Pretty pissed off after Celtics - Heat Game 1, but I'm still holding on to hopes of Celtics in 6

I caught the start of Memphis - OKC and Conley looked like he was firing, same said for Zach Randolf who I always thought was a bit meh, but he's really living up to that contract atm. I don't think I could back Memphis to win it, but they're definitely looking worthy and I'm rooting for them even though I do like Oklahoma.

I think Lakers will breeze through easily enough, and I think they'll breeze through whoever they play in the next round as well. Bynum is really tearing it up at the moment, his improvement (maybe not improvement, but more so 'lack of injury trouble') is definitely making up for Kobe's age, and if Pau Gasol decides to start playing like he was at the start of the year then I don't think Dallas, Memphis or OKC stand any kind of chance.

Interested to see the Chicago - Atlanta series, if Chicago's defense is firing then Atlanta will probably hit a brick wall that I don't think they're good enough to climb over. That said, they have some crazy momentum going in to the series, a shot blocker that should make it at least a little bit tough for Rose, and Boozer is injured I believe (I still say he kinda sucks anyway, but 10-15 points and 10 rebounds might be a difference maker).