Project Zomboid | The Zombie Survival RPG

Quote Originally Posted by Their tl;dr
Project Zomboid is a Zombie Survival RPG. Here are some of its planned features:

  • Retro-isometric style with plenty of zombie insides thrown in for good measure.
  • A massive city and the surrounding areas to traverse, explore and loot.
  • Open-ended sandbox world – survival is your only goal, and we’re sorry to tell you… you WILL die eventually.
  • Get infected. How will you spend your final days? Will you have a heroic moment of self-sacrifice, or end up chewing your best friend’s throat out?
  • Meet other survivors who you can join forces with, trade with, undertake missions for, or fight with for resources.
  • Loot, salvage, and build what you need to survive the apocalypse, from food and medical supplies, to weapons, even just booze to help get you through the nights.
  • Advanced item crafting allows you to use looted items to build weapons, traps, defenses, and many other things to help you survive.
  • Character progression. Learn skills and perks to help your character face the challenges of survival.
  • Starvation, illness, loneliness, depression, alcoholism, drug addiction, suicide, insanity, trust issues. There’s more to zombie survival than shooting zombie heads off.
  • Join your friends and survive the apocalypse together in co-op multiplayer.
  • The world changes the longer you survive; power plants fail, plunging the city into darkness and making batteries and tinned food prized commodities. The army rolls into the streets to perform ‘clean up operations’ and other gamechanging events occur the longer you survive.
  • Play in your browser, or stand-alone, on PC, Mac and Linux.
  • It will be released Minecraft style, where there will be continual updates adding new features, weapons, game-play and locations.
  • It is available here and there will be a tech demo coming soon.
  • The tech demo will just show a fraction of the planned features and is merely a taste of what is to come. We will continue developing after this point, feasibly for years and years, improving and expanding the game.
Anyway, I've been playing the demo (found here) which right now is the full game as yet anyway, and I gotta say it is a lot of fun. Download it and give it a whirl - you'll enjoy it!

I really like the emphasis that has been put on survival rather than the usual suburban fantasy of "KILL LOTS OF ZOMBYS!!!!" as just meeting your day-to-day needs is a challenge. Which, in all fairness, it probably would be in a zombie apocalypse.

Oh, and if you're planning on making the worthless "HURRRR ZOMBIE GAMES ARE OVER-DONE THERE'S LIKE 4 ZOMBIE GAMES OUT THERE NOW" post that somebody usually makes when there's a zombie game thread, well, don't bother 'cause no-one cares. Go tell your mom instead. And hug her too - I'm sure she'd appreciate it.