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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #136


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    George RR Martin Confirmed it a long time ago that Loras and Renly are gay. I think I remember Stannis Making a comment about it somewhere too. I think they made him whiny for development reasons though. And I think it set up that he could be a king too if he wanted.
    My problem isn't that they are gay, or that Renly is a whiny snob. It's that the books don't throw it in your face like the show does. I understand they need to change certain aspects of the books in order to fit the medium of television, and to reach a wider range of audiences, but the scene was just pointless in its presentation and flawed in its execution. Subtlety has its uses, even in things like this.

  2. #137
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    My friends and I said"ok cig break" when we saw the shaving begin xD

  3. #138
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Little Fingers comment in the tournament of the hand was the first hint of the relationship between Renly and Loras Tyrell. I guess for a HBO series they felt that hiding the gay relationship behind snide remarks and smoke screens would possibly be more offensive to the gay fans of the show than the outright open gay relationship that they're depicting.

  4. #139
    Nobody's Hero Cuchulainn's Avatar
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    Strange how everyone is outraged by an off screen blow but are fine with full frontal nudity with 2 straight people. Why couldn't it of been Lilly Allen. I'd pay money for that. You questions should be inward not outward.

  5. #140



  6. #141
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I think it's because in the books it's not openly stated like that. The people "outraged" are going on about the books being discrete when the show isn't. As for the uninformed fox news esque viewer being enraged by the off screen oral stimulation of another man's penis to them I just have to say, Danerys if they'd left her character alone and not aged her up is 14 or so. 14 or so and getting smurfed on all fours by a Dothraki Khal. Oh and molested by her elder brother. Also Jaime Lannister is smurfing his own twin sister on all fours like the bitch that she is and then proceeds to throw a 10 year old boy off a castle tower to try and hide the fact. Oh and I can't wait until they (SPOILER) start getting to the parts of the series where there are several rapes including young girls and boys all witnessed by key characters of the books.

  7. #142
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cuchulainn View Post
    Strange how everyone is outraged by an off screen blow but are fine with full frontal nudity with 2 straight people. Why couldn't it of been Lilly Allen. I'd pay money for that. You questions should be inward not outward.
    I'm pretty sure I see a penis everyday. However, I do not see men shaving each other everyday.

  8. #143
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    Little Fingers comment in the tournament of the hand was the first hint of the relationship between Renly and Loras Tyrell. I guess for a HBO series they felt that hiding the gay relationship behind snide remarks and smoke screens would possibly be more offensive to the gay fans of the show than the outright open gay relationship that they're depicting.
    I actually liked the snide comment, I thought it was cleverly done and hinted enough at the relationship.

    Subtle is smurfing great, I do not need to be beaten over the head with their relationship.

  9. #144
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    I didn't say I didn't like the snide remarks and smokescreens either Julian be careful how you interpret me :P

    I did say however it's probably done for the "sensitivities" of gay rights campaigners who would probably go off on one if they didn't include the relationship between Renly and Loras as openly as they've gone for. If Danerys, Cersei, Rosa and other women can be smurfed on screen repeatedly then why not Renly and Loras? At least thats how the douchebags who over-react to everything that might just contain some inclination that homosexuality is slightly less acceptable than heterosexuality would see it. So to keep these fringe groups and campaigners happy we have an openly homosexual relationship between Loras and Renly with some sexual scenes to it. Small compromise if you ask me, heterosexual sex scenes are still far more prevalent than homosexual ones and in far more graphic nudity.

  10. #145
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    I didn't think you didn't like it, I was just going off what you said.

  11. #146
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Writer A: We need to show affection between two characters, how can we do it?
    Writer B: I know! We'll have one shave the other one's nipples!

    Would've been a lot less awkward just to have the two of them going at it like rabbits.

    also I think the King is possibly my favourite character. What a crazy fat bastard. I love him.

  12. #147
    cyka blyat escobert's Avatar
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    The king and the dwarf make me lol lots. However, I can't help but like Lord Stark and his bastard son (can't remember his name)

  13. #148


    Jon Snow.

  14. #149
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    I don't even remember reading anything about them having any relationship at all. It might have been implied on a small scale, but nothing so extreme as what was portrayed in the episode.
    Okay. I was unsure if I missed something when I read the original Game of Thrones a couple of years ago or if they took a small implication and went to town with it to show how edgy they can be. I thought the scene was a bit awkwardly paced, personally.
    I believe in the power of humanity.

  15. #150
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    also I think the King is possibly my favourite character. What a crazy fat bastard. I love him.
    Going off that, I thought the scene between Cersei and Robert was really well done. I even felt a little bad for Cersei as they talked about Lyanna.

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