Listen to my story...
This may be my first time doing this...

So goes. Click this guy!
That's me .

Long story starts here :

I stumbled upon EoFF one day googling about final fantasy stuff. And then it struck me! Wait a second! Didn't I use to go there? So, as excited as I was, I rushed in and tried to log in. It was then that I discovered something. I had no idea what my username used to be. I was like o_O. I tried tons of usernames I used in other forums but just couldn't find it. Having changed tons of emails also didn't help. So yeah, I had no memory on name, password, or what email i had. So it was kind of impossible to find my old self. So I thought, oh whatever I'll just start out new. They probably don't remember me anyway (I'm easy to forget you know).

So yeah that's how Remon was born. I discovered that the forum had changed a bit, though to be honest I didn't remember many things. There were lots of people I didn't know, but there were also few ones that felt really familiar...AND THEN!!!

Yesterday while browsing a cactuar thread about age, I was liek : OMG WHY DONT I CHECK TEH CALENDARZ AND SEE IF MY BIRTHDAY WILL REVEAL MAI OLDD ACCOUNT???? And I did. Thank God I had made the date visible! Among the list there was a certain name... PAST PASSADO. When I saw it I instantly remembered. What a lame name it was!
So I thought : I have to tell everybody...that I love them...very much :kaocry:.
And that I'm sorry for having forgotten .
Oh Christmas, I knew you sounded familiar! I'm overwhelmed by nostalgia while I'm browsing my old usernotes (which I used to love), old posts and stuff. I was such a kid. My favorite band used to be Panic at the disco . I feel like I've time traveled, this is amazing.

I have a request though. I would like to ask the moderators to delete my old account. After all I'm Remon now ...and my old profile is kind of embarrassing.

I've been here since 2005. I'll never leave again. NEVER.