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Thread: Reveal and other important Election stuff!

  1. #31


    Considering I've never paid attention to the campaigns before, let alone actually participated in them before, I'm still rather confused. This whole election is not newbie friendly

    The other parties failed to submit anything by the deadline, so unfortunately they miss out! Better luck next time!
    I'm told that those of us who failed to submit anything can still survive. This quote doesn't make it sound like that is the case. Are we supposed to vote on a candidate that everyone thought pretty much defaulted out of the election? Why was this not originally explained?

    Oh, as for the other important Election stuff...Preliminary voting starts now.
    What? What "other important election" stuff? We're supposed to start voting on things that haven't even been mentioned yet? Or do you mean THIS "election stuff"?

    Not all of our parties will continue onwards, so you, the citizens of EoFF, must vote for the party you want to continue!
    Putting together what's been said in threads and what's being said here, you're seriously saying that parties who did not submit anything, and are not even listed in this thread, can still continue by some miracle of voting? (Not that that's going to happen. But again, shouldn't that be explained here?)

    NOTE: Each vote must be accompanied with at least one (1) and no more than four (4) areas that you feel EoFF needs:
    To add
    To improve on
    To change
    To remove
    Now what's the protocol for this? Just "I vote the Yahtzee party to continue and we need more cheese dishes laid out for incoming newbies"??


  2. #32
    No votes for you! Recognized Member Election Booth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    Considering I've never paid attention to the campaigns before, let alone actually participated in them before, I'm still rather confused. This whole election is not newbie friendly

    The other parties failed to submit anything by the deadline, so unfortunately they miss out! Better luck next time!
    I'm told that those of us who failed to submit anything can still survive. This quote doesn't make it sound like that is the case. Are we supposed to vote on a candidate that everyone thought pretty much defaulted out of the election? Why was this not originally explained?
    Those who missed the deadline miss out on the opportunity to submit things. Simple as that. From my experience, it seems only your own party members that thought you had prematurely exited from the competition.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    Oh, as for the other important Election stuff...Preliminary voting starts now.
    What? What "other important election" stuff? We're supposed to start voting on things that haven't even been mentioned yet? Or do you mean THIS "election stuff"?

    Not all of our parties will continue onwards, so you, the citizens of EoFF, must vote for the party you want to continue!
    Putting together what's been said in threads and what's being said here, you're seriously saying that parties who did not submit anything, and are not even listed in this thread, can still continue by some miracle of voting? (Not that that's going to happen. But again, shouldn't that be explained here?)
    The oversight by not listing the parties who you can vote for is one I admit to. However the point of preliminary voting is to cull the fat as it were. The Princess Party doesn't want to play ball any more, for example.

    The "other important election stuff" is referencing the title. There's the reveal of the arts submissions and then the "other" which is the fact that the first round of voting happens now. Yes, you do vote on things that haven't happened yet. But this isn't the final vote so this sort of stuff happens.

    Quote Originally Posted by Vyk View Post
    NOTE: Each vote must be accompanied with at least one (1) and no more than four (4) areas that you feel EoFF needs:
    To add
    To improve on
    To change
    To remove
    Now what's the protocol for this? Just "I vote the Yahtzee party to continue and we need more cheese dishes laid out for incoming newbies"??
    The point of this is simple. We can run the elections as a smurfabout, that in the end achieves nothing and is just a bit of gloating and fun, or we can try and add an element that will actually do something to help EoFF. After all, real elections tend to have some sort of "fix the goddamn country" policy.

    I've explained as best I could. You might never have paid attention to elections before, but this is only the second one I have been involved in and I'm still trying to learn the ropes whilst bringing a fun and useful elections during a time period where I'm run off my feet and (now) confined to bed because of illness.

    I apologise that certain things seem conflicting or underexplained. In future, I'll endeavour to correct this. There is still an hour and forty five minutes before the deadline for voting. I encourage everyone to submit votes if they haven't already. I'm going to try heaving up my guts in the hope it makes me feel better.

  3. #33


    Completely off topic of your current discussion, but even still; I hope you feel better

  4. #34
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    It's not so serious as to keep me in there, I'm just incredibly weak. I'll live, but thank you for your concern!

  5. #35
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    In all honesty, we could use more cheese.

  6. #36


    Hm I was trying to make my confusion amusing. I think I may have come off as more of just a douche. My apologies for making things more complicated, and I do appreciate all your effort, kudos for continuing whilst bed-ridden. Starve a fever, feed a cold :} Eat all your vegetables, and maybe some chicken soup

    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    Those who missed the deadline miss out on the opportunity to submit things. Simple as that. From my experience, it seems only your own party members that thought you had prematurely exited from the competition
    Ah, alrighty. True enough. Though the Princess Party thought they were disqualified at first as well lol I'm not trying to blame you for this, as you're right, most of the rest of the forum did seem to understand. Not sure what we missed that everyone else understood. Oh wells

    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    The oversight by not listing the parties who you can vote for is one I admit to. However the point of preliminary voting is to cull the fat as it were
    I agree, actually. I wasn't necessarily trying to call you out on anything. In hind sight maybe it actually would have been better if the lack of a submission actually had disqualified us though lol I appreciate the chance of a last ditch effort, but apparently none of us actually felt like making use of it after missing the first dead line. But at least now if I participate again next year I'll know this would be the time to start spamming and amusing people in their usernotes. Live and learn~

    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    The "other important election stuff" is referencing the title
    Yeah, that one's totally my fault @_@ I completely missed the reference to the title. Sorry sorry. Apparently some of my confusion may stem from not paying enough attention or simply not making connections >_>'

    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    The point of this is simple. We can run the elections as a smurfabout, that in the end achieves nothing and is just a bit of gloating and fun, or we can try and add an element that will actually do something to help EoFF. After all, real elections tend to have some sort of "fix the goddamn country" policy.
    No no, I totally got this one I was merely asking how you'd like the votes to look when submitted. But you're sick so I'll quit pestering you, worrying about protocol and just do it. My example was meant to be amusing, not to mock what you're trying to accomplish. I totally agree with the agenda. Its a good opportunity for some general input and a chance for whoever wins to actually do something for the people (/members)

    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    I've explained as best I could. You might never have paid attention to elections before, but this is only the second one I have been involved in and I'm still trying to learn the ropes whilst bringing a fun and useful election
    Yeah. I know and despite my complaints that came off the wrong way I have had fun and do greatly appreciate your contributions. I didn't mean to come off as a pissy customer with an entitlement complex. I do apologize for being a headache :]

    Quote Originally Posted by Election Booth View Post
    I apologise that certain things seem conflicting or underexplained. In future, I'll endeavour to correct this. There is still an hour and forty five minutes before the deadline for voting. I encourage everyone to submit votes if they haven't already. I'm going to try heaving up my guts in the hope it makes me feel better.
    Again, I think I ended up being more of a pain than I intended. You don't need to apologize. I should have maybe jumped in chat to ask some questions or sent a PM rather than being catty in your thread. So I'm sorry as well :] Hope you feel better soon, and I'll be sending my vote now

  7. #37
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    Totally my fault for being sick and misreading your post. Let's all make up and spread the love. Except stand over there so you don't get down with the sickness

    Forty minutes to get your votes in guys. This is, quite literally, a nailbiter (I'm freaking out here, it's so close I'm going to have to triple check my counts) so every vote counts!

  8. #38
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    The time for voting is now done.

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