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Thread: Game of Thrones: House of the Dragon!

  1. #7681


    At this point, the only ending I'll accept is someone finally petting Ghost and this:

    Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 11.39.49 AM.png

    Take care all.

  2. #7682
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jinx View Post
    friendly reminder that the targaryens haven't been the true king or queen of trout in like 25 years
    It comes down to perspective.

    As you know in the lore/history, this has been a land of Targaryen rule for 300 years. Bobby B and the Bois came and took it by conquest only recently, so when Dany grows up she has every right to think the throne is being temporarily held by a usurper. The entire history of Westoros up to that point is Fire & Blood.

    A usurper is by definition a person who takes a position of power by force.

    There's a lot of interesting conversation to be had about conquest vs birthright in a land without democracy. Even now the tables have kind of shifted to Jon having the birthright, despite not wanting it, and Dany taking it by conquest.

    Basically, having a new anus bleach the throne doesn't necessarily wipe the slate clean of claims to it, because this is a new precedent.

  3. #7683
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    That's all true, I think people who just bring up Targaryen birthright forget that the Targaryens only ever had the throne because of conquest.*

    *yes, you can argue that technically they made the throne, but you understand where I'm getting at

    Whether or not we like it, up until Sunday, Cersei Lannister was the rightful ruler of Westeros. She took the throne, she kept it, the people accepted her authority.
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  4. #7684
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    I'd just like to do a shout-out to Robert Baratheon. Everybody says he was a bad king but at least he picked a damn good Hand and let him do all the managing, not to mention he had the foresight to order a hit on the girl who ended up burninating King's Landing (on top of being the direct cause of the Night King being able to get past the wall)

  5. #7685
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    I appreciate that you're now using the term burninating as well.

  6. #7686


    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Raistlin View Post

    Jaime's return-to-form was also just dissatisfying in presentation. Maybe Brienne needed to die in the Battle of Winterfell to trigger this. Or just something more then "I'm going to King's Landing, bye now."
    Honestly I actually find this the most realistic conclusion. I'm assuming most of you have never been in a toxic/abusive relationship or known someone who has. When it came to "my love is going to die" this was a pretty obvious choice to make if you think of jaime like that.

    Jaime going back made sense. Jaime fighting stupid euron did not.

    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Golbez View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post

    "Death rides a pale horse."
    This is a common misconception on the color of the horse Death rides. Another one of the horsemen rides a white horse. That's not the color meant by "pale." Death's horse is actually green.
    Yes I'm sure the quote from revelations 6:8 is entirely a misconception and not where the quote is pulled from. It's a motif throughout history and media. At some point, a pale, white or grey horse becomes synonymous with it. Sorry.

    And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him.
    The quote is a translation. The Bible wasn't originally written in English. "Pale" is an adequate translation. White is not. The color is green. Just because "pale" can mean white doesn't mean it always does. In this case it definitively does not. If your point is that GOT was trying to evoke a pale horse, I'm not disputing that. It still springs from a misconception of the color meant by "pale."
    Last edited by Lord Golbez; 05-15-2019 at 04:33 AM.

  7. #7687
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    Okay but at this point it means pale after hundreds and hundreds of years meaning that and having been used across how much media and historical references.

    Like your arguement is pedantic here just to point out what now? That nearly a thousand years of history is... wrong and a translation error? Well unfortunately it now has hundreds of years as that so it's taken a life of it's own.

    Good job on informing us of that translation error though.

  8. #7688


    You keep acting like I'm saying "pale" is wrong. I'm not saying "pale" is wrong, I'm saying "white" is wrong. Whether chloros is necessarily "pale" or not, I'm not enough of an expert to know, but I do know it's green. Pale seems like a good poetic translation to me to convey the sickly nature of the coloration, but it's also ambiguous because it can lead people to think it means "white."

  9. #7689
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Captain View Post
    Maybe in a twist one of Hot Pie's hot pies will be undercooked and Dany will die of a stomach issue?
    You wash your filthy mouth out immediately.

    Far too many problems with that episode that should be allowed in 120 minutes.

    - Jaime's ridiculous fight with Euron
    - Dany's descent, despite there being signs, was nowhere near adequately led up to
    - Cersei dying by bricks
    - Arya surviving seventeen times when she should have been toast
    - Jon reduced to a simpleton who can only say "She's/you're my queen" and "I don't want it"
    - Having an all-seeing Oracle in Bran and decide not to utilize him in any way.
    - The resurrection of the Dothraki
    - Varys getting caught out ridiculously easily

    ...and can we all have a collective laugh at the Golden Company being the most hilarious waste of money ever?

  10. #7690
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    It feels a bit like Dany is stuck in the character arc she should be having, but having it sold pretty smurfing poorly. She is far more selfish, spiteful, and unfair at heart than she's willing to admit to herself, and she's pursuing a goal that she never really wanted for reasons she probably doesn't even get herself. Her happiest possible life would've been just being Khal Drogo's wife for an entire lifetime, she was never meant to be a ruler, or a conqueror for that matter. However, she is extremely entitled to *being just that*, and the moment she set her eyes on that, her life was always going to end in misery, because the kind of life that makes her happy is and remains a far simpler one of her dedicating herself to a guy and pleasing him. But she could never admit this to herself since Season 2.

    Really it's already since then that she's been guided by wanting her pain and hatred validated and to enact vengeance, rather than actually feeling compassionate towards other victims. And in Essos this worked out pretty well for her overall. She just needed to have the force to take from the evil men their ability to do evil, and she'd be the good and righteous one. All the while she had the space to come to terms with her own vulnerability. She always had Jorah, Jorah who was there even when she was merely Khal Drogo's wife, who still calls her by the name Khaleesi she has the fondest memories of, the one person who truly cared about her for who she is. And while their relationship has been rocky, she was never left hanging for too long and could rely on him in her heart.

    Ever since leaving Essos one part of her has been emphasized over and over again, which is that she ultimately puts her ego and ambitions before the good of others. This is where she and Jon fundamentally differ because Jon has a truly genuine lack of ambition and simply wants to do right by others. He thought Dany was the same when she came for him beyond the wall and was even willing to risk losing one of her own babies, but that wasn't ever really who she was; she was just desperately trying to reclaim something she felt a spark of that she'd lost so long ago; a life as a girl in love. It's ironic in the end, that Jon reinforcing Dany as his queen was the decisive straw that their relationship would be built on falsehoods, and really sewed the seeds for this episode already.

    And then these last few episodes just everything came crashing down for her in the worst possible ways. Jorah dies, the cracks between Jon and her coming to a head, her false goal being put in jeopardy, and even her advisors who really ultimately were an anchor for her that she was still the righteous one started turning on her or failing her. The Dany we're seeing right now is who she is in the end, when pushed to the brink. She doesn't really care about the suffering of common people, she never did. It was a weapon for her to be the moral and righteous one, to enact her vengeance on the same kind of bulltroutters and assholes that tore her ideal life away from her. But she's fallen so far. She could've had love with Jon. But she's lost that entirely. She has nothing. And she never will have anything again. The end of the Last War might as well be her death. Honestly at this point I hope the series ends with her ascending and then just committing suicide because "what the hell is the point of going on anymore", it'd probably at least get some people thinking about this series more deeply again. Alas I kinda doubt it.

    Though this is also why I think leading it back to her cold eyes at Viserys burning up is entirely misguided. That and this are *nothing* alike. Even if she was a truly compassionate person, she still easily could've been that cold to that monster Viserys.

  11. #7691


    I think the Golden company being pushovers is the worst part. Every battle this season has been so ridiculously lopsided. It's really hard to swallow.

  12. #7692
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    This all reminds me of when Stone Cold Steve Austin turned heel. Stone Cold was never the babyface, but more of an anti-hero who did what ever he wanted yet still had sort of a code he lived by. And the fans appreciated him for it. For some reason they decided he would turn heel, so they dropped several not-so-subtle hints of it that all seemed forced and the fans weren't buying it. Eventually they said smurf it and just had him join up with Vince McMahon. Yeah, the signs were there but the turn was sudden and forced and the fans were befuddled by it.

    Daenerys won the Royal Rumble of Thrones and is now the Westeros Heavyweight Champion. Let's see how long her title reign is. Can you smell what the Bronn is cooking?

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  13. #7693
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    You know what else is wrong with the show? They don't talk about milk of the poppy anymore.

  14. #7694
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    You know what else is wrong with the show? Blackwater bay just keeps changing in size and structure. Stannis could have easily avoided wildfire if it looked like what Euron was at.

  15. #7695
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Speaking of Stannis and Blackwater, what Davos said in this episode is now amusing:

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