After getting lost during the summer in the region of Unova, among other fantasy worlds, (video games are much more enticing when you have no internet for the summer ) I have a stable connection again and feel like doing a playthrough with all of you. Because I'm still in a pokémon mood, I am going to play a pokémon game, but not the usual kind. Together we will be playing a hack of FireRed called Touhoumon Blue version.

There are a few notes about this hack. One is that instead of pokémon you catch and raise various characters from the Touhou Project games. Because the entire pokédex is redone, there are quite a few interesting type combinations to catch, like Electric/Fire or Ghost/Grass for example.

Secondly the type chart is slightly changed, so you can get hit by a weakness that would not exist in the original game, or an attack might not be as effective.

Thirdly several moves are altered, in either name, type, effect or all three. So even though it is a pokémon hack it feels like a different game.

Fourthly almost all Touhoumon are roughly of equal strength (they have close to equal base stat totals), except for legendary and joke Touhoumon. So you can make your team however you want and not have to worry about the strength.

Finally the unique part about Touhoumon Blue is that there are almost no barriers that prevent sequence breaking. You can go to Mount moon before beating Brock, and the only limits to your movement that I know of are Viridian Gym and Victory Road can't be entered until you satisfy the normal conditions. (I'm not sure about Saffron City, you might still need to clear Silph co before taking on Sabrina)

So lets begin with how I will start this. (I am being lazy about this post with screenshots, next time there will be actual screenshots instead of just the sprites ) For those who have no idea what Touhou Project is, it's a series of bullet hell shoot em ups where little girls rain pretty colorful patterns of death upon each other, all made by one drunkard named ZUN. They are really fun to play and the music is amazing to listen too, so you don't mind dying a lot while figuring out how to dodge the various patterns. I'll give a brief explanation of each character as they appear. Feel free to ask more if you want a more detailed explanation.

Am I a tomboyish girl?

Or a feminine Girl? (note to self, make the background of these two images transparent when I get home)

And which little girl will I take from the creepy old professor who studies little girls for a living

We can choose from...

A) cReimu the Tiny Miko Touhoumon.

She is a Normal type, later becomes Normal/Flying and leans a good variety of attack moves. Also the most balanced starter. Reimu is the main character of the games, naturally talented but very lazy. whenever there is something going on, she will beat up whoever she finds and eventually find the cause of the incident, beat her up as well then have a tea party with her. (what the plot boils down to for the majority of the games) Her ability is the power to fly.

B) cMarisa the White-Black Touhoumon

she is an Electric type, later becoming Electric/Fire and makes a good special sweeper. Also she has the ability pickup, so she can be a very good source of money early in the game. The other main character, she meets Reimu's talent with a lot of hard work. A human magician, her magic focuses a lot on Light and Stars, with her signature attack being her Master Spark. (A huge laser) She also has a habit of stealing things claiming she is only borrowing them.

or finally
C) cSakuya the Tiny Maid Touhoumon

she is an Ice type, later to become Ice/Steel and has several attacks that can freeze the opponent, as well as the best defense of the three starters. A mysterious human maid who works in the Scarlet Devil Mansion, (more info on that later) where she serves her master without any question. Sakuya has the ability to manipulate time at will, usually she stops time to position her knives. Also a homage to Dio Brande from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure

So please tell me my "gender" and which little girl I will take on my journey.