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Thread: EoFF: Dwarf Fortress - Spoonproblems. Also, goblin problems.

  1. #181
    Microwaving canned bread TrollHunter's Avatar
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    I was going to point out how I pretty much stayed in the same spot the entire time but then I was beaten to death by Demon Dudes bare fists LOL.
    Things went to total hell, and that's glorious simply glorious. 3 people and 1 insane guy left?
    Can this be rescued? Will the dwarven population find salvation or will they fail to work together to remedy their current problems and meet their demise? Find out next time on... Spoon-Problems!

  2. #182
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    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I died an honourable death.
    No, you died a craven's death, stabbing an unarmed dwarf in the lungs.

  3. #183


    I died from thirst. How do you manage to mess that up so badly? Wow. Anyway, at least my play fort seems to be vaguely doing alright. Although, I have copious amounts of chert. Like, it won't fit into stockpiles. It just lies around in places. I have stone doors, stone chairs, stone tables - basically, anything that can be made from stone, I am making with stone. And I still can't get through this stuff.

    EDIT: On a side-note, Psychotic wasn't lying about ye olde cappybaras. One just scared my fisherman away.

  4. #184
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DK View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Loony BoB View Post
    I died an honourable death.
    No, you died a craven's death, stabbing an unarmed dwarf in the lungs.
    Thrusting my long, hard shaft into you deepest depths? I would have my death no other way.

    EDIT: I had a go at the save as well, and uh, I killed everyone bar two people. Literally, it was my character. =| I went berserk and eventually cut my foot while killing everything in sight, and then slowly bled to death, limping as I chased my next desired kill. Shining much? But yeah, in my attempt, Lekana eventually got to a stable place where they were self-sufficient, spending their days making coffins and ensuring the food supply was good. Although then I noticed that it seemed to be one person doing all the work. Turns out Lekana lost the ability to stand. So yeah... oops. One dwarf... sod this, I'll just wait for my turn after Iceglow. =|
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  5. #185
    Score: 0 out of 2 Dignified Pauper's Avatar
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    That was incredible!

  6. #186
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Apparently the Trade Depot and Still were made out of ice and melted. Sorry for the accusation DD

    Also yeah the problem is, even if you fix the drink problem, the Dwarves are so enraged by both the fact their friends have all been left to rot, and the smells of the miasma from the rotting corpse themselves that they are permanently miserable. Cue further upset from friends and pets being beaten to death by angry Dwarves and you have an unsolvable problem.

  7. #187
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I noticed, by the way, that our dwarves and animals both hung out in the great hall all the time, despite being surrounded by death. Either our meeting space was there or else the meeting place simply didn't exist and they just liked hanging out there anyway. I strongly suggest getting a meeting place that is away from any miasma to avoid that happening. Likewise, give everyone the "bare neccessities" (remove item moving, add mining, masonry, carpentry, architecture, mechanics, brewing, farming) when in dire situations - if anyone goes mental, that way, another person can pick up on the job and keep the fortress flowing. Until my character in the game went berserk, I was actually doing really well once I did those things. And that's more for the newer people rather than Psy, obviously.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

  8. #188
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    When I tried DD's file, Lonny BoB got beaten to death by a mule. I killed Psychotic and Psychotic had killed about 3 people then Demon Dude the sherif beat the trout outta me and left me bleeding to death. Hell even hacking that file with Runesmith didn't help, I ressurected EVERYONE (can't runesmith away their dehydration) and gave them 1000 happiness (estatic mood) and it didn't work. Was not a good sight.

    Ok so I'm currently cleaning up the images and writing the post for spring watch this space dwarves!

  9. #189
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Pretty intense. I plugged in Psychotic's save and have been having fun safely expanding out. I turned the ridge in the southeast into two hill forts with sheer cliffs, I dug the river out to flow into a moat which now surrounds the intramuros, and I sit upon a horde of crossbows and bolts. Maybe I will play Demon Dude's save since it sounds interesting.

    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Apparently the Trade Depot and Still were made out of ice and melted. Sorry for the accusation DD
    Please note your original plug at the bottom of the moat was also made of ice. And your original ramp into the fortress? Built into ice, so I can see why the initial "flood" happened.

  10. #190
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    Ok so here goes nothing:

    Spoonproblems - Spring 526 (again)

    Psychotic, "The Last Best Hope" decided these Dwarves needed some proper enterprizing genius leadaship. Hence he did the right thing and passed the role of leader on to me! Iceglow and using ma experience from living in LAHDAHN and working at da HMV I'ma make this place awesome and then your mothers will come here begging me to sleep with them and I'll be like a smurfing Kantus an have ma wicked way with em all!

    So let's see where was we? Oh yeah! Spoonproblems.

    Yeah this place, bloody cold in da winter and da river is all frozen! Still we got da Maine Road! an this lil' beauty:

    Jus' don't tell DK bout it, I mean he's already weirding me out with that Maine Road crap, seriously, dwarf is smurfing mental and Psychotic tells me he's da best hope for our military, I'm carrying a crossbow with me at all times just as soon as I get one made!

    There's also Dr Quin's hopsital...

    Quin doesn't have to do much doctoring and so spends most of his time at a still brewing up da best Dwarven Wines I've drunk in ages, possibly because in Lahdahn da Dwarven Wines tends to be brewed by da Elves!

    I'm thinkin of places I can lock that maniac DK up, so far I'm thinking of using da Barracks!

    Though I might wanna be using them myself for trainin' with a crossbow!

    I'm a mason it seems now, bit of a change from cleanin da fish at da HMV in Lahdahn I must admit! Still it's basically da same stuff! Anyhow I live here with ma girl, MILF...she's well hot, hotter even than your mum!

    Look closely, you'll see us wavin! I'm hopin that we can get a bigger place soon somewhere awesome! Maybe have some space for some lil' ones to run around!

    And we all eat here da great hall, this place is huge but I still think da HMV in Lahdahn was bigger!

    So thats the tour done, an I can drop this over-exaggerated Lahdahn accent! Damn you Pawl!

    edit: you're going to have to forgive me, fraps didn't take any shots it seems in Dwarf fortress itself so a lot of this is going to be filled out with text for this season. I'm going to try and fix this up for the summer so there'll be more images. Still I'll use stonesense caps where possible.

  11. #191
    navmaldeuh Madonna's Avatar
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    Do me a favor and make sure you dig out all the ice and ensure we have an actual rampway/stairway to the surface.

  12. #192
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Genius Lynx View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Psychotic View Post
    Apparently the Trade Depot and Still were made out of ice and melted. Sorry for the accusation DD
    Please note your original plug at the bottom of the moat was also made of ice. And your original ramp into the fortress? Built into ice, so I can see why the initial "flood" happened.
    Yeah, I think it's because I play with temperature off most of the time as it helps my terrible FPS. I always assumed constructions made of ice were essentially the same as stone. My bad. The more you know!

  13. #193
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    Haha Psy that post was the best thing I've read on this forum since I've been back. It's also amusing to see how badly I actually did smurf up. I didn't realise it was so bad!

    Anyway I'm going to get some practice in and learn how to actually play the game, so I'm up for taking a turn later on down the road if it's still active. I enjoyed hosting.

  14. #194
    Steve Steve Steve Steve Iceglow's Avatar
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    First things first!

    So first up, we've got a couple of issues here in Spoonproblems, issues what can cause problems, problems can cause deaths, deaths cause tantrums and tantrums well, tantrums aint good generally speaking they end in the entire fortress beating each other to death like some drug fueled nightmare! See Lonny BoB and Pike decided it'd be awesome to start digging the super fun happy slide in the middle of a murky pool that had frozen over, this is fine in the winter when the entire thing is made of solid ice along with the river but it's not a good thing later on when the rivers and pools de-freeze and flood the hall with water not to mention the trapping us inside part! To this end we're going to dig out all the ice and replace the ice slopes with ones made from rocksalt. I immediately began tasking the Dwarves to the process.

    I also decided to take advantage of this situation to provide the fortress with a cistern of clean clear water which hopefully shouldn't be freezing solid every winter for 6 months, whilst healthy Dwarves never touch the stuff, sick Dwarves and the animals all need water to live! So I used the hole created by the dug out murky pool to begin a passageway north and east to just south of the river.

    Of Cisterns and Idiocy.

    Ok so you'd think digging a cistern out is going to be easy right? Wrong! See, too big, the space is wasted, too small and the Dwarves end up drowning as the river floods the entire fortress! Now we don't want to drown the fortress so I've devised a brilliant plan. If I dig a 3 tier cistern I can have enough time to sort this out properly. Ok so the first tier room is quite large, being it's going to be the place to provide the Dwarves with water it's a good idea to have it quite big so multiple wells can be built. Enough said if we end up at war with the Goblins there will be wounded to take care of, also Lonny BoB likes digging everywhere, eventually he's likely to cause a cave-in. The second tier room is actually smaller than the top, it needs to merely funnel the water down and provide me with a good place to ensure I have what I need. The bottom tier is where it is at, it's the biggest tier, being it's the actual resevoir for the fortress it needs to hold a fair bit of water, last thing we wanna do is run low mid-winter or when there is a siege going on. Now filling a cistern is where we get the difficulties. First up we need to build a pathway leading towards the river, this will be connected by a channel, to stop the fish and any other nasties swimming in to our safe water supply we will build a fortification in front of a flood gate. Now, for some reason the Dwarves kept trapping themselves on the wrong side of the fortification and I couldn't remember how to forbid the pathway there. Silly me. Still I managed to free the Dwarf with a nice stairwell rescue, the stairway is capped with a hatch which I've since locked.

    The floodgate in place there I need to place 2 more floodgates, first: I need one in the bottom resevoir chamber, it's connected to a drain chanel, this is a safety precaution, it's very easy to overflow the cistern during filling. If there is an overflow, the 3rd floodgate will prevent the fortress from flooding but there is no chance to drain the cistern slightly unless you open the 2nd floodgate (1st one lets water in) Therefore by digging to the edge of the map I have created a narrow drainage channel, it's not going to be fast but it should fingers crossed work.

    Cistern Level 1 (top):

    Cistern Level 2 (middle):

    Cistern Level 3 (bottom):

    As I said, the 3rd floodgate prevents the fortress from flooding, there is 3 levers in a row, lever on the left is for the 1st floodgate, the 2nd floodgate being the bottom has the middle lever, 3rd floodgate granting access to the cistern is the right hand lever, for the love of all things Dwarven, only operate floodgate 1 if floodgate 3 is closed!

    I cannot stress this above paragraph enough, it's vital since the river is limitless and will basically drown anything below it, it's above the hospital where the fort connects to the cistern.

    At the same time, as I was building this, the water in the area defrosted, thankfully Psychotic's ramps had been dug out as had the frozen ice walls. Unfortunately for Værn, his mechanics workshop was built on top of a small murky pool by someone. Thankfully for Spoonproblems, Værn was on a break at the time! That was a close call, I was only aware of the mistake when I saw the mechanisms at the bottom of the pool and Værn cancelled a job related to the cisterns. We have a ton of mechanisms at the bottom of a lake.

    (note the image here shows the new rocksalt entrance ramp)

    (note, image taken on 1st day of summer in game calendar so shows completed trade depot made of stone, new mechanics shop built, bull moose tame brought from elves, hunks of killed enemies/cat)

    Also our Trade Depot and Still both de-frosted with the water! I've built 2 stone Stills seen below:

    I also built a rock Trade Depot (see above image showing the top level) for us to use instead in the same location as the ice sculpted one was.

    I also tagged an extra line in to the craftsdwarf workshop to make rock pots. Pots are great, they can be used for storing certain foods and for storing drink.

    This means between our new wave of migrants which gave us an extra wood worker (who is now building a second carpentry workshop) we should never run out of food storage solutions and thus can brew indefinitely.

    So far, things seem to be going well... all of this taken care of by the 23rd of Slate 256! What will late spring hold for Spoonproblems?

    Edit: Ironically, the ice plug holding the bottom of the moat? Thats fine.
    Last edited by Iceglow; 07-22-2011 at 11:34 PM.

  15. #195
    Newbie Administrator Loony BoB's Avatar
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    I thought I died?

    EDIT: I also love how half the things that went wrong in DD's year are essentially all due to Psy. The game works on logic, man! Of course ice melts. xD

    EDIT: Unless it's a plug.
    Bow before the mighty Javoo!

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