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Thread: EoFF: Dwarf Fortress - Spoonproblems. Also, goblin problems.

  1. #241
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I, for one, cannot wait for the arrival of the Guineacocks.

  2. #242
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Winter is Coming, Autumn 256

    The best laid plans of mice and men

    So at the end of Summer, things in Spoonproblems were really getting in to shape, the fortress was actually functioning, we had forges making iron armour, we have a military killing our enemies, or rather scaring the tit out of them by killing innocent kitties, we had an entranceway made of stone and an expansion to the territory we've claimed going on and a booming population of 48. However I knew one thing:

    Winter is comming.

    Winter in Spoonproblems, damn thats a cold thing coming we needed to be ready, stockpiles of food, drink, water, everything had to be ready not to mention the King was sending his representative to see if NED was truly working out. Also apparently Lonny BoB was gonna be in charge come the end of the year! That thought terrified me more than the idea of Demon Dude taking control and he couldn't control a simple button saying "press for food"

    I didn't want my baby NorthernChaosGod or my woman Milf to freeze to death in the cold northern winds and so we needed to be ready, this was my turn to shine and I intended to shine well.

    With that in mind I commmenced my planning and realizing I was right, I could manage people my old boss in the Aich MMMMM Veee was wrong and he could go take a running leap. I wasn't destined to be a fish cleaner any longer I'd proven myself capable at running a fortress and whilst I couldn't run it forever (though I'd have liked to) I could leave it in a sustainable place.

    Heres what I intend to have done by the end of my year:

    Western Expansion; this is needed, we need more space, more land, more plants. I've plotted a large expansion here and a smaller twin on the eastern side below are the western expansion plans:

    like I said, it's gonna be big.

    Eastern Expansion; This is a smaller expansion, but combined it'll give us a major benefit. The wall is tricky, I'm having to build a floor tile to actually get the corner of the wall built, will have to micro-manage this quite effectively destroying the rocksalt floor I ordered when putting the final piece of the wall in to place.

    Entrance Tower; At the moment even though it can be made secure, our entrance is really just a slit in the ground. I've floored off the open parts where the ice pool was but what we really need is a tower to secure the top of the entranceway, access is important, 2 doors on each side of the building will give maximum entrance/exit potential whilst securing it admirably, due to new DF building rules parts of the floor must be first ripped up.

    Expanding Agriculture; We need more food, fact! therefore 4 more 4x4 fields are being commissioned, these 4x4 fields should allow us to successfully grow enough food to see our fortress through. I will also see about getting kitchens established and have people cook meals. We also need some way to keep the animals in a large enough pen where they can all get food, to this end temporarily I've established the maximum size pen zone I can outside across the bridge, once the expansions are built, we'll build them a smaller one within that actually can support them

    Widening essential passages; this isn't a major point but at present the path from the main fort entranceway to the cistern path is a 1 wide chokepoint. I'm going to expand this to 2 wide. I'm also going to expand access to the new furniture storage, I forsee that being very busy!

    Speeding up production; Whilst the forges and kilns work, they're still slow, Zeldy is constantly complaining she hasn't enough iron bars or coal for use, therefore a second smeltery (with a second smelter) and a second wood burning furnace have been requested. Also a second Kiln so we can generate pottery goods faster.

    All of the above goals should be completed hopefully before seasons end. If not by the end of the year at most. If you wonder why it takes me a long time to write my posts and also to play my seasons out then I hope you can appreciate I'm setting quite large goals and having to micro-manage (sometimes relying on pausing every couple of minutes to check jobs are going to plan) the fortress on this scale is not always easy.

  3. #243
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Don't worry, I'll ensure all that micro-managing goes to waste.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  4. #244
    Microwaving canned bread TrollHunter's Avatar
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    I'm waiting for the next owner to pull a Lenny and smurfing break everything.

  5. #245


    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    Also noted she's shacked up with Champagne Supernova, sorry BoBa you're not getting the girl this time. Orange Ink indicates new members of the fortress, holy cow, 47 members and it's only summer in the second year! BoB might want to consider setting up more chambers at this rate in his year.
    My bad BoB.

  6. #246
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    'sall good. She hooked up with Zeldy in my game.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  7. #247
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Autumn actually flew by, I took some screens, not so many in stonesense this time but it was over before I even left for the evening on my date. I really ought to get on with writing it up I guess :P

  8. #248


    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    Autumn actually flew by, I took some screens, not so many in stonesense this time but it was over before I even left for the evening on my date. I really ought to get on with writing it up I guess :P
    You went out on a date instead of getting the write-up done? Your priorities are warped man

  9. #249
    This is England
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    Quote Originally Posted by champagne supernova View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    Autumn actually flew by, I took some screens, not so many in stonesense this time but it was over before I even left for the evening on my date. I really ought to get on with writing it up I guess :P
    You went out on a date instead of getting the write-up done? Your priorities are warped man
    Hey man give him some slack, it's been hard work on his poor left hand doing this whole dwarf fortress thing, he had to do something nice for it otherwise it wouldn't put out for a week.

  10. #250
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DK View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by champagne supernova View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    Autumn actually flew by, I took some screens, not so many in stonesense this time but it was over before I even left for the evening on my date. I really ought to get on with writing it up I guess :P
    You went out on a date instead of getting the write-up done? Your priorities are warped man
    Hey man give him some slack, it's been hard work on his poor left hand doing this whole dwarf fortress thing, he had to do something nice for it otherwise it wouldn't put out for a week.
    Don't know who you're talking about Dan but I'm pretty sure I was with your mother that night.

    Also, I almost had Autumn and Winter completed so I could finish this thing up, not sure how many saw the update on G+ but I managed to crash fraps which in turn caused Stonesense and DF to crash. Ironically I'd just killed most of our military by making a silly mistake. I guess sometimes the crashes happen at the opportune moment.

  11. #251
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Iceglow further establishes his maturity levels by naming his left hand "your mother".
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  12. #252
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Look guys Steve is a very handsome man and he does not need to masturbate so stop the "left hand" jokes. He has girls queueing around Oxford Circus, just begging for the chance for Steve to lick their knees. You just need to grow up and stop being jealous quite frankly. He's a beautiful human being and he just doesn't need to take this kind of abuse.

  13. #253
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    Well, I would apologise, but I hardly need to when he has all those women to make him feel better.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  14. #254
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Ok autumn post coming soon, just gotta write it up, very few stonesense shots as the season passed before I even really thought about it. Still plenty (read 20) of shots from DF itself.

    BoB you should be ashamed of yourself, an apology never hurt no one. Though with all these women around here you're right I don't need you to make me feel better.

  15. #255
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Did somebody yell Freeze? How Autumn 256 went down.

    I tried before my commencement of the season to be clever, to plot every little job down so it would run smoother than me going "hmm what next" cut down the micro-managing and instead increase the managing. Lets see how that went down.

    Well First up lets deal with something sad. I unfortunately had to order Pike and Lonny BoB to dig 2 extra rooms this morning after Melissaur died of thirst (she was insane and suffering from melancholy so refused alcohol and water) Melissaur was found naked at the middle of the hall with her pets pecking at her. It was not a pleasant sight, apparently she had covered herself entirely in chicken feathers (where the hell she got these from is a mystery, we don't have any chickens!)

    As you can see, I had kinda predicted she wasn't going to make it I was merely praying she wouldn't get berserk before she died. The rooms above, are actually burial chambers being dug. So yeah Melissaur is dead (my first death in the fortress and DK said I'd kill you all! HA!) I don't know what we ought to do? Bring her back in later on maybe?

    Not 2 days after Melissaur died, the game threw another spanner in the works Unbreakable Will got posessed too! Damn you spirits leave my bloody people alone!

    Will I had some hope for, he was a good kid I mean he could survive this he'd find something of use in Spoonproblems now right? For about a week, NOTHING happened. Will merely sat in the corner mumbling about juju muju and crap like that, frankly he began to weird most of us out a little, we considered even feeding him to the carp in the river. Then he suddenly sat bolt upright and dashed through the tunnels faster than I could manage to follow eventually stopping at a clothiers workshop. "MINE!" he declared before hissing like the cat he'd eaten earlier in the week and then sitting down. I was startled by the sudden and extreme reaction but hey, you know it seemed ok he might survive this.

    Yeah, you know this wouldn't be DF or Spoonproblems if Will suddenly didn't demand something outrageous for his work. We didn't have it nor did I have the means to generate it and so on the 3rd of Timber I had another visit from Dr Quin Medicine Idiot. Will had become insane and struck down with melancholy. It was now just a waiting game before he too would die. Though at the end of the season he was still there clinging on to life and giving us all stares of utter disappointment. Well what can we say Will, you had a great idea, one inspired by the spirits themselves but what the hell did you want to make something we have no means of getting together for? What's worse is it'd probably suck or we'd pawn it off to the homestead traders when they showed up.

    Migrants = Census time!

    1. Psychotic - Lover of Dr Quin,
    2. Iceglow - Married to I'm My Own Milf.
    3. DK - Lover of Red Pill.
    4. Genius Lynx - Married to Angelwings8
    5. Smitten Kitten - Lover of Champagne Supernova, Grudge against Devilman
    6. Pike
    7. Red Pill - Lover of DK
    8. Værn
    9. Shorty
    10. Angelwings8 - Married to Genius Lynx.
    11. Lonny BoB
    12. I'm My Own Milf - Married to Iceglow
    13. Jessweeee
    14. Melissaur - Deceased
    15. Raistlin - Married to Shlupquack, Father of Devilman
    16. Rantzien
    17. Demon Dude
    18. Dr Quin, Medical Dwarf - Lover of Psychotic.
    19. Unbreakable Will - Struck by melancholy
    20. Lekana
    21. Levian
    22. Rebellious Eagle
    23. Rubah
    24. Dignified Pauper
    25. Marshall Banana
    26. Fire Of Avalon
    27. Zeldy - Married to Laddy
    28. Wolf Kanno
    29. Old Manus
    30. Laddy - Married to Zeldy
    31. Champagne Supernova - Lover of Smitten Kitten
    32. Clo
    33. Rye - Married to Yeargdribble
    34. Yeargdribble - Married to Rye
    35. Eternal Essence
    36. Miss Lulu
    37. Guardian XIII
    38. Shlupquack - Married to Raistlin
    39. Devilman - Son of Raistlin and Shlupquack, grudge against Smitten Kitten
    40. Ashley Riot
    41. SuperMillionaire
    42. Devore
    43. Leeza
    44. Xalibar
    45. Bolivar
    46. The undead hero
    47. Mirage
    48. NorthernChaosGod - Son of Iceglow and I'm My Own MILF
    49. Eestlinc
    50. Bert
    51. Cid
    52. Azar
    53. Roogle
    54. Hsu
    55. Vivi22

    54 little Dwarves out here, Spoonproblems needs to get organized quickly and I'm not so sure I have enough time left in my term to do so! However we'll be 53 when Will eventually pops it. Best look out this many Dwarves could get us noticed by a Goblin army.

    According to Raistlin who got all super happy when he saw our new wave of migrants, most of these dudes were some semi-mythical people from the homestead. From the look of sheer revulsion of Psychotic's face and the appearance of our newest members I'm frankly glad I came from London!

    So yeah that was most of the dramas apart from when the merchants appeared Psychotic immediately declared his love of all things pottery as the stoneware goods we'd made were far more valuble than that useless crap Dignified Pauper turns out! In fact 2 bins worth of a random mix of both Pottery which had been active for all of a few months and DP's crap brought EVERYTHING the merchants from the homestead had. This meant we had a lot of animals. A lot of lot of animals:

    43 "Other Animals" in fact! I'm hopefully going to set up a Kennels and perhaps get some more chains/restraints made. BoB do us a favour, when you take over chain wardogs at the entrance way on the statues leading to the bridge, also at various points around the map as the numbers of dogs grow. Wardogs there will prevent us being ambushed or getting Goblin Thieves inside the defenses.

    Now on to the final part of Autumn's update, building plans:

    Well we managed to finish the work on the following:

    Eastern Expansion
    Farm Plots (at least the chambers are dug, won't take a week to plant them)
    New forge expansion (smelter and wood furnace are being glitchy as smurf and won't actually build until the builders have used the stone under the locations. I have already tried dumping them in a garbage zone it didn't work)
    Entrance Guard Tower Ground level (winter will see at least the second level floor go in to seal the room from the elements)
    Burial Chambers

    Heres some screens of the new rooms and expansions:

    Burial Chambers

    Eastern Expansion

    Entrance tower

    Four Fields ready to go

    New forge chambers (possibly use one for jewellers shop if I don't use a chamber near the glassworks.

    Western Expansion, this is almost complete but now our numbers and our wealth seem like they're on the verge of giving us our first ambush (in fact in the crashed version of the game which never happened I know we got an ambush right at the end of the year!)

    Next up:

    Winter has come

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