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Thread: Star Wars thread

  1. #61
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    I read your post and vomited a little.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshall Banana View Post
    Speaking of editions, does everyone in here agree that this is horrible?
    When I first saw it I thought it was pretty neat, I didn't realize so much had been changed in the original trilogy. Then I found out the original scene is non-canon. I thought that was pretty smurfed up.

  2. #62
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    Well I get the Star Wars news letter every time they send a new one out and have just got sent this:

    Star Wars: The Complete Saga || May The 4th Be With You

    Now this is purely my opinion but I think they are going to remake the original trilogy... it says "May the 4th be with you" which I think has double meaning asin "May the 4th film be with you"

    now I know alot of people and just about every other person in this entire thread (and no doubt on the board aswell) will not want to see the original trilogy remade, tbh I can't understand this mentality, to see what was originally a fantastic trilogy made into something that potentially could be better and if indeed it does suck then so what? its not like the original trilogy will cease to be, we can still watch them right? so why oh why would this be a bad thing?

    For instance while I love ANH (and the rest of that trilogy) don't you guys remember that "fight scene" between Darth and Obi? I honestly think that could be 10x better if they remade the film, granted they couldn't do much back then as the "lightsabers" were actually heavy metal rods... in any case I don't care if you guys think I'm crazy for want to see one of the best trilogies remade into something with alot more potential.

  3. #63
    The Misanthropist charliepanayi's Avatar
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    1. A remake would be the daftest idea ever
    2. There's more chance of Uwe Boll winning an Oscar than a remake ever happening.
    "Excuse me Miss, do you like pineapple?"

  4. #64
    Gold is the new black Goldenboko's Avatar
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    Please don't let Lucas rape the originals with CGI.

  5. #65
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    KaiserDragon, "May the 4th be with you" has been around for years and years. And if it was going to be a double meaning about a film it would be "May the 7th be with you", which makes no sense as a Star Wars reference. All the original movies were released in May, I'm not sure about the prequels, and "May the 4th" is similar to "may the Force". I think that's about as philosophical as it will get.

    There's usually some sort of surprise on May 4th, but they're usually pretty lame and already known about. My guess is that they're going to announce which day The Phantom Menace 3D will be released.

    But for the sake of speculation, I heard a long while back that Lucas said (to a fan, so it might not be true at all) that if he ever decided to make another Star Wars movie it would be about a young Yoda during... uh, the Sith Wars I think. That'd be pretty cool to see.

    Quote Originally Posted by Goldenboko
    Please don't let Lucas rape the originals with CGI.
    He already did.

  6. #66
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    I think they should make the Thrawn trilogy. I just finished reading the books and they were pretty good and stayed true to the OT for the most part.

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  7. #67
    This could be Dangerous! Carl the Llama's Avatar
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    I also forgot to mention that the email came with a picture... this picture:

    Quote Originally Posted by charliepanayi View Post

    1. A remake would be the daftest idea ever
    2. There's more chance of Uwe Boll winning an Oscar than a remake ever happening.
    what makes it such a dumb idea? its dumb to make money? and reguardless of how "dumb" a remake could be it would make a load of money which is undoubted.

  8. #68
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    I admit I've only heard this through word of mouth, but I've heard the rumor that the original 3 movies were going to be remade (in 3d! yayy!!!......awwwwww) for about two years now.

    It's come up in conversations with so many different people I just assumed it was a confirmed thing. I also think it's a terrible, terrible idea.

    Is it just a rumor?

  9. #69
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    I don't think it is. I haven't heard anything on the OT being made 3D first but it's entirely possible. I heard TPM was coming out next year.

    I still don't think that means it's going to be remade, KD. It's a picture of the original trilogy, it's a sharper image, and there's a blu-ray logo on it. *shrug*

    The Thrawn Trilogy would be interesting. Del, have you read anything from the Dark Empire? It's pretty good, and I think it's what kicks off the New Jedi Order book series.

  10. #70
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    No I haven't read them. I've never been much interested in the extended universe books but I read that the Thrawn books were the best of them so I gave it a try.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  11. #71
    Blood In The Water sharkythesharkdogg's Avatar
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    Y'know, I think a great way idea would be to make a TV series on one of the longer story arcs from the books series. Something like the Bacta Wars. There's been a lot of successful shows like Battlestar, and The Walking Dead that have had really good special effects, actors and writing. They could take a story like that and make it an engaging mini-series.

    I know the books aren't considered canon by Lucas, but he's an idiot. You have a lot of engaging characters that people who haven't read the books haven't seen before.

    I know it'll never happen, and I don't know how they'd work around the appearances of all the main trilogy characters. It's just a nice "what if" idea.

    EDIT: I just read Guardian's post, so I guess this is the same idea with a different story arc. I just like Wedge Antilles.

  12. #72
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    I recommend Dark Empire. The Empire reforms with Palpatine at it's head and Luke becomes his apprentice to investigate just what the hell happened and he finds out Palpatine made clones of himself and puts his Force spirit in them, or some crazy , to become immortal. It's pretty nuts.

    sharky, I heard Lucas was planning a live action Star Wars tv show for 2012, based in the time between Episode III and IV. It's supposed to follow new characters and you will hear about Vader and Palpatine, but never see them. Boba Fett's supposed to show up a few times. It's been a while since I read the article, I'll have to try and find it again.

    And the books are canon. The New Jedi Order series lays down the ground work for a lot of the other books and comics. All the games and related comics/books are canon too. There's a vast history to it now. I'm not sure about books like Death Troopers or the new SW zombie book that's come out, but mainly all the related material is canon.

  13. #73


    It's been a while since I watched any of these, though the original series pretty much helped me grow up , I watched them so much! I remember my junior year of high school, one of my classes watched A New Hope the final week and one girl had never seen it or HEARD of it. It was pretty amazing watching her reactions to it.

    As for your trivia question, I believe one of the Empire's Officers, can't recall his name, was in 2 movies, the Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi. He is among the only Officers NOT to get killed by Vader and is in fact promoted because his superior officers ARE killed off. Then, he meets an untimely end when the super star destroyer he's on gets hit by a crashing rebel ship. Feel free to correct me if my memory is wrong!

    Take care all.

  14. #74
    Strawberry Virus Recognized Member Marshall Banana's Avatar
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    I think you're right! I can't say for sure, but I think you are. I know who you're talking about.


    Well, tomorrow is May 4th.

  15. #75


    This guy:

    Also, this is a tangent, but still relevant:

    How long must something be out for the "spoiler" alert on it to no longer be active? We make mention of some fairly big moments in the Star Wars series, and I'm fairly sure nothing of it has been 'ruined', since so much of it is pop culture knowledge, but is there a half-life for spoilers?

    Take care all.

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