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Thread: Is it worth getting Vagrant Story: yes/no?

  1. #16


    Quote Originally Posted by Mercen-X View Post
    If it was available on PS3, I'd buy it if I owned a PS3 and if I could convert my PS memory card data to PS3 readable data.
    It's on the PSN. And you can buy a memory card converter I think

  2. #17
    Memento Mori Site Contributor Wolf Kanno's Avatar
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    Tips for noobs:

    Element is another factor but their are ways around that, like using gemstone attachments, and magic spells to temporarily alter element affinity.

    As stated above, RISK affects things as it goes up. Your accuracy drops so you stop landing strong blows and you take more damage. On the other hand, your critical hit rate skyrockets and your healing magic is more effective. RISK reducing items are very few and far between so use them sparingly.

    Use the Map! Lea Monde is a dungeon cralwers dream come true. You will get lost.

    Offense Chain attacks have different attack animations that require different timing to chain together. Several use a very slow an awkward animation, but some are actually just a quick hit so play around until you get a good combo pattern that you are comfortable using.

    Do not ignore the elemental defense chain abilities. These items will restore half your health from the right elemental attack, and certain game mechanics don't go into affect until after these abilities been factored in. What this means is that an elemental attack can actually kill you but if you time the defense move correctly and regain enough health to put you back into the positive HP range, the game doesn't count the attack as fatal.

    Weapons 101:

    Weapons are broken down into three areas: Type of damage, Monster Affinity, Element affinity.

    Type of damage is broken into three: Blunt, Edged and Pierce. Most weapons are obvious what type of damage they do but its possible to affect the type by switching out certain hilts, gemstones, or merging types blades. For the most part, Edge is the universal type, with very few creatures having a heavy defense against it. Pierce is a close second.

    Monster Affinity rises the more you slay a certain type of monster. For instance, if you keep using your sword against humans, your weapons' affinity towards them grows so the weapon will eventually cause more damage to human type foes than other types of creatures. If you start killing more of another type of monster, that affinity grows but the human affinity will begin to lower.

    Due to the way affinities work, its usually best to have three different weapons to use, one for humans/beasts, one for undead/spirit, and one for Dragon/Evil. It takes a lot of time to build a weapon that has high affinity against all creatures and its best not to try to use one weapon cause once you start fighting different types of creatures, you lower your weapons effectiveness to fight other monster types.

    You can get away with this setup cause affinities only begin to drastically declined based on where they are on the type tier (which you'll see in the weapon display) so for instance, if your weapon has a high Human affinity and you start to kill beasts, while the human affinity will begin to decline, it will be minor and slow, so both affinities may still remain high. This is because beast and human are next to each other in the tier list. On the other hand, if you have the human affinity weapon and started attacking dragon type enemies, your human affinity will drop quickly. That's cause Dragon types are on the bottom of the tier while humans are on the top.

    You can also raise affinity by merging material together, say you have two different blades with high human affinity, in the blacksmith shops you can merge them together and make a blade with higher human affinity, the best part is that merging doesn't have as much of a dramatic affect on multiple affinities, which is how its possible to build weapon with high affinity for every enemy type (though this is very time consuming) . This is a good way to remove negative affinity and raise affinity against multiple types of monsters and elements. Remember this when you are building armor.

    Blacksmith 101:
    Weapons can be disassembled into three parts, Blade, Hilt, and Gemstone. Blade deals with most of the affinity crap I mentioned above. Hilt, affects damage type and whether or not you can equip gemstones. Blades can be fused together to affect their stats but hilts can't so make sure to remove the weaker hilts from your inventory so you can maximize your weapons potential. Gemstones directly affect affinity. A Salamander Stone will raise your weapons fire affinity while lowering its water affinity. They give pretty big bonuses and since some hilts can hold two or three gemstones, you can temporarily boost a weapons without dealing with the blacksmith shops.

    Shields also can equip gemstones so keep that in mind as well, since several gemstones are shield only and grant bonuses against magic spells, and status effects.

    There are several materials in the game that weapons can be built from adn these materials also have natural affinities. Wood, Bronze, Iron, Hagane, Silver, and Damascus for weapons and Leather, Bronze, Iron, Hagane, Silver, and Damascus for armor.

    Wood and leather are the weakest material but they do have good affinity against spirits and undead so don't knock them. Bronze, Iron, and Hagane are mostly neutral. Silver and Damascus are the rarest material and have high affinity against powerful uncommon enemies like Spirits, Dragons, and Evil. You can actually make some of these materials just by merging different types of material. For instance, you can combine a bronze and and iron item to make Hagane, and you can merge Hagane and silver to make Damascus. Leather and wood can't be merged with anything else, except themselves. Also, due to factors like affinity and merging bonuses, its possible to build strong weapons with even shoddy materials. A well crafted Iron sword can be more effective than a Hagane axe you won from an enemy drop.

    Another thing to remember is that there are several blacksmith shops in the game and only one them actually allows you to work with all the materials. The first one you find will only let you work with wood and leather materials, so if you have gained some iron equipment, you can't work on them in this shop, so be careful about that. The shop will usually tell you when you enter what materials it will allow you to work on.

  3. #18


    Wow thanks WK! That should keep me on the right path. And props for taking the time and effort to write all that!

    Also, I took some advice from a guide and mashed a dummy with my sword for about 45 minutes right after the Minotaur boss fight. The sword has 18 Human Affinity now, so that should help here and there.

    Currently using the crossbow to kill some undead. I'm guessing this must be nothing more than a fraction of the tip of the iceberg in weaponry and such, but I want to get as much of a head start as possible so I can ease on difficulty peaks later on. From now on the guide goes out the window so nothing gets spoiled story wise and I will rely on EoFF knowledge and my own creativity only.

    That said, I think I'll update my progress every now and then and any tips along the way will be much appreciated!
    Last edited by Pete for President; 07-10-2011 at 11:33 AM.

  4. #19


    I think you should get a silver knife very soon which has great affinity against evil and phantom. And if I remember, it also chains very well. Useful against the ghosts you find in the catacombs.

  5. #20
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    I am playing VS right now and I will try not to just repeat what WK said although he is correct.

    When making a new equipment you will find that Hagane and Silver/Damascus can not be combined in the game until new game plus when the last black smith shop is accessible. You will want to keep a weapon with certain affinities so you got something that for all enemies. I know a silver dagger is great for undead, evil, and phantoms. You will find that some of the classes will work better then others so it's not necessary to have 1 for each enemy Example: 1 for only humans, 1 for only beasts. You want to try and group them without ruining the weapon completely. So Human and beast work well, and I have another for just dragons. Those are my three weapons.

    If you are in a dungeon where you are collecting treasure and you have 8 weapons already you should go ahead and dismantle them in a certain way. You will find that some weapons when dismantled will hold two or more items. Some weapons when dismantled make a weaker blade. This can not be reversed when you put it back together how it was. So say you have a short blade when you dismantle it you get a rapier. You need to not do that and find another weapon to dismantle so it stays the same weapon. That has worked well for me in the past.

    Always make use of the container. Throw all equipment you aren't using in so you have room for more. You can pull them out once you reach a shop and then combine them.

    While you attack someone and you miss on the first go, DON'T attack anymore. Having this happen you will then only take 0 on the first chain, 1 on the second, 2 on the third and so on when you successfully hit. This builds up risk fast. Instead always chain the direct hits and keep on your toes.
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  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by champagne supernova View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Mercen-X View Post
    If it was available on PS3, I'd buy it if I owned a PS3 and if I could convert my PS memory card data to PS3 readable data.
    It's on the PSN. And you can buy a memory card converter I think
    I will now buy a PS3... in three years...

  7. #22
    Twisted Reality Shattered Dreamer's Avatar
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    To shock you all, I really didn't like Vagrant Story. I gave the game 15 hours & just couldn't bring myself to play on any further. The control system annoyed me & I didn't really like the visual style of the game. That was 2 years ago so maybe I'll give it another go at some stage but I felt it just doesn't live up to it's reputation of being one of the best PSX games ever released

  8. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by champagne supernova View Post
    I think you should get a silver knife very soon which has great affinity against evil and phantom. And if I remember, it also chains very well. Useful against the ghosts you find in the catacombs.
    Found this one! Very helpful. Also, just reached the first workshop. I took some time to experiment with the weapon system, but there wasn't too much to benefit from yet except for 1 combination making an awesome human killer.

  9. #24


    Quote Originally Posted by Pete for President View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by champagne supernova View Post
    I think you should get a silver knife very soon which has great affinity against evil and phantom. And if I remember, it also chains very well. Useful against the ghosts you find in the catacombs.
    Found this one! Very helpful. Also, just reached the first workshop. I took some time to experiment with the weapon system, but there wasn't too much to benefit from yet except for 1 combination making an awesome human killer.
    It's quite funny, because I remember also doing something similar in my first play.

  10. #25


    Saw my first game over screens today. (SPOILER)Died once by a Golem, and a few times by the Dragon boss.

    Both fights made me realize just how fragile you are when you're slacking in concentration or equipment.

  11. #26


    Its an acquired taste but I guess its worth buying on the basis that so many people like the game. I personally found it boring and nearly everyone accuses me of simply not figuring out how to play the game but I can assure you that isn't true. Just not for me.

  12. #27


    Currently at the (SPOILER)Wyvern Boss. Had to use a guide here. Seriously, I'm still a bit lost in the enemy department. I can't seem to figure out their weaknesses. I have this analysis spell, but I'm having a hard time actually noticing any info. Does anyone have a tip or two?

  13. #28
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    yes use your enchantment spells to give your weapon a element they are weak to. This will help a lot when you are having trouble hurting them. In the end you will just have to level up your class for certain types as previously mentioned. The gems you can equip will also help raise your "Affinity" or your "Class" as well as boost your stats. The object of the game is to use the menu for every encounter. Sooner or later you will get use to the game. I'm down to the last five bosses before I get to new game plus.
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  14. #29


    Quote Originally Posted by sora_lion_heart View Post
    yes use your enchantment spells to give your weapon a element they are weak to. This will help a lot when you are having trouble hurting them. In the end you will just have to level up your class for certain types as previously mentioned. The gems you can equip will also help raise your "Affinity" or your "Class" as well as boost your stats. The object of the game is to use the menu for every encounter. Sooner or later you will get use to the game. I'm down to the last five bosses before I get to new game plus.
    Thanks! The enchantment spells have only recently made their entry. Very helpful though!

    However, I still have a problem with actually finding out what enemies weaknesses are. Example; at the Wyvern boss, how was I supposed to know his tail is weak to Edged weapons? I just don't see how I could've known that other than good old trial and error. Any info on this?

  15. #30
    Light Hero Saber's Avatar
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    There are some places where you will be completely unprepared. A good option is to use the defense break arts that reflect damage back. During some boss battles I would do no damage at all even on their weak spot. My advise is to raise risk as high as possible so your heal spell is the most powerful. The higher the risk the more you cure for. Then time it right and reflect the damage he does to you back on him.

    As for knowing what a monster is weak for, unless you skim ahead in guides you will most likely not know.
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