I couldn't believe there isn't a thread on this already, Series 6 Dr Who. Who saw it, what did you think of the first episode and any ideas based on it?

I'm ever more curious about who River Song is, (SPOILER)part of me for a while suspected it could be Amy Pond's future self but then we all know that interfering with your own past timeline is a sure way to disaster.

The writers said prior to the screening that by the end of the first 2 episodes of this series someone would be dead from the main cast of The Doctor, Amy, Rory or River. Now, (SPOILER)The doctor dies in the start of the episodes story, however he invites his past younger self to the wake so to speak and the story proper kicks off. I doubt the writers would refer to this as the death mentioned. I have a feeling based on the next episode teaser at the end that it could be either Rory or possibly even River Song. Thoughts?