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Thread: google+

  1. #46
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bastian View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    The people who constantly switch from social network site to social network site must be the same people who change emails all the time.
    Er... huh? EVERYONE switched from Friendster to MySpace and then MySpace to Facebook. Sure, some people held out and bypassed the MySpace all together and leaped straight from Friendster to Facebook. It's sort of like the bar/club scene: a new bar opens, people visit it and say "gee, this place is way cooler than my usual bar" and start going to the new bar exclusively, and then hear about a hipper bar that everyone else is going to and visit that one and say "gee, this even newer place is way more awesome than..." and so on. It's silly, but it's what happens.

    Three friends have been like: OH! I'll send you an invite! What's your gmail? And I give it to them and haven't gotten my invite! :/
    It took me years to convince some of my mates to join Facebook and some are still only just getting used to it. If I was to tell them they have to move now, they'd just give up altogether. My entire family is on Facebook, and Facebook, unlike MySpace at the time, is thriving rather than struggling. It has double the amount of updates as it did the previous year and has more games being developed for it than ever before, so companies are dedicating time towards it as well. Such a large investment towards a single site is not something that would blow over in the wind. What did MySpace have going for it when Facebook came out? Pretty much the music scene and nothing else. Everything was clumsy, it was full of awful personalisation which only added to it's already awful coding which added to it's already awful load times. Facebook doesn't suffer from any of these things, although sometimes the coding can cause issues on some browsers - but nothing significant like there was with MySpace. And it still loads fast anyway.

    Google+ just doesn't have anything significantly better that I can think of at the moment that makes it as worthy of switching to. I mean, sure, it has a lot of great things, but Facebook got lucky by being good at the time when MySpace was not being good. Google+ has come along as a competitor rather than a successor. Do I want a competitor? No, not really. In the world of social networking, I don't want a competitor because it splits people into different sites. Having a monopoly of a social networking industry is something that worked for me when it comes to Facebook, not because I'm a Facebook fanboy but because I want all my friends to be in the same place to avoid me having to log into multiple locations to try to keep up with different people. For me, it's an inconvenience. The internet should be far more convenient.

    Hopefully Yahoo! will at least tap into it and I can continue to look at my Yahoo! Mail page for updates from both sites, much like I can look at it for both Twitter and Facebook updates now. I'll just add Google+ to that, I guess. It's not ideal and still lacks convenience, but I suppose it will allow me to at least keep up with everything from a single location.

    This kind of reminds me of PS3 vs. Xbox 360 in how it is splitting people up. I mean, I have both consoles so it's not as much of an issue for me, but because there was no real monopoly of the market from either side, I've ended up with half of my friends using one network and half using the other. Competitive, yes. Convenient, hell no. This means I can't play with all my friends on a single console. Definitely inconvenient. =/
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  2. #47
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    I'm getting bored. All I want Facebook for is to keep in contact with people basically, but they keep implementing new features which make the site uglier, but also less convenient to use. Since they changed chat I can't access it half the time and my homepage is full of complete trout. Polls, unfunny pages people like, and people confusing it with twitter which drives me to a misanthropic rage. I need some meds.

    So if Google+ is Facebook as it was a couple of years ago then I'll join. If not, then I cba. Besides, one FB account to Frape is bad enough. I don't want to be Graped too.

  3. #48
    Recognized Member Bastian's Avatar
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    What I really love about Google+ though is the Circles feature. It allows you to assign an individual to various Circles (cliques, categories, whatever) so that when you type a post like "Just had the best effin sex evar!" you don't share it with ALL of your friends, family, co-workers, boss, etc... but instead just your inner circle of besties or whatever. I suspect that somewhere in some convoluted fashion Facebook might offer a similar possiblity... but I haven't found it. And because of this I refuse to accept friend request from my aunts and my mother because I don't want them reading about my sexual exploits (I'm kidding, I don't really post status updates about those. I post blogs and photos).

  4. #49
    carte blanche Breine's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    The main reason I don't want Google+ to succeed is because it would not only mean having to re-add all my old friends (and this would take months if not years given that so many people have taken so long to get Facebook as it is) but it would also mean having to re-add photos, hope that my friends also re-add photos that I liked, and then re-tag all those photos. And then there are the lost messages between me and my friends that would end up left behind. Amongst other things.

    The people who constantly switch from social network site to social network site must be the same people who change emails all the time. All they do is make things difficult for everyone else when it comes to keeping in touch with them. Which is ironic, because that's actually what social networking sites are all about.

    Facebook won't die "because MySpace was popular and it died." MySpace had horrific problems, mostly surrounding load times and the severe customisation that was allowed to users that ended up causing untold amounts of errors and subsequent further problems with loadtimes. MySpace basically cocked up. Facebook hasn't really done that yet, so I'm holding out hope that it will pull ahead at the end of this. Not because I think Facebook is amazing, but because the number one thing I want in a social networking site is consistency... basically, to not have to change to another social networking site just to keep up with my friends all the time.

  5. #50
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Dude View Post
    So if Google+ is Facebook as it was a couple of years ago then I'll join. If not, then I cba. Besides, one FB account to Frape is bad enough. I don't want to be Graped too.
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  6. #51
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    I've received some nasty frapes. I'd rather be Graped in the mouth to be honest.

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bastian View Post
    I suspect that somewhere in some convoluted fashion Facebook might offer a similar possiblity... but I haven't found it.
    Type a status. Look at the lock. Click the lock to see the options of who to share the entry with. Click customise. Simples. It's pretty much right where you would expect such a thing to be, really. Oh, and the lists work exactly the same way as circles. When you add someone, the first thing it asks you is if you want to add someone to a list. You don't have to, though. You can exclude/include individuals as well as lists, so yeah.

    I use it a fair bit.
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  8. #53
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    if anyone has an invite going spare please let me know I'm curious and also in need of something other than facebook, the idea to hide all my statuses from my boss and colleagues would be awesome, just don't ask.

  9. #54
    Stupid Malaka Rebellious Eagle's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    The main reason I don't want Google+ to succeed is because it would not only mean having to re-add all my old friends (and this would take months if not years given that so many people have taken so long to get Facebook as it is) but it would also mean having to re-add photos, hope that my friends also re-add photos that I liked, and then re-tag all those photos. And then there are the lost messages between me and my friends that would end up left behind. Amongst other things.

    The people who constantly switch from social network site to social network site must be the same people who change emails all the time. All they do is make things difficult for everyone else when it comes to keeping in touch with them. Which is ironic, because that's actually what social networking sites are all about.

    Facebook won't die "because MySpace was popular and it died." MySpace had horrific problems, mostly surrounding load times and the severe customisation that was allowed to users that ended up causing untold amounts of errors and subsequent further problems with loadtimes. MySpace basically cocked up. Facebook hasn't really done that yet, so I'm holding out hope that it will pull ahead at the end of this. Not because I think Facebook is amazing, but because the number one thing I want in a social networking site is consistency... basically, to not have to change to another social networking site just to keep up with my friends all the time.
    This is pretty much why I'm not exactly thrilled with google+. Readding my 500 friends and 500 pictures and this and that will be annoying as hell.
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  10. #55
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    How on earth do you know 500 people?

  11. #56
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Dude View Post
    How on earth do you know 500 people?
    How on Earth do you not? Loser.

  12. #57


    Iceglow, give me your gmail addy and I can send you one.

    I just checked how many pics and friends I have if I were to re-add them all on G+ (which I wouldn't...I'm planning on cutting down on people on G+)...I would have to re-add 873 people and 1,632 photos (I don't even know if that number includes ones that other people have tagged me in...or if it's just the number of pictures I'm tagged in and doesn't include my albums )

  13. #58
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    Quote Originally Posted by NorthernChaosGod View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Demon Dude View Post
    How on earth do you know 500 people?
    How on Earth do you not? Loser.
    Just because you walked past somebody on the street or they served you some fries does not make them your friend.

  14. #59
    Your very own Pikachu! Banned Peegee's Avatar
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    i know about 90-100 people incl the 29 people from eyeson. how do you keep track of 500+????

  15. #60
    Draw the Drapes Recognized Member rubah's Avatar
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    you add everyone you know, everyone they know, and everyone you've ever encountered once. Still, I think I'd only have 400 tops, even if I went about it desperately.

    google+ automagically downloads pictures from my phone for upload, so I don't have to scrounge around for my phone. I like this.

    I don't plan on readding all of my friends. Wouldn't it be ideal if facebook reverted to being primarily school relationships, and g+ took over the online relations that facebook has acted negatively to in the past? (e.g. deleting accounts of people who have too many online friends)

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