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Thread: Create your own FFV jobs

  1. #1

    Post Create your own FFV jobs

    Did you ever think of a job in FFV that you thought would be really awsome, different, or completely stupid? If you have, then please post them here along with all the information about it. It may be waste of time, but someday you might find that job in the next FF (If it has a job system). Hopefully it will be. Heres whats needed (for an FFV job):

    Second Slot: (i.e: Ninjas Throw, Monks Kick)
    Equipable weapons and armor:
    Learned skills: ABP needed:
    Costume: (not needed)
    Brief or long description:

    If it's a Magic user than you might need to make the magic too.

  2. #2
    Unmasked! Bloodstone's Avatar
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    A little moogle stole my mask.


    Second Slot: Suck (more powerful than the black magic Drain)
    Equipable weapons and armor: Swords, dagger, light armor
    Learned skills:
    1. !Transform (turns into a bat, increases evade and Suck but lowers HP)
    2. Undead (passive, absorbs shadow damage but is damaged by curative spells)
    3. Levitate (passive, Float status)
    4. !MP Suck (more powerful than the black magic Osmose)
    5. !Swarm (tranforms momentarily to hundreds of little bats and causes physical damage to enemy)
    6. !Vanish (invisible mode, evade up to the max but gets very weak against magic attack)
    7. !Contaminate (makes enemies undead)
    8. Stone Skin (passive, increases physical defense)

  3. #3


    Second Slot: BioBlast - See below
    Equipable weapons and armor: Guns, Daggers, Heavy Armor, Heavy Helmets

    Learned Skills: ABP Needed
    1. !Inject - 15 - Uses items on enemies with opposite affect (i.e Soft turns enemy to stone)
    2. !BioBlast - 50 - Shoots all enemies with poisenous gas
    3. !Pure - 100 - Cures ally of poisen and zombie, revives 1/4 Hp
    4. !PoisenBomb - 150 - Bombs one enemy for massive poisenous damage
    5. Equip Guns - 300 - Ability to equip guns

    Costume: A astronaut like helmet with a grey metalic suit and black gloved hands

    Description: High attack power, medium-high defence, good skills, low speed, low agility, medium inteligence, useful for bug like enemies.

  4. #4
    Sanity_XIV's Avatar
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    Truce Village, Chrono Trigger


    Name: Racer
    Second Slot: Run (Speed Increase, Evade Increase)
    Equipable weapons and armor: Daggers, Gloves, Shields, Ninja-type armor..
    Learned skills: ABP needed:
    1. !Run (10 ABP) (See Above)
    2. !Flash (30 ABP) (Do small amount of holy damage)
    3. Speed 10% up (100 ABP) (Duh, Increase Speed 10%)
    4. !Confuse (150 ABP) (Confuse enemy plus do physical damage)
    5. Speed 30% up (230 ABP) (Speed 30% Up)
    6. Equip Gloves (400 ABP) (Equip Gloves)
    Costume: (not needed)
    Brief or long description: High speed, Medium defense, High HP, Low MGdefense.
    We're from way after the day after tomorow.
    Lucca (to Ayla), Chrono Trigger
    Escape from a world of illusions... Hmph... I wonder which is better.
    Vincent, Final Fantasy VII

  5. #5
    *Feels sleepy...* Lord Nathor's Avatar
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    Grin New job...

    Name: Necromancer
    Second Slot: Undead
    Equipable weapons and armor: Same as black mage
    Learned skills:
    1. Dark (10ABP) Blinds target (no MP use)

    2. DarkMagic (40ABP) Sacrifice 20% of max MPS to inflict an amount of damages equal to the half of current HPS of the target (miss moderatly, use MPS even if misses)

    3. Undead (100ABP) Undead (same as the second slot command)

    4. RageDead (250ABP) Undeads turn berserk against ennemies

    Costume: Black suited character with scar on the eye.

    Brief or long description: ???

    I forgot the description last time...

    Vigor : normal ;
    Stamina : -10% ;
    Magic : +20% ;
    Speed : -10% .

    Weak VS Holy power ;
    Strong VS Poison ;
    Protected against dark, poisonned and zombie status.

    Hp and Mp as bare.

    Edit by Kishi: Do not double-post, and definitely do not triple-post. If you forgot something, just use the "edit/delete" button to add to your original post.
    Sleeping is to recover... I haven't slept since wednesday morning... Now 08:26 2003-02-28 (GMT -5:00), Friday 28

  6. #6
    Shinko Tenshu


    Name - Angel or Demigod
    Second Slot - White or Full Revive (fully revives all characters)
    Equipable weapons and armor - Swords, Harps, Shields Ribbons.
    Learned Skills -
    1. !Heal - 15 ABP (allow another class to heal any status ailments)
    2. !Cure - 30 ABP (allow another class to cure 1 party member, equivilent to cure 2)
    3. !Full cure 60 ABP (duh!)
    4.!Full Revive 150 ABP (allow another class to fully revive 1 party member)
    5. Equip any weapon/armor/helmet 300 ABP (allow another class to equip any weapon/armor/helmet)
    6. +MP 30% 450 ABP (obvious)

    Costume - white robes, angel wings, halo,

    This class will be absorb holy, and is weak against black magic.

  7. #7


    Second slot: Recharge (casts regen which heals MP and HP slowly)
    Equip: Shields, daggers, ribbon, rods

    !Morph (20ABP) morph into a random character/foe
    !R.effect (40ABP) casts a random side effect on a foe
    !R.status (60ABP) casts a random status spell on an ally
    !recharge (200ABP) see above
    !X-random (500ABP) uses a random spell/summon twice
    !random (999ABP) uses a random curative item for free

    this class has random weaknesses..

    cool huh?

  8. #8
    Lung Tai Yang's Avatar
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    Basking in my bishie-ness


    Name: Techno Geek
    Special Skill: Cheat Code (gives random stat bonuses and HP/MP gains during battle, extra Gil and XP after battle)

    Second Slot: Otaku (has a higher chance of collecting special items from monsters after battle...techno geeks tend to be avid collectors after all)

    Equip: Laptops (left hand), mice (right hand), glasses (accessory), and flannel (armor)

    1. !Click (all Techno Geek abilities are already learned since you'll only get this job class after entering a 99-digit cheat code with no mistakes on the first try. If you fail, you'll have to restart your game... ) - Click enemy to do random damage.
    2. !Porn - Download porn into your laptop and use it to distract the enemy for three turns.
    3. !Shark - An activated Gameshark(tm) literally unleashes a shark to bite the the enemy's butt (best used after !Porn).
    4. !Code - alters own code to morph into any character/character class from other Final Fantasy games.
    5. !Cheat - sacrifice own life to revitalize party members, but only to rise again (without phoenix downs, etc.) after a turn.
    6. !Geek - summon other geeks to bombard the enemy with all kinds of status-inflicting virus.
    7. !Gear - calls upon a futuristic mecha suit to give invulnerability and maximum attack power for 5 turns (the Gears from Xenogears make their cameo appearaces here). The more Gear passwords you find, the more kinds of Gear you can call upon!
    8. !Hack - the most powerful ability ever! Hacks into the enemy's (including bosses) genetic coding and tweaks a stat to your liking (wanna give the final boss 1 Hp? This skill will make it possible!) Special note: Can only be used once per enemy type (I.E. If you !Hack, let's say, a Goblin's Hp into maximum, then you cannot alter the stat ofthe next Goblin you encounter...all Goblins will appear with Max Hp for the rest of the game!).

    Costume: Just imagine a pixelated version of Dexter (from Dexter's lab) and you got the almighty Techno Geek!

    Description: No actual stats, except for Hp and Mp of your strongest character (stat gains occur only in battle and remain pemanent for that battle...once it ends, stats are reset. Don't worry tough, stat gains are made in pretty large increments. And since Techno geeks don't have Speed Stat at the start of the battle, they will aways attack last unti they gain enough stats to attack first/second/third/etc.)
    Last edited by Lung Tai Yang; 05-13-2002 at 10:08 PM.

    I am Gackt's exotic look!
    Which Gackt hairstyle are you most like?

    yet another crazy Gackt quiz
    by mcvarmazi

  9. #9


    Name: Paladin
    Second Slot: Sacrifice (see below)
    Equipment: Corona (Same as Ribbon but immune to Countdown), Force Armor (From FFVI), Paladin Shield (from FFVI), Twelve Legendary Sealed Weapons, Cursed Ring

    1. Sacrifice-Remove from battle to completely restore party (100 ABP)
    2. Holy Shield-Casts Wall, Shell and Armor on the party for one minute, can only be used once per battle (200 ABP)
    3. Exorcism-Undead enemies become weak to Sacred Power, are no longer undead, and gain non-removable Regen status (300 ABP)
    4. Equip Sealed Weapon-Non-Paladin can equip all twelve Sealed Weapons (400 ABP)

    Paladin becomes available after breaking all twelve Seals in the Sealed Castle of Kuzar.

    Paladin Shield, Force Armor, and Corona are acquired after breaking all twelve Seals in the Sealed Castle of Kuzar.

    Only Paladins can equip Force Armor, Corona, and Paladin Shield (not even Normals and Mimics can).

    Like Mimic, a Paladin has all status bonuses from other mastered jobs as well as most passive abilities.

    Paladin will be affected by all status-changing spells 100% of the time he is hit with them unless wearing the Corona.

    Mastering the Paladin class gives a bonus of 20 strength and 15 vitality.

    Paladin does double damage when wielding the Sealed Weapon Excalibur.

  10. #10


    Name: Harlequin
    Second Slot: Juggle
    Equipment: Juggling balls, darts, cards
    1. Juggle-Does Random Dammage ( LEvel * consecutive D-pad rotations (MAx of 5) (100 ABP)
    2. Gamble- (Level* maximum number of MP) (200 ABP)
    3. Slot - Same as Setzer (Random attacks) (300 ABP)
    4. Equip balls, cards, darts (400 ABP)

  11. #11
    *permanent smite* Spuuky's Avatar
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    Hell, eventually.


    Originally posted by Bloodstone
    2. Undead (passive, absorbs shadow damage but is damaged by curative spells)
    Passive undead = bad. That would mean that the Bare class was also undead.

  12. #12
    Let's see what happens... DCI Superfan's Avatar
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    Name: Dark Knight
    Second Slot: !Unholy (Unholy Sword skills)
    Equipment: Swords, armor, etc. Knight-type stuff, as well as some dark swords. (shadow, hades, and the like)

    1) 25 ABP - !DCover (Dark Cover) Forces an ally to take ~60% of your hits when you're Near Fatal

    2) 50 ABP - !DWave (Dark Wave) Cecil's Dark Wave attack from FF4

    3) 100 ABP - Rage (passive, but only active when equipped) Halves HP, decreases accuracy, but allows two attacks/turn with increased damage

    4) 150 ABP - EqDSwd (Equip Dark Sword) Some swords should be dark, or evil-aligned, thus only equippable by the Dark Knight.

    5) 350 ABP - !Unholy (Unholy Sword) Allows usage of unholy sword skills. (Will post skills later)

    6) 700 ABP - !Cleave (Similar to Cyan's Cleave) Attempts to auto-kill all enemies on the screen. If it misses, it does damage equal to a physical attack.

    That's about it... now to come up with some sword skills.

    DCI Forever!!

  13. #13
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Physical attacks cure not harm
    Second Slot: !Passive - makes all enemies not want to attack anyone

    Learned skills:
    1. Tree Hug (Increase attack and therefore curing power)
    2. Peace Man! (increases evade rate)
    3. !Herbal Remedy (cures party to full status)
    4. !Acid Trip(like a Malboros bad breath - inflicts about a bajillion status effects)
    5. !Passive(as above)
    6. !Hair Attack(only time hippy can attack is with this powerful attack using the nits and things that live in their hair)

    You wanna know how Hippies dress? christ just look @ woodstock.There ya go.

  14. #14


    Is it possible for someone to make a hack for FF5 (an FF5 editor like the FF4 editor out that edits character classes, party, stats, etc.) and let users' creativity run?
    skin the sun
    fall asleep
    wish away
    the soul is cheap
    lesson learned
    wish me luck
    soothe the burn
    wake me up

  15. #15
    *Feels sleepy...* Lord Nathor's Avatar
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    I heard there is one.
    Gotta find it!
    Sleeping is to recover... I haven't slept since wednesday morning... Now 08:26 2003-02-28 (GMT -5:00), Friday 28

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