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Thread: FF IX is... Star Wars?

  1. #1
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    Default FF IX is... Star Wars?

    No, not really.

    This game is actually pretty tough to tie into Star Wars. It's nowhere near as close as XII or II. There are only minor similarities, and most of my comparisons are purely for comedic effect. But from the combined posting might of myself and none other than Delicious Murder I have been inspired to compare many aspects of our beloved Final Fantasy to Star Wars! So, uh, prepare to wonder why you ever clicked this thread.

    One thing that I've noticed about this game is that there's a lot of redemption going on. Kuja sacrificing himself at the Iifa Tree, Queen Brahne realizing and showing remorse for how selfish she had been before dying, Beatrix having a complete change of heart as to where her loyalties lay. Comparing that with Star Wars, redemption is a big thing for the Jedi Order. A perfect example of redemption is in KotOR when you come across the Cathar Dark Jedi, Juhani. You can choose to kill or save her, and if you save her she'll join your party. Quinlan Vos, and even Luke Skywalker(!), are other good examples. Both fell to the Dark Side and did some pretty nasty stuff, but they made it back. The best example, however, would be Darth Vader's fall and return to the light, which is comparable to Kuja's. Both had a destiny to do something great, had a bit of a breakdown, turned against their masters, and sacrificed themselves so others could live.

    One of the most famous comparisons across the internet would be Necron's quote stolen straight from the lips of Yoda.

    Yoda was not happy when this was brought to his attention.

    But a nice massage from George Lucas helped calm him down.

    But yeah, back to Necron. Total ripoff line aside, Necron is this games reference to the Dark Side of the Force as “proven” with yet another quote...

    "You stand before the final dimension, and I am the darkness of eternity."

    D-Darkness? D:

    Another line straight (debatable) from the movies is when Vivi says "I got a bad feeling about this.", umm... some point during the game... I don't exactly know what point because a buddy of mine showed me a screenshot of it a while back, but I didn't think to save it.

    If you're wondering what such a simple phrase has to do with Star Wars, well, I have news for you pally. It has EVERYTHING to do with Star Wars! It's used at least once in every movie, most notable, however, in Episode IV because Luke was being a whiny bitch when he said it, as usual.

    Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope

    "I have a very bad feeling about this." - Luke Skywalker, when the Millennium Falcon approaches the Death Star.

    "I've got a bad feeling about this." - Han Solo, before the walls of the trash compactor start to close in.

    Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back

    "I have a bad feeling about this." - Princess Leia, while inside the belly of the space slug, just before the mynocks appear.

    Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi

    "Artoo, I have a bad feeling about this." - C-3PO, when entering Jabba the Hutt's palace.

    "I have a really bad feeling about this." - Han Solo, after the Ewoks capture the strike team.

    Star Wars Episode I: The Phantom Menace

    "I have a bad feeling about this." - As Obi-Wan Kenobi's first line at the beginning when Kenobi talks to Qui-Gon Jinn onboard Saak'ak.

    Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones

    "I've got a bad feeling about this." - Anakin Skywalker at Geonosis in the arena, in reference to the approaching execution beasts.

    Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith

    "Oh, I have a bad feeling about this." - Obi-Wan Kenobi talking to Anakin Skywalker as their starfighters approach a large, closing blast door on Invisible Hand.

    And that's just a taste of how nerdy I am when it comes to Star Wars. To answer the question that may be on your mind, no, I don't have many lady friends.

    There's much more where that came from. Prove it? Ok, well I guess I can compare characters now...

    Garland is Darth Vader.

    They both wear black armor and drive a civilization-destroying vehicle (see below). Both of them were the men in charge for mass producing artificial life as well. Still not convinced? Well check this out then.

    Ok, so that's fake as , but it raises another point that will be used in a moment. Garland is, in a way, Zidane's father.

    Invincible is the Death Star.

    That 's intense. Who just decides they need a ship that can blow stuff up!? Lunatics. Lunatics do.

    Zidane has split personalities.

    In one sense, Zidane is a lot like Han. He's a ladies man (somehow) and a scoundrel with a who cares attitude. He's also a lot like Luke, determined to do the right thing no matter what the cost. And then there's that “Garland is my daddy” bit. Man, this next comparison is going to be just as weird as the VIII one.

    Princess Garnet Til Alexandros XVII and Princess Leia Organa.

    Whoops, sorry. That's from my, erm... personal files.

    Here we go.

    These two have more in common than you'd first think. They're both princess', that's a given, but they also both get kidnapped in the beginning of their respective stories. Ok, so Garnet wasn't “kidnapped” exactly, but it's already out there, I can't take it back.

    They also both have insane parents who are trying to kill them! The Death Star/ Invincible took out both of their homes. Garnet has more to be pissed about though cause it took both of her pads out.

    Quina is Jar Jar.

    I don't really need to go into detail, do I? I don't want to. It makes me sad to think about.

    Adelbert Steiner played by C-3PO

    A metal man who can't relax in any situation. Both of these cats are always going on about how they shouldn't be doing whatever it is they're doing. Good thing he's got his laid back sidekick...


    These two only have one thing in common that I can see. They're both short. MOVING ON!

    Freya Crescent and Obi-Wan Kenobi

    Battle hardened warriors. I suppose you could say that Dragon Knights are like Jedi... It's pretty sad that there's never anything interesting to say about Obi-Wan in these.

    Black Mages are Clone Troopers

    An army of man-made soldiers. What a coincidence!

    Summoners are Jedi.

    A group of overpowered people who like to hang out in seclusion and never ever use their powers. Sure, Jedi did stuff, but only after they joined in on the war.

    Mist is the Force! Because it's Mistical!

    "The Force is what gives a Jedi his power. It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us, penetrates us, and binds the galaxy together."

    That's all I need, really.

    I hope you enjoyed reading this. Maybe I'll come back later when I cba and add some better pictures.

  2. #2
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    Neat xD These are fun to read even if they can't all fit as well as 12!

  3. #3
    Dinner is served. Unbreakable Will's Avatar
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    Wow, I'd never really given it much thought. That's awesome!

    Because I'm one hell of a butler.

  4. #4
    Depression Moon's Avatar
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    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    I logged in from work just to comment that this is really funny and epic.

    PS: I liked that "I am your father" part from Garland! :vader:

  6. #6
    can we sleep now? drotato's Avatar
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    Oh. My. God.


  7. #7
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    Oh dear. It seems some of these images aren't showing up.


    I'll add better ones later.

  8. #8
    Jinx's Avatar
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    fun fact: i just did a google search about the yoda quote and this was the 2nd hit

    so lol
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  9. #9
    Trial by Wombat Bubba's Avatar
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    Fear leads to hate
    Hate leads to Google
    Google leads to suffering EoFF

  10. #10
    Friendship *is* magic. MJN SEIFER's Avatar
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    The majority, if not all of the Final Fantasies have something Star Wars related in them somewhere - even if it's just someone's name.

    Someone or some people at Square must be fans.

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bubba View Post
    Google leads to suffering EoFF
    why did you type suffering twice?
    Quote Originally Posted by Fynn View Post
    Jinx you are absolutely smurfing insane. Never change.

  12. #12


    This is rude towards Quina.

  13. #13


    I always thought it had more in common with Dragon Ball. Zidane and Goku are pretty much the same character, except that one is obsessed with food and the other is obsessed with girls.

  14. #14
    Gobbledygook! Recognized Member Christmas's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Example View Post
    I always thought it had more in common with Dragon Ball. Zidane and Goku are pretty much the same character, except that one is obsessed with food and the other is obsessed with girls.
    Goku turns Super Saiyan and Zidane goes Trance. If they remake FF IX, Zidane needs God trance mode like Goku.

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