be introduced? Cause that would be crazy, the cast is huge already), I hope they really get into the meat of it all.

    I'm loving Tyrion and Arya the most so far. Also kinda like douchebag blonde dude. Although there's quite a few douchebag blond dudes. They're all so dickish and evil. I like them all! Don't like the King at all though, he's just gross. And Sean Bean seems like he's phoning it in a bit, which is sad cause I adore Sean Bean. I wish they'd show the direwolves more. They're my favorites.
    Last edited by Miriel; 05-04-2011 at 10:18 AM.

  9. #114
    pirate heartbreaker The Man's Avatar
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    moar images

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  10. #115
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Girl on girl, awesome.

  11. #116


    If I had known how great this story was, I would have read the books long ago. The problem is there are so many 'epic' fantasy series, which last many books, usually with a boring 'chosen' protoganist that I am kind of turned of by them.

    Loved Tyrion from his first appearance.

  12. #117
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    You know what made this episode awesome? Actually seeing Ghost and Hodor!

  13. #118
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Holy balls, they actually showed Ghost. Hopefully they show more of him soon.

    Also, I'm getting all excited and tingly for the rest of the story. I can feel the suspense building and I was nearly on the the edge of my seat at the last scene in the inn.

    EDIT: I hate Cat so much, she's such a bitch. But I have to admit, she does kick off a very large part of the story with her craziness.

  14. #119


    Finally a good shot of Ghost.

    I'm glad they're advancing Dany's character to the point where she grows stronger every episode. I know a lot of people who were pretty disappointed with her character in the beginning but she's developed into a pretty interesting character so far. Viserys can still die in a fire for all that's worth though. Vaes Dothrak and the Dothraki Sea kinda disappointed me, as I pictured it (and it was written) as being flat, not as mountainous as it was. But.. oh well, that's only a minor detail.

    Jon's entire story continues to build pretty solidly, and the introduction of Samwell was handled nicely as well. Though I pictured him to look more like Augustus Gloop (Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory) than how he looks in the show, the actor did a fine job being a fat coward.

    The intrigue in King's Landing is probably my least favorite of the major plotlines so far (minus Arya, of course). It just seems to move a lot slower than the rest of the areas.

  15. #120
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Samwell is actually much worse looking than I had pictured him to be, it's kind of funny. I think his character was handled pretty well though, so that's good.

    I agree about Dany, I smurfing loved it when she hit Viserys. smurf that little , I can't fair for him to get his. And I'm really excited to see how much she continues to grow.

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