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Thread: Star Wars' influence on Final Fantasy

  1. #1

    Default Star Wars' influence on Final Fantasy

    ..especially in FFII. I've caught SW references before, such as the Biggs and Wedge in multiple games, but in FFII they're never ending. Was this done with intent? Emperor Palmecia = Emperor Palpatine, Dreadnaught = Deathstar, The Dark Knight = Darth Vader, Altair = Alderaan (gets blown up). Frionels foster parents killed.

    I'm a big fan of Star Wars, especially the Expanded Universe, and a huge fan of FF. I'm playing all the classic titles in order and It made me happy as I was playing through FFII for the first time to realize that this was a complete homage to Star Wars. It made me love the series even more.:vader:

  2. #2
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    I haven't played II, but I've heard it's a carbon(ite) copy of Star Wars. I would definitely give it a playthrough if I had the time.

    Del Murder and I compared Final Fantasy and Star Wars on a couple other titles a few months ago. You should check them out if you dig Star Wars. (I'm a huge EU fan too. Hit me up, man. )


  3. #3


    It is exactly like Episode IV, and I liked the FFVII and IX posts, some of the stuff in FFIX are uncanny, I totally forgot about the "Fear leads to anger" bit at the end. Pretty sick sig to if I may say so. I've never played XII yet but that seems like it was meant to be SW copy to. Whats your fav EU stuff?

  4. #4
    Recognized Member G13's Avatar
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    haha most of the stuff I used, aside from XII, were slight similarities I exploited for entertainment purposes. xD I've been meaning to do a X comparison, but that one is really tough.

    Quote Originally Posted by Bandersnatch
    Whats your fav EU stuff?
    Oh man, just about everything. The history of the Mandalorians and Sith really takes my interest. Assembler's are disturbingly fascinating as well. I could go on and on, really.

    My least favorite piece of the EU, however, is midi-chlorians.

  5. #5


    Lol, I try not to let the midichlorians upset me to much, I'm a big fan of Old Republic era, The Clone Wars, Timothy Zahn and the immediate post-ROTJ stuff. Im saving the Legacy Era for a later time so I can take it all in at once. Ive heard many wonderous things about it

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