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Thread: EoFF: Dwarf Fortress - Spoonproblems. Also, goblin problems.

  1. #121


    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post

    This is what he has done. He's dug out the surface for some reason and there were underground pools just beneath the surface. This is why it has all flooded.
    Well I'm glad our dwarves decided to have a party because of this. I look forward to their response to a dragon entering the pit. Perhaps they'll invite him to a wedding.

  2. #122
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by AngelWings8 View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Genius Lynx View Post
    AngelWings8, please treat me well.
    Only if you make me a sandwich And get me a beer darling!
    Beer and sandwiches? I aim to please.

    Demon Dude, I no longer feel anxious about the future of our home. You are clearly an Eyes on Final Fantasy member. Make my tomb really cool.

  3. #123
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    As I said to Psychotic on XBL tonight, I'll take the next go after Demon Dude, figure since it's early and the fortress needs some serious beefing up (for example our Military is currently 2 dwarves, with no weapons or experience, our "fort" on the surface is a wooden wall and a ditch, and Demon Dude made the grand hall open to the air which can definitely be fixed easily enough, just take some patience and micro-management) If we want to get to the truly fun levels of Dwarf Fortress with Forgotten Beasts etc we really need to go digging down to find caverns, however if we find them without a strong surface fort (it'd be just our luck that BoB would be in charge, a forgotten beast would spawn in the lower reaches and a siege would strike on the surface, can't expect him to manage that well, at least with the strong surface fort he can put a marksdwarf squad in a tower to snipe down at enemies whilst the fort is sealed up)

    That being said, don't expect it to be plain sailing with me beefing things up, on more than one occasion in my current "practice" fort I have either 1) not produced drinks fast enough and lost massive amounts of workers to thirst deaths, 2) caused cave in's by accident, 3) suffered losses at the hands of enemies of the fort, 4) offended the elves considerably (I accidentally offered up a wood item for trade, they got most upset and were unwilling to trade with me. I think it was a crutch/splint what snuck in to my shipment. This resulted in me angrily seizing the entire caravan's worth of goods and sending the elves packing!) resulting in their refusal to trade with me for around 2 years! So whilst year 3 would be relatively quiet if I am beefing it up (mostly you'll see new walls/rooms/production lines going in) it won't be a complete white wash, or at least I'd try to make it interesting.

  4. #124
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Iceglow View Post
    If we want to get to the truly fun levels of Dwarf Fortress with Forgotten Beasts etc we really need to go digging down to find caverns
    - Cavern found
    - Enemies arrive
    - Person pulls lever
    - All dwarves are locked in with monsters

    it'd be just our luck that BoB would be in charge
    127 dwarves and counting in my little playthrough at the moment. I've played a lot since that "you can lock doors?" episode! And buttloads of drink/food to boot. Only problems I have are dwarves not having everything they need for a strange mood. I once got the final thing I needed for one just as the guy gave up hope. I was like "yay, finally bought some sand for my sandless empire, now he can finish off his -- oh God, where is he, oh no, he's starving himself. " I think I've seen the last of that, now, though... all my military are full of iron and steel, too. =]

    3) suffered losses at the hands of enemies of the fort
    This happened a lot with me until I made a massive number of cage traps all around my fort. My citizens casually walk out to replace cages while the enemy continues to fill them up. They don't learn quickly. Then again, this is just goblins and badgermen, not sure what something stronger would do... but there are waaaaay more other kinds of traps for them. Military guys don't train nearly fast enough in this game so I rely heavily on these traps right now.
    4) offended the elves considerably (I accidentally offered up a wood item for trade, they got most upset and were unwilling to trade with me. I think it was a crutch/splint what snuck in to my shipment.
    That's weird, they trade wood to me all the time. :S I can't see why they would be so upset about a wood item being traded to them. Usually they get upset with me if I don't offer them something like 1000 value in the trade (and I do trade a crapload). I even trade them the goblins I catch if I have too many. xD I use a few goblins for training my military, though. =]

    I might go after Iceglow, or after the person who goes after him.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #125
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    Well I literally just got back from work but I did some playing last night and it was pretty major so I'll blog half of it now and half later.

  6. #126
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    Default Bang Bang, you're dead.

    Thanks to some foreign aid, I managed to fix the problem with our fortress. After much bumbling and frustration, we finally hit the jackpot, and the dwarves swarmed into The Great Hall to catch up on a months' worth of food and drink they had been deprived of.

    Unfortunately for the fine architects of Spoonproblems, I went on to become slightly overconfident. With a grand idea of expansion in my head, I was going create a even greater hall as compensation for the home wreckage they had received. Unfortunately it was not to be, mostly because the only method of 'making rooms' I could find was by placing down stairs. Lots of stairs.

    And I know not how to delete them nor where they lead so we'll pretend that there is no large tumour sticking out of the bottom of the Great Hall. You mean great Hall is as it was before my leadership? Yes, that it better. (It isn't. it's ugly as hell)

    ANYWAY. We received a new wave of migrants, including characters such as Del Murder, Yeargdribble, RSL and Guardian XIII. The problem was (there's always a smurfing problem) that they were cut off by a river. However, I finally clicked into gear and DID SOMETHING RIGHT!

    I built a bridge!

    They were pretty quick unlike the previous lot to integrate so that's good. Rather humorously, Shion stayed at the Wonder Square district for so long she actually turned insane. And I mean completely smurfing batty. I had a picture of her chasing a Capybara around the map but I foolishly overwrote it by accident. I would send Doctor Quin's lazy arse but apparently she's 'berserk' so I think it's best we leave her down there until she attacks some migrants and we have reason to take military action.

    Our military action involving sending our two only soldiers at her, of course. I would invest in training but we probably won't need them any time soon. Next ruler can deal with it.

    Also, MILF HAD A BABY!

    He's called NorthernchaosGod and I'm sure he's having a great time in our sweaty, overcrowded mess of a fortress.

    So Autumn has almost come and the dwarves are actually getting back on their feet. The infrastructure is generally okay and our population is growing. Perhaps they will live to the end of my year after all.

    Unless .... nah, it will never happen.

    Will it?

    It can't be ...

    Goblin Ambush.

    And if you think those five are all that arrived, you're dead wrong. God save us all.

    Part two coming later.

  7. #127
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    hahahaha huxley and steve had sex and the result was Julian. Enough said.

    Also jesus christ goblins! Are you sure it's still just the second year? What's the date if you press z and go to status? Also, I hope you PULLED THE LEVER!!!! Although at that point it may have been a bit too late.

  8. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    hahahaha huxley and steve had sex and the result was Julian. Enough said.
    BAHAHA oh wow I can't stop laughing xD

  9. #129
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    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    hahahaha huxley and steve had sex and the result was Julian. Enough said.

    Also jesus christ goblins! Are you sure it's still just the second year? What's the date if you press z and go to status? Also, I hope you PULLED THE LEVER!!!! Although at that point it may have been a bit too late.
    Yep, 526. Guess I was unlucky.

  10. #130
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    Has that much wealth been created that gobbos already spawned...? Those stairs must be valuable.

  11. #131
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    I cannot see a way in which this is not going to end in deaths. Unless they chase my poor cat or that duck around and away from the fortress and DD gets the bridge up. DK and AngelWings8 have only just begun their martial training, and had no weapons and armour. They're our only hope if the Goblins are inside the fortress, I don't know how it's going to go down though. I'm hopeful!

  12. #132
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    Of all the stuff that's happened so far, this was by far the craziest and most tragic. That's all I'm teasing.

  13. #133


    Too much pressure! >.<

  14. #134
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    First up, Julian, I think we all know what you've gotta do. You've gotta sit on my knee and call me "Daddy" that's my boy roud dad:

    Also, oh smurf......seriously how bad a shape is this fort going to be in when I get it? I'm already plotting out ways to prevent more deaths like this and ways to fix your stairs issues. Note I said more deaths because if we get through this without any deaths it'd be too much of a miracle to ask for. It's year 2 and I'm looking at how the smurf will I survive year 3.

    Edit: And don't forget to go give your MILF a kiss!

  15. #135
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    Default Ain't no grave can hold my body down.

    Where we left off.

    I froze. And then I heard a sound in the back of my head.

    Pull the lever.

    pull the lever.

    Pull the lever.


    Did I pull the lever?

    You can be damn sure I did.

    Haha. Access denied mothersmurfers. But we couldn't revel in this for too long, oh no. Problem one? Our entire military was stuck within the confines of the fortress. Problem two? More goblins came from the West. We couldn't defend against such a large quantity. Problem three? Not all the dwarves were safe. A large crowd of dwarves were in the corner of the map. These included:

    Eternal Essence
    Guardian XIII
    And our only mother: I'm My Own MILF.

    And you can be damn sure that the goblins went over there straight away. Not only were we cowering in our fortress, but some of our best dwarves were about to be slaughtered.

    The dwarves ran in all direction, but Guardian XIII found no sanctuary. He was struck down in a bloody mess.

    And then, ladies and gentlemen, we were assisted. For only minutes before the attack we were visited by some merchants. Of the human variety. And when they witnessed the brutal slaughtering of GXIII, they were having none of it. Running into battle, they engaged the goblin foes.

    But just as they got stuck in, another ambush! Goblins wielding bows and arrows attacked the elven traders from afar.

    The battle raged on. With the action taking place just north, the bridge came back down and we took in some fleeing dwarves. Except ... Yeargdribble. Odd. DK and Angelwings were kept back as as a defensive maneuver. The war continued.

    And we met our second casualty. Yearg had fallen.

    Yet ... it was over. The battlefield was desolate. The humans and elves had sacrificed themselves to cleanse the evil from Dwarven lands. But GXIII and Yearg had fallen. The fields soaked with blood, it was a time for silent mourning and contemplation.

    Loony BoB: "woo PAR-TAY!"

    What a knob.


    Now guys I've only just hit Autumn which means I'm 1/4 of the way through. That's not very far. I'm having a smurfing brilliant time but at the rate I'm getting to grips with it, I'm wondering if perhaps I should do just half a year. This would mean we could have less floundering about and go back to some progression, but it's up to you guys. Like I said, I'm having a good time, but it's a community thing so if you think it's time to switch then I'm cool with that because I don't want to make it the DD show. If it were to happen maybe I'd do another half a year later down the road, but whatever.

    Last edited by demondude; 07-20-2011 at 06:51 PM.

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