Vaan would have traveled through Time/Space with Gilgamesh,
Joined Edea's group of Rowdy Orphans, being one himself.
Quit the group to become a Sky Pirate.

Vaan; Iv'e always wanted to be a Sky Pirate, free to go where I will!
White Seed; You mean like a Nomad or something?
Vaan; No! S-K-Y Pirate! Like, just wait a few more years... N00B!
White Seed; ...

After becoming somewhat in touch with his Homosexuality, Vaan would becomes attracted to
Seifer. After seeing Seifer's interest in Gunblades, he Learns to wield a Gunblade himself, only to be rejected by Seifer, thus, the rejection becomes hatred. Vaan follows Seifer, and joins B.Garden.

The opening Scene is an FMV of Vaan getting cut by by Seifer and Crying for a Band-Aid.

The story than begins as usual. Just with a lot more OMGGG! EDEA IS LIKE TOTALLY A SORCERESS! LOL! ^.^