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Thread: 6 things you may not have known about FFVI

  1. #61


    I've always heard this "Relm is Shadow's daughter" thing, but I've always sort of wondered about it. Has it ever been officially stated somewhere? Or is it just one of those things fans (generally) agree upon? It's not something I particularly feel like arguing about; I was just wondering if it is truly canon.

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  2. #62
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I had a link to an interview where they confirmed it (course it was in Japanese and was a V-Jump article) but the page has been removed so I guess I can't use that.

    The article stated they removed a scene where Strago and Shadow talked and Strago asked to see Shadow's face to know if it was "him".

    They have never outright said it in an english publication but the game has enough evidence to pretty much prove its canon to most of the fan base. So I guess we could say it is just accepted by fans as canon due to overwhelming evidence in the game.

  3. #63


    I own all the various Japanese books relating to FFVI, and am currently in the sometimes overwhelming process of learning Japanese as well. I would say I'm past the point where I'd call myself a beginner, but nowhere near the point I would trust even myself as an actual translator of large bodies of text. If someone were to say, "Oh, yeah I pulled that fact from page 54 of this book" I could easily go to that page and find whatever it was they were saying and confirm it. But wholesale translation of entire pages/books? It'd take me a month just to translate an entire page with any competence. But I'm diligently working on the language everyday, so someday...

    Now for a few more facts!

    131. FFVI was the first FF to have a final battle theme with a real name, "Dancing Mad". Up to that point every final battle theme had just been called "Final Battle", or "Last Battle", or in the case of FFIII, "This is the Last Battle", or even just "Battle 2", in the case of FFII. FFI didn't even HAVE a final battle theme!

    132. FFVI was the only FF to have the "Kappa/Imp" status. The status has instead been "Frog" in all the other FF's it's appeared in.

    133. FFVI was the last FF to not have an Ultimania. FFVIII was the real first Ultimania, and FFVII originally didn't have one, but it has since been given several due to all of its spin-offs and popularity.

    134. The alternate translation of Kefka's name, spelled as "Cefca" was actually mentioned in the Advance version of FFVI. One of the Figaro Castle guards talks about how some people are spelling Kefka's name like "Cefca" and that it shouldn't matter what he's called.

    135. All of Edgar's Tools can be stolen from various mechanical enemies in the final dungeon, including such rarities as the Chainsaw and Air Anchor.

    136. Of all the many espers you obtain in the game, only a very few actually need to be fought beforehand, which is unusual for an FF. Those few are Ifrit, Shiva, Tritoch, Gilgamesh, Leviathan, and Cactuar(although you actually fight Jumbo Cactuar).

    137. The theme for Jidoor and Owser's mansion in the World of Ruin is actually an updated version of an unused dungeon theme from FFII.

    138. During the "battle" against Kefka in front of the Sealed Gate, if you wait and don't attack Kefka to end the battle, he will sooner or later use a very odd move simply called "TERRA". It has no animation, and the attack seems to freeze the game for a second, and then miss. What it is supposed to do and why it is there is a mystery...

    139. You cannot actually acquire any of the floating treasure in Owser's Mnasion. The game says you get stuff, but you don't.

    140. Hidon is the only boss in the game that can be fought and beaten as many times as you like, outside of a few notable Advace version additions, of course. This was intentionally done so that Strago would always be able to learn Grand Train, even if you killed Hidon.

    141. Every character's desperation attack inflicts massive defense-ignoring damage to a single opponent, except two. Strago's and Relm's desperation attacks are unique in that they attempt to instantly kill and instantly petrify the enemy. This of course means that their desperation attacks are useless against bosses and enemies immune to instant death or petrification.

    142. Speaking of desperation attacks, Sabin's Tiger Break is unique because it actually features a unique position for his sprite, the flying kick position.

  4. #64
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    Those are some bosses you can fight on the Veldt. It takes some time but you can fight them as many times as you want.
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  5. #65


    I meant legitimately fight as an actual boss battle in the dungeon over again, but that's a bit of a quibble, I guess.

    Oh, and here's a few more tidbits.

    143. Saintly Beam is the only attack in the game besides Alexander that is a multi-target Holy-elemental attack.

    144. Mt. Koltz is exactly 13,476 meters tall. This makes it even taller than Mt. Everest.

    145. Doma is the oldest nation in the FFVI world, and was actually founded 200 years before the War of the Magi ended.
    Last edited by espritduo; 03-27-2011 at 05:25 AM.

  6. #66
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    I was going to try to avoid stuff from the source materials since my knowledge of it is second hand but what the hell...

    146. The game does a poor job of explaining this about the Empire's battle against Doma. The war between them had actually been going on for about 3 years before the game started according to the timeline.

    147. According to the old official guide, there are currently four great powers in VI's world. Narshe, The Empire, Figaro, and Jidoor. Places like Mobliz and Nikeah are considered lesser city states.

    148. In the non-canon story by Soraya Saga (one of VI's scenario writers) about the Figaro Bros. She creates an allusion to FFIV with the kingdom's rite of passage involving slaying an Ant Lion.

    149. Locke, Relm , and Umaro have more exclusive Relics than any other characters in your party(2) . In the GBA version, Umaro has the most with 3.

    150. Terra and Cloud have several similarities to each other:

    - Both are former members of their games evil organizations
    - Both were used and experimented on by said evil organization
    - Both of them suffer from a form of amnesia caused by said experiments.
    - Both of them end up fighting villains who are super soldiers who are the result of evil experiments gone horribly right to create super soldiers.
    - Both of their villains have an unhealthy obsession with them.
    - Both of them are removed from your party during a point in the story with a coma that is caused by events that reveal their true nature, and a major event has to go by to finally make them realize the truth about their pasts.
    - Both of them lose someone who was like a mentor (Leo for Terra, Zack and Aerith for Cloud)
    - Both of them are equally above average in terms of melee combat and using magic statistically
    - Both of them are overly melancholic and spend a good chunk of their character development wangsting on their emotional problems and troubled pasts.
    - Both of them end up taking care of orphans.
    - A large part of both of their stories in the early parts revolve around them reluctantly joining an anti-establishment organization that is eventually wiped out in the story.
    - Both of them were the key to letting the bad guys get the games ultimate doomsday McGuffin, Terra opened the Sealed Gate and Cloud gave Sephiroth the Black Materia.(Not that this is actually unique in FF games but special points are given cause only these two could have done it thanks to unique genetic contributions.
    - Both of them are sexually assaulted (Terra by Ultros, Cloud by Don Corneo)

  7. #67
    Fortune Teller Recognized Member Roogle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by espritduo View Post
    137. The theme for Jidoor and Owser's mansion in the World of Ruin is actually an updated version of an unused dungeon theme from FFII.
    Yes, Magic House was an unused dungeon theme in Final Fantasy II.
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  8. #68
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    151: VI is the only game in the series that has a paintbrush as a weapon.

    152: Gau is still the only character in the series who can't use a weapon.

    153: Kefka has the highest on screen, permanent body count in the series. Debatably, he has the highest body count in the series

    154. VI is the first game to actually name their resistance group.

    155. Setzer's theme is the second most used leitmotif in the game. Appearing in his own theme of course, Epitaph, and twice in the ending theme (once during his curtain call, the second during the actual credits)

    156. VI is the last game to have a "tutorial school" by which I mean a building with people who give you hints on how to do things. This should not be confused with Cloud giving tutorials in VII or the tediously long lectures by Quistis in VIII.

    157. VI is the first game not to feature the Dancer NPC who does a silly dance for you when prompted.

    158. VI is the first game to bring in the Weapon as a boss enemy. Though Omega from V is counted by some fans, he actually doesn't use the term Weapon in his name and the first true Omega Weapon is in VIII.

    159. VI is the only game that has the Creature Suit type armor.

    160. In some of Sabin's character artwork, he actually sports a swanky beard.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    156. VI is the last game to have a "tutorial school" by which I mean a building with people who give you hints on how to do things. This should not be confused with Cloud giving tutorials in VII or the tediously long lectures by Quistis in VIII.
    I could've sworn there was a building in the sector 7 where a bunch of people asked you if you wanted tutorials on things. If i recall there was a jumping save point there. It mightve been a different sector but Im pretty sure it was there.
    Last edited by blackmage_nuke; 04-02-2011 at 09:31 AM.
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  10. #70
    Slothstronaut Recognized Member Slothy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by blackmage_nuke
    I could've sworn there was a building in the sector 7 where a bunch of people asked you if you wanted tutorials on things. If i recall there was a jumping save point there. It mightve been a different sector but Im pretty sure it was there.
    There was indeed and it was in sector 7. There were tutorials outside of that, but they explained saving, chests and other things.

  11. #71
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    The difference is that the tutorial school in earlier games is just a place where random people tell you the basics of the game. In VII, its played in reverse with people asking Cloud how to do stuff so Cloud is in effect the teacher instead of the other way around. That's why I said not to confuse it with some of the later tutorial schools cause its a bit different from a story standpoint cause you can skip the tutorial schools in earlier games cause they only serve as a gameplay reference but in VII, they help to establish Cloud's false identity and later games simply weave it into pauses in the story.

  12. #72
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    I had found something weird in this game, but didn't mention it. I had gotten Shadow after Zozo and slept at the inn at the closest city. I got this weird cutscene with a couple of guys who I've never seen before. I can't remember what it was about, but it was pretty random. What was that about?

  13. #73
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    I believe Shadow gets various dream sequences randomly while staying at an Inn. If I remember correctly there are four total.
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  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    The difference is that the tutorial school in earlier games is just a place where random people tell you the basics of the game. In VII, its played in reverse with people asking Cloud how to do stuff so Cloud is in effect the teacher instead of the other way around. That's why I said not to confuse it with some of the later tutorial schools cause its a bit different from a story standpoint cause you can skip the tutorial schools in earlier games cause they only serve as a gameplay reference but in VII, they help to establish Cloud's false identity and later games simply weave it into pauses in the story.
    Yes but aside from Clouds tutorials there was also an extra school was there not that gave indepth gameplay tutorials.
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  15. #75
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Depression Moon View Post
    I had found something weird in this game, but didn't mention it. I had gotten Shadow after Zozo and slept at the inn at the closest city. I got this weird cutscene with a couple of guys who I've never seen before. I can't remember what it was about, but it was pretty random. What was that about?
    If Shadow is in your party when you go sleep in an inn in either Kohligen, Jidoor, or Thamasa; Shadow has a dream about his past when he was known as Clyde and traveled with his partner Baram as train robbers called Shadow. Shadow's entire backstory is told this way. There are six dreams in total.

    1) Shadow remembers his friend Baram and begins to regret his past.

    2) Shadow remembers the time him and Baram successfully steal a million gil from a train. Baram creates their train robber title as Shadow.

    3) Baram and Clyde barely escape a robbery gone bad. Baram is badly injured and knows he's not going to make it and fears what their pursuers will do to him. He begs Clyde to kill him but Clyde can't bring himself to do it and runs away leaving Baram to his death.

    4) Clyde is badly injured and walks into Thamasa, where he meets Interceptor and a beautiful unknown woman.

    5) Clyde is seen leaving Strago's house. Interceptor comes after him. Clyde tells him that he's leaving this town and wants him to stay behind to watch after the child. He leaves and Interceptor thinks about it but eventually leaves with Clyde.

    6) This dream has several conditions, its only obtainable in the WoR, Shadow has to have died at the Floating Continent. Relm has a dream where she's little and asking Strago where her father is. Interceptor leaves the room.

    Quote Originally Posted by blackmage_nuke View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolf Kanno View Post
    The difference is that the tutorial school in earlier games is just a place where random people tell you the basics of the game. In VII, its played in reverse with people asking Cloud how to do stuff so Cloud is in effect the teacher instead of the other way around. That's why I said not to confuse it with some of the later tutorial schools cause its a bit different from a story standpoint cause you can skip the tutorial schools in earlier games cause they only serve as a gameplay reference but in VII, they help to establish Cloud's false identity and later games simply weave it into pauses in the story.
    Yes but aside from Clouds tutorials there was also an extra school was there not that gave indepth gameplay tutorials.
    No, there are two places with a tutorial center in VII. One is in Sector with the 7th Heaven Bar, where some punks and some fighting kids ask Cloud to explain all the basics in the game. The second one is in Junon where Cloud meets the ghosts of all these people since they obviously were crushed by the falling plate. Once again, Cloud explains everything. There really is not traditional tutorial school in VII. It's all Cloud.

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