Does it surprise you when you go online and find that so many people still don't know enough about your Final Fantasy?

How many times have you gone online to look up info on a Final Fantasy only to find that the info they provide is broken.

For example, why is it that everywhere I turn for information on Final Fantasy VII Chocobo breeding, I read the same idiotic statement about the Vlakorados? Everyone says to use the Steal materia to Steal/Mug the Vlakorados of the Carob Nut. But anyone who has tried would know that there's "Nothing to steal" from the Vlakorados! Unless the Japanese and PC versions are different.

Although, I do occasionally come across something useful that I'd never heard before; like using the Square button to cheat on the Slots.

Still, how many times have you actually explored a Final Fantasy wiki before finally editing it yourself because it's just... so wrong?

IMO it's just kind of weird. How do you feel?