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Thread: General Gaming Millionaire!

  1. #1
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    Default General Gaming Millionaire!

    This is an idea that I've had for quite a while. I figured now would be the best time to make it.
    Anyways, I'm not sure if anyone remembers the Final Fantasy and Kingdom hearts millionaires that I started on here(Which, due to my immaturity and such, died to death), but this will be much like those, just with many games from many different series.
    I know that many people would not have played all the games that I might question about, however, so I came up with a great idea! I will list out a bunch of games that I feel I am strong enough in to ask questions about, and the contestant will pick as many games as they'd like out of that list. Now, I'm normally a pretty modest guy, but when I thought of this, I thought "smurf yes! This idea is awesome, I want the world to know!". Anyways, here are the rules and such:

    1. Post when there is no one in the hotseat and the first person to post will be in the hotseat.

    2. When you post to enter the hotseat, pick from the available judges first, then pick the games from that judge's list that you would like to be quizzed on.

    3. When you enter the hotseat, I will ask you multiple choice questions(with 4 possible choices, 1 being correct) from the games that you have selected. These questions will start out almost laughably easy, and gradually increase in difficulty until you reach question 15. Each question answered correctly will be worth a certain amount of points, just like in the game show "Who wants to be a Millionaire".

    4. When a player is in the hotseat, I ask that you keep posting to a minimum, and please, please, PLEASE do not answer questions out of turn. It truly ruins this game, and makes it unfair for everyone else. I'm not asking you to completely stop posting when a player is in the hotseat, but I do ask that you do not be excessive.

    5. You will only be given 24 hours to answer each question. Please only enter if you think you can come on here once a day. If you take over 24 hours to answer yer question, you will be kicked from the hotseat. If you know for a fact that you will not make it back in 24 hours, you may freeze where you are at without losing yer points if, and only if, you tell me when answering the current question, or in the time before I have given you yer new question. yer game will then be put on hold until the next player is finished, and you may resume from right where you left off.

    6. Here is the points table, it is just like the Regis Philbin hosted tv show

    Question 1: 100
    Question 2: 200
    Question 3: 300
    Question 4: 500
    Question 5: 1000
    Question 6: 2000
    Question 7: 4000
    Question 8: 8000
    Question 9: 16000
    Question 10: 32000
    Question 11: 64000
    Question 12: 125000
    Question 13: 250000
    Question 14: 500000
    Question 15: 1000000

    Like in the show, if you answer incorrectly you will be brought back down to yer last milestone, or 0, and kicked from the hotseat. The milestones are at 1000 and 32000. When/if you answer the 1000000 point question correctly, you will be given yer points and will be out of the hotseat, with yer score recorded. You can also, at any time, choose to walk away from yer question, and you will keep the points you have earned. You may then choose to play again after another player has already been in the hotseat. If this game becomes popular enough, the points system as a ranking system could turn out to be very, very fun and competitive.

    7. When you are kicked from the hotseat, either by correctly answering the 1000000 point question, by incorrectly answering any question, or by taking too long to answer, you will have to wait for at least 1 player to enter and leave the hotseat before you can enter again.

    8. Although I have no way to enforce this rule, I wish that, when you play this game, you do not use strategy guides or the internet to help you. You may, however, use the actual game to assist you in answering yer question.

    9. Like the TV show, you will have 3 lifelines: Phone/PM a friend, Ask the Audience, and 50/50, and you will also have New Question, all from the start. When you decide to use a lifeline, I will be nice enough to reset yer 24 hours from when I return, except for PM a Friend, which gives you 36 hours.

    In PM a friend, you will be able to ask for 1 specific person's help. You will tell me the name of this person, and I will PM them, and they will have until yer question is over to post the answer they think is correct in the thread, or tell you that they do not know. Anyone(except me, of course XD) who is willing may be selected for PM a friend. Please note that you will still have to come and post to tell me yer answer, even if yer lifeline friend has answered.

    In Ask the Audience, you will allow the audience to give you the answer that they think is correct. Anyone that sees the thread and wishes to give you their answer may do so, and you may listen to the audience and answer with them or against them or whatever you wish.

    In 50/50, I will eliminate 2 of the 4 possible answers, leaving 1 correct and 1 incorrect.

    In New Question, I will give you a totally new question from a randomly selected game from yer list(it may possible be the same game twice).

    10. Unlike in the show, you do not have to say Final Answer. If you answer, but decide to change yer answer before I come back, you are completely free to.When I come back, whichever answer you have most recently chosen will be the one I accept.

    11. After you have made it to 1000 your first time, you can start from 1000 on any other time you play. This checkpoint doesn't apply to any other question, only 1000.

    I believe that is all the rules that I have to say, if I think of any more I will add them to this post. Now, for the Judge's and their game lists...

    leader of mortals:
    Final Fantasy 7
    Final Fantasy 7: Crisis Core
    Final Fantasy 8
    Final Fantasy 9
    Final Fantasy 10
    Final Fantasy 10-2
    Final Fantasy 12
    Megaman 2
    Megaman 3
    Megaman 4
    Megaman X4
    Megaman X8
    Megaman X: Command Mission
    Megaman Legends 2
    Chrono Trigger
    Radiata Stories
    Dragon Quest 8
    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES
    Arc the Lad: Twilight of the Spirits
    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts 2
    Ratchet and Clank
    Ratchet and Clank: Going Commando
    Ratchet and Clank: Up yer Arsenal
    Ratchet: Deadlocked
    Ratchet and Clank: Size Matters
    Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
    Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas
    Pokemon: LeafGreen/FireRed
    Pokemon: Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    Pokemon: Yellow

    Final Fantasy I
    Final Fantasy II
    Final Fantasy III
    Final Fantasy IV
    Final Fantasy V
    Final Fantasy VI
    Final Fantasy VII
    Final Fantasy VIII
    Final Fantasy IX
    Final Fantasy X
    Final Fantasy X-2
    Final Fantasy XII
    Dissidia Final Fantasy
    Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy
    Final Fantasy Tactics
    Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
    Final Fantasy Tactics A2
    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories (also ReCoM)
    Kingdom Hearts II
    Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days
    Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
    Megaman 1
    Megaman 2
    Megaman 3
    Megaman 4
    Megaman 5
    Megaman 6
    Megaman 7
    Megaman 8
    Megaman 9
    Megaman 10
    Megaman Legends 2
    Pokémon Red/Blue
    Pokémon Yellow
    Pokémon Gold/Silver/Crystal
    Pokémon FireRed/LeafGreen
    Pokémon Ruby/Sapphire/Emerald
    Pokémon Diamond/Pearl/Platinum
    Pokémon Black/White
    Chrono Trigger
    Chrono Cross
    Tales of Symphonia
    Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 FES (Also Portable)

    I know my list of games are kinda recent, and isn't very well spread out, but I don't remember too many games from my old Nes and Genesis days good enough to come up with questions about them. As this game advances/ if it does, I will try to acquire more judges, so we can have a better spread of games.

    Anyways, I think that should be all, sooo.... The first one to post shall be in the hotseat!

    High Scores
    NorthernChaosGod: 1032000
    Del Murder: 32000
    Rantz Rantz Revolution: 32000
    Remon: 32000
    qwertsaur: 2000
    demondude: 1000
    Slayer1514: 1000
    Last edited by leader of mortals; 10-19-2011 at 05:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    My game will be Chrono Trigger.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
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  3. #3
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    You can choose as many games from the list that you want, if you wish, and you can have questions from many different games. I wasn't too clear on that, looking back XD

    Anyways, I'll make your first question from Chrono Trigger. If you wish to add more games to the list, you can do so when you answer.

    For 100...

    What pet does Chrono and his mother own at the beginning of the game?

    A) Dog
    B) Cat
    C) Frog
    D) Snake

  4. #4
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    B) Cat

    Final answer.

    Also upgrade my games to this list then:

    Final Fantasy 7
    Final Fantasy 9
    Final Fantasy 10
    Kingdom Hearts
    Kingdom Hearts 2
    Megaman 3
    Megaman 4
    Chrono Trigger

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  5. #5
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    For 200, from Megaman 3...

    Which of these bosses is NOT in Megaman 3

    A) Splash Woman
    B) Snake Man
    C) Needle Man
    D) Top Man

  6. #6
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    A. Splash Woman

    Final answer.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  7. #7
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    For 300, from Final Fantasy 7...

    Which of these magic attacks is NOT used in this game?

    A) Fire
    B) Ultima
    C) Cure
    D) Fira

  8. #8
    Very VIP person Tech Admin Rantz's Avatar
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    I've missed this game FF9 Millionaire was the first thread I posted in on EoFF! The FFs are the only games I'd be able to answer for though.

  9. #9
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    lol I always loved the absurdity of the early Millionaire questions.

    C. Cure

    Final answer.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  10. #10
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Thinking about this more I may have messed up. I was focused on the word 'attack' and Cure not being an attack I thought it was the obvious answer. But I recall now that Fira was still called 'Fire 2' in the English translation of the game so maybe the question was one of semantics (but I consider Fira and Fire 2 the same spell with the difference only being translation). If the question was 'Which of these magic spells is not used in the game?' or 'Which of these materia are not in the game?' then I would have said D) Fira no doubt.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  11. #11
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    I'm sorry, I should have been more clear. I've just always said attack instead of spells.

    I'm still going to count you as correct, because I realized I forgot a rule. The new rule is...

    10. Unlike in the show, you do not have to say Final Answer. If you answer, but decide to change your answer before I come back, you are completely free to. When I come back, whichever answer you have most recently chosen will be the one I accept.

    So now, for 500, from Kingdom Hearts

    Which of these Keyblades are not in this game?

    A) Kingdom Key
    B) Olympia
    C) Dreamweaver
    D) Three Wishes

  12. #12
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    Well, I'm already stumped, because I don't really remember the names of the keyblades in the game. I think the answer is Dreamweaver but I don't remember if the Olympus keyblade is actually called Olympia.

    On the other hand, I cannot think of which world the Dreamweaver keyblade would come from. It sounds like it would come from the Sleeping Beauty world but that does not appear until KH: BBS.

    In the end, I cannot risk it. So I will take a 50:50 lifeline.

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  13. #13
    Enderof1337 leader of mortals's Avatar
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    Using my super top secret coin flipping technique, you are now left with...

    Which of these Keyblades are not in this game?

    A) Kingdom Key
    C) Dreamweaver

    You now have the Ask the Audience, PM a Friend, and New Question lifelines left.

  14. #14
    Feel the Bern Administrator Del Murder's Avatar
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    C) Dreamweaver!

    Proud to be the Unofficial Secret Illegal Enforcer of Eyes on Final Fantasy!
    When I grow up, I want to go to Bovine Trump University! - Ralph Wiggum

  15. #15
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    *waits for hotseat*

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