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Thread: Iconic scenes/movies you dont get

  1. #31
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    I thought Napoleon Dynamite was okay. I mean, I didn't get the massive hype, but I got a few chuckles out of it.

    E.T. I didn't like very much as a little kid, but I thought it was okay when I watched it as a teenager.

  2. #32


    Why is Superbad so hyped?

    It's not that hype, honestly.

    Oh, and the Blair Witch Project was so awesome because back when it was made, the movie was 100% true under the assumption of the viewers.

    Not many American movies were like it at the time, so it got big. Now when we re-use the same formula, it falls short because it's old and tired.

  3. #33
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kokichi View Post
    Why is Superbad so hyped?
    Because it was funny.

    [jiro]Fix'd yer smiley brah - J[/jiro]

  4. #34
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    In all the excitement about Supes I got distracted from the main thrust of this thread, which is to defend The Lord of the Rings as one of the most truly epic pieces of anything ever. In 5000AD they will say "Six thousand years ago was The Epic of Gilgamesh. Three thousand years ago was The Lord of the Rings." No I am not going to stand by and take this from Steph OR Wesley, the books are the height of the art. It isn't just the ur-example of what high fantasy should be, it is pretty close to the ur-example for all epics. The only people who have done it better are Apollonius Rhodius, Homer, et al. The sheer scope of detail, the depth of the whole thing, the impossible scale of it. I like world-building, I do it whenever I write to an obsessive, even counterproductive degree, and I cannot begin to fathom coming close to Tolkein's work. The writing itself isn't the snappiest ever put to paper, granted, but it's a very long way from bad. As far as the Shire from Mt. Doom, in fact

    Also the movies are yeah the same thing but for movies. Peter Jackson made the most epic of epics ever made and if you don't consider the consecutive releases of each one to be defining events around Christmas in your youth you are just... poo.

    PS: Darling, we're naming the child Þorinn Eikinskjaldi if it's a boy and Éowyn if a girl.
    Last edited by Madame Adequate; 10-20-2011 at 12:49 AM.

  5. #35
    Happiness Hurricane!! Pike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by I'm my own MILF View Post
    and if you don't consider the consecutive releases of each one to be defining events around Christmas in your youth you are just... poo.
    They remind me of college, not my youth. That and the Matrix trilogy are what defined college for me. xD (Well, the second two Matrix movies, anyway. The first happened when I was still in high school.)

    P.S. I haven't read the LotR trilogy. But I liked the Hobbit.

  6. #36
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pike View Post
    P.S. I haven't read the LotR trilogy.

  7. #37
    Eggstreme Wheelie Recognized Member Jiro's Avatar
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    I'm going to have to temp ban her until she has read them guys.

    MILF has posted the truest truth ever seen on this forum.

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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jiro View Post
    I'm going to have to temp ban her until she has read them guys.
    Don't say that because MILF is going to think it's hilarious and won't shut up until you actually do it

    And then I'll never see you guys again because I am a slow reader

  9. #39
    Ghost 'n' Stuff NorthernChaosGod's Avatar
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    Now I feel bad. Even if I think you have to read them.

  10. #40
    Proudly Loathsome ;) DMKA's Avatar
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    Superbad, The 40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, and all the other comedies by that group of Jewish dudes just do nothing for me, but everyone I know worships those movies as the best comedies every produced.

    The entire Star Trek universe bores me, but I loved the new J.J. Abrams film, which makes me part of the problem, I've been told.

    The Star Wars films are good but I just don't see why people obsess over them. They aren't that good.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket Edge
    And this. I just don't find the movie funny at all but everyone else I know thinks it's pure comic gold.
    I like Kung-Fu.

  11. #41
     Master of the Fork Cid's Knight Freya's Avatar
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    The LOTR books are boring as hell. And I am always reading. I have several bookcases in my room that are full. And those books were just... boring to me. I like the movies but the books ugh. Did you know that he never used any words like "commented,"" or "Whispered" when writign dialogue. He only ever used "said". That bores me. he said, she said, they said etc boringggg

    The Hangover. I didn't find it as funny as everyone made it out to be. It had some good chuckles here and there but I wasn't laughing constantly like everyone hyped it to be.

  12. #42
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    Lord of the Rings suxx.

    Nah. Its ok. I think MILF might have confused it for something that deserves such praise...

    If you don't like Star Wars, Star Wars doesn't like you; which is a big deal. Matter of fact, Star Wars > LotR.

    Back to the topic...ANYTHING Micheal Bay blows donkey turds. The Watchmen adaptation was garbage. And The Dark Knight IS good... But not nearly as much so as everyone says (Jack did a better Joker in the original Michael Kieton(sp?) Batman film).

    The biggest sin EVER, in the history of all film... is the King Kong remake. 2 and a half hours of a combination of "what the smurf?" and "are you smurfing kidding me?". It takes a lot for me to walk out on a movie (I saw the entirety of Ghosts of Mars, AND ENJOYED IT), but the garbage that is King Kong was just the right combination of suck for me to not be able to finish. I tried REALLY HARD to finish, and enjoy it on several recommendations promising me a stellar movie experience... Lying smurfs.

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by Freya View Post
    The LOTR books are boring as hell. And I am always reading. I have several bookcases in my room that are full. And those books were just... boring to me. I like the movies but the books ugh. Did you know that he never used any words like "commented,"" or "Whispered" when writign dialogue. He only ever used "said". That bores me. he said, she said, they said etc boringggg

    The Hangover. I didn't find it as funny as everyone made it out to be. It had some good chuckles here and there but I wasn't laughing constantly like everyone hyped it to be.
    >creates entire world
    >doesn't like use of "said"

  14. #44
    Huh? Flower?! What the hell?! Administrator Psychotic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Old Manus View Post
    I never saw what was so great about the 'Tears in Rain' speech at the end of Blade Runner. It felt like a bit of an anticlimax when he just sort of keeled over at the end of it.
    Was coming here to post this. I've seen jarjaflubes splunching on my mum's soapy belly. I've watched mongolians vomit on a sofa made of purest jade. None of what he is smurfing saying makes any sense. Look, it's cool sounding and all but it's totally smurfing irrelevant. It's gibberish. I fell asleep halfway through Blade Runner.

    Also, LotR, as a piece of literature, is not good from a technical standpoint. From a plot standpoint it is second to none. The end. ...I'd like someone to rewrite it though. That'd be interesting. They'd be smurfing hated by everyone for it, but it'd be interesting. The movies were fantastic although there are some bits (Gimli being the comedy bumbling sidekick for one) that made me cringe a little.

    Also also, Napoleon Dynamite had one (1) good line ("your mom goes to college") and the rest was just "hey look, isn't being socially awkward funny?"

  15. #45
    absolutely haram Recognized Member Madame Adequate's Avatar
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    You are worse than Steve.

    (For the Blade Runner thing that is.)

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